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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Music in my Kitchen

I pretty much always have music on when I cook. 99% of the time. Sometimes, it's too noisy even to have music on. Well, it's noisy ALL the time here, with four kids, kid's friends, and a zoo of pets, but sometimes, I need any quiet I can get, hehe.

What am I currently listening to every single day? Across the Universe. I just can't get enough of it! It's funny, because I've never been a Beatles fan. Ever. But I really wanted to see the movie, and I just fell in love. I fell in love with the characters, the story, and the music. I'm hooked. Even though I'm on a new lap top, and it has crap speakers (wtf?! gotta take care of that, soon!), it still sounds great.

Go to Amazon and give it a listen. It's really good.

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Jessy and her dog Winnie said...

That does sound pretty good!

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