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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holiday Baking, Week 2 : Sea Salted Smoked Almond Bark

This one is always a favorite! It has two major things going for it. Well, three. It's incredibly easy to make, with just three ingredients. It has that wonderful sweet/salty combination of flavors, and ladies, you all know how that hits the spot, right? And it tastes fabulous! It also looks pretty on holiday trays. And a bonus--your non-cooking friends will be amazed that you made them chocolate bark, hehe.

This one is from Nestle, but I like to use Ghirardelli bars. Whichever you choose, just make sure it's a good chocolate. Since there are only three ingredients in this recipe, each one of them stands out.

I know some of you probably don't like smoked almonds, and even of you do, you can only eat so much of them, right? But combined with the chocolate and the salt? The smokiness totally mellows out and makes this one a winning chocolate bark.

Who doesn't love smoky nuts??

So let's get to this (un)complicated recipe, ok? The actual recipe name is more complicated than the recipe itself! Oh! I always double this. It's so easy, so why not? One piece for you, one-two pieces for me. Two pieces for you, one-two-three pieces for me...hehehe. Takes me back to my Bugs Bunny watching days. (Like....last weekend...)

Sea Salted Smoked Almond Chocolate Bark

Long list of ingredients:

-8 oz. Nestle Chocolatier 53% Cacao Dark Chocolate Baking Bar, broken into pieces (OR your favorite dark chocolate--not too bittersweet because you want some sweetness to balance out the salt and smoked almonds)
-1/2 cup smoked-flavored almonds, coarsely chopped, divided (but I use more)**
-1/8 teaspoon sea salt (preferably large crystal) (I also use more than this)**

**Eyeball these two, ok? If you think you want more nuts, go for it. And the salt--1/8 tsp? Who are they kidding? I like some in every single bite, so I sprinkle some all over, I don't measure it--but it's more than a skimpy 1/8 tsp.

Extremely complicated directions:

Line 8-inch baking pan with parchment or wax paper.
Microwave the chocolate in uncovered, microwave-safe bowl on high for 1 minute, then stir. The chocolate may keep some of it's shape. If necessary, microwave at additional 10- to 15-second intervals, stirring just until smooth.
Stir in 1/4 cup almonds.
Pour into the lined pan.
Sprinkle with remaining almonds.
Tap pan several times to spread the chocolate and settle the nuts.
Sprinkle with sea salt.

Refrigerate for about 1 hour or until firm.
Break into pieces.
Store in air-tight container at room temperature.

See? Wasn't that easy? And just wait till you taste it.

Sea Salted Smoked Almond Chocolate Bark

This one is always a favorite! It has two major ...

See Sea Salted Smoked Almond Chocolate Bark on Key Ingredient.

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Mrs Ergül said... 1

I love chocolate with nuts!! This looks great Elle!

Shelby said... 2

Elle I am so going to make this. Double thumbs up!

P.S. I need to know how you are numbering your comments....

Adam said... 3

Wait, you lost me between the melting of the chocolate and the eating... just kidding :)

Chocolate bark is very easy and tasty. I've never though to add salt to it to get the sweet/salty brothers thing going, so I like it :)

LizNoVeggieGirl said... 4

That bark just became a favorite of mine as well!! :0)

Anonymous said... 5

sounds great for the holidays!

Deeba PAB said... 6

WOW is that it?...Fab! What a great piece of chocolate this is! YUM YUM YUM!! Do you think a bitta chili might go with this too?

Anonymous said... 7

Wow, this looks great! Thanks!

a.k.a. The Hungry Mouse

Elle said... 8

Passionate, yes! My husband and I were just talking about doing that next time. yum!

Thanks, everyone!

Ingrid_3Bs said... 9

Ha-ha! I loved how you gave the recipe! I don't like smoked almonds but somehow my Honey accidentally picked a can of them when "helping" me. Now I have a recipe to hide them....THANKS!

Jersey Girl Cooks said... 10

I am loving your holiday posts.

Bob said... 11

I never thought to combine smoked almonds with chocolate. Sounds awesome though, great post.

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said... 12

I love to make holiday bark - I make it every year for gifts - This year will make more than normal due to the economy. My favorite combo is white chocolate with almonds and cranberries. It is very festive and tastes great.

Anonymous said... 13

That sounds absolutely fabulous. You should change the last line to read: SIT DOWN AND EAT THE WHOLE THING!

Deborah said... 14

What an interesting recipe! I would have never thought to combine the smoked almonds with something sweet - but now I really need to try some!!

Rhyleysgranny said... 15

Oh this looks so good. Very different. I think I would like the flavour combo very much

Pam said... 16

It looks so delicious Elle. I love smoked almonds so this is sounding really good.

Anonymous said... 17

Yummy and so easy! Thanks for getting me started on my holiday baking.

Jessica said... 18

I don't think that I'll have to look for any recipes for holiday baking, since you've come up with some seriously yummy ones...I can't wait to see what else you make!

Bunny said... 19

These look great Elle and who doesn't like easy chocolate anything! You are soooo way ahead of me already thinking about holiday baking!

Annie said... 20

Love it. I would be totally satisfied with that in my stocking!

Anonymous said... 21

I have to make this this year, Elle! What the hell have I been waiting for???

grace said... 22

the deliciousness that is the combination of salt and chocolate never ceases to surprise me. it really is sensational. although it goes without saying, awesome candy. :)

Carol said... 23

Sweet and salty-what's not to love in this? That's some beautiful looking candy!!!!

Jessy and her dog Winnie said... 24

That looks amazing!

MrOrph said... 25

This looks great! The heck with peanut brittle, I want this!

Anonymous said... 26

Love the salt..choc and salt really go well and enhance the flavor. Thank you!

Sophie said... 27

I really like this holiday theme! Salt and chocolate = yum! :)

Lo said... 28

I'm a huge fan of the sweet/salty combination -- and this looks amazing. Reminds me of a chocolate bar Vsoges chocolate company (in Chicago) makes with smoked almonds... to die for!

test it comm said... 29

I really like the sound of the salt and chocolate combo!

Veronica said... 30

I love salt and chocolate together...very pretty pictures!

LyB said... 31

Smoky nuts and chocolate? I am so there! Looks fantastic! :)

vanillasugarblog said... 32

I am so glad that salt and chocolate have caught on and become pretty much 'the norm' now. I remember when it was first around and people would turn their noses up at it.
And yes, sea salt is best. I love this...and want to make this for holiday gift treats.

hungryandfrozen said... 33

You've sold me...this looks so pretty and sounds delicious! :) I've actually never heard of smoked almonds before. Must look them up!

Melanie Sheridan said... 34

I was at a food and wine tasting party recently and had a chocolate dessert with salted caramel sauce and Starbucks now has a Salted Caramel hot chocolate. Not really related to this but I think it's interesting how salt and sweet and becoming more popular.

RecipeGirl said... 35

yUMMY! I usually do a couple of kinds of barks per season so this is a good reference. I can't believe you've started holiday baking already. I thought I was nuts.

Anonymous said... 36

Oh this looks great! Typically I make peppermint bark for the holidays, but I may have to change it up a bit =)

My Yummy Life

Rachelle S said... 37

Ohhhh my absolute favorite! Chocolate and almonds. I see you have that packaged in a cute little red box, ready to me? ;)

Michelle said... 38

Oh my! I am a huge fan of smoked almonds, and salty/sweet goodies are fabulous! I think these will be perfect to go on the holiday cookie and candy trays I hand out to friends every year. And maybe keep some for myself... ;-)

Shari said... 39

Those look so wonderful to give away for Christmas!

Garrett said... 40

YUM! It scares me a little that you're starting holiday baking already though. It reminds me that in a month or so, I'll have to start cranking out fudges and cookies for Christmas/New Years gatherings. Some barks might make it to the list now, too.

giz said... 41

The bark is spectacular - what a great gift from the kitchen

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