Tuesday, November 18, 2008

100th Post, Top 10 from the First 100, and a Giveaway!

Hi everyone! It's been a while, right? Not only have I been busy, but also not making too much that's post-worthy, and had a hard drive crash last week didn't help one tiny bit. I lost all of my bookmarks, all of my RSS feed subscriptions, and...AND...this one breaks my heart the most... every single one of the photos that I'd uploaded from my camera, but not edited yet. Including all of my fall foliage ones from this fall, and some food photos. My laptop had to revert back to factory settings. ugh. I've taken steps (well, actually, my husband did) so that this never happens to me again. Three times is three too many.

Sigh. Onward and forward.

It's my 100th post! I never thought when I started this blog that anyone except my friends would read it. I know, everyone says that, right? But it's true! And Feedburner tells me that I just got my 101st subscriber, so that's also very cool. Thanks, subscribers, and anyone and everyone else that reads my blog. You are all the best!

I'm going to recap my top 10 viewed posts, according to Google Analytics. Some you may have already seen, and some may be new to a few of you. So here we go, and stay tuned to the end of the post for the giveaway!

The Countdown:


Sesame Chicken and Noodles

I'll probably say this about every one in the top 10, but this is one of our favorites! Easy and not too bad for you, from Cooking Light.


This one has two recipes in it, Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread and Skillet Smashed Potatoes.

Now, I love the bread, but those potatoes? I'd crawl through three feet of cold snow for some of those potatoes. They're that good.


Raspberry Lime Yogurt Pound Cake

Those of you that have been following me for a while know all about my obsession with raspberry and lime together. Still obsessed!


American Chop Suey

I dug back into my childhood for this one, for the Tastes to Remember event. My mom made this for us all the time. We loved it, and my kids do, too. Make a kid happy today! And you, too, because it's so easy!


Peanut Butter Pretzel Cookies

A recent post--my last one, in fact! We really loved these. My husband said these were the best cookies I've ever made, and I've made a lot. (Haven't we all?) Mmmm, cookies!


Pita Bread

One of the nicest doughs to work with, and just so delicious! Fill them with your favorites. We loved them with chicken salad and burgers. Or hot from the oven, and slathered--yes, slathered with butter.


Oven Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

Ah, the humble potato. Humble, yes, but this one tuber evokes such emotion in so many of us, doesn't it? Fried, baked, roasted, mashed, covered in cheese, dipped in ketchup--whatever you do to them, they're delicious!


Mango Buffalo Wings with Mango Lime Cream Dipping Sauce

I won the Royal Foodie Joust for May with this recipe--my first entry in the contest, ever. That was fun! And the wings are oven baked, not fried. And so good!


Elfin Shortbread Cookies

The first recipe in my Holiday Baking Series. So simple and so cute, they make a great addition to your holiday treats.

And finally, #1!

Amazing Oven Fried Chicken

Another ridiculously easy family favorite. Great hot out of the oven, and also cold leftovers--think picnic food! Though, for some of us, we'll have to wait till Spring for thinking about picnics. Brrr!

And that's my Top 10, according to Google. Now, more importantly, the giveaway!

To celebrate my 100th post, and to give something back to all of you guys, I'm giving away a copy of Ina Garten's new book, Back To Basics. I don't even have a copy for myself yet, but this book has such great reviews! I love Ina. She can make anything look simple, can't she? And her recipes are always wonderful. I've had no failures yet from her.

To enter, just leave a comment on this post. On Tuesday, December 9th, I'll randomly choose a winner. Gah, that's so close to Christmas, isn't it? Yikes! Anyway, good luck, and as always, thanks for reading!


  1. Congratulations! I hadn't seen some of those Top 10 recipes before, and I'm going to have to try a couple. I still plan to do those shortbread -- they'll be good for Christmas.


    wibble (@) bellsouth dot net

  2. What a great recap of your posts! Congrats on making it to 100 and in such a wonderful and delicious way!


  3. I loved that you recapped your top 10. There were 1 or 2 I had missed!!! I want that book...pick me, pick me!!!

  4. Congrats on 100 posts! And the shortbread look so festive!

  5. Those shortbread cookies are on my 'to do' list.

    And I love Ina. She's my hero.


  6. Excellent job! Keep up the good work! I'm about to reach my 100th post as well, I might do something similar, thanks for the idea and I hope I win!

  7. Congrats on the big 100! Those sesame rice noodles look so tasty. I can see why its on the top 10. Love Ina. Hope I win. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  8. Congrats on the 100th milestone. I have only made 2 of the 10 so far, but that will soon be fixed.

  9. Computers can sure cause headaches and heartaches, can't they??? Congrats on making it to 100- I love your blog and always look forward to a new post. I'm totally making those little shortbread cookies this year. It's in my Christmas baking pile :)

    Love the cookbook! I don't have it yet, but I'm hoping... There's a giveaway on my blog today too so be sure to check it out!

  10. Well, happy 100, that cookbook looks great!

    I think my favourite of those must be the little elfin shortbreads. Very cute.

  11. I'm with you - those smashed potatoes make my mouth water! Congrats on your 100th post (and your 101st subscriber)!


  12. Congrats! I keep meaning to make that fried chicken...yummy! :)

  13. What a great way to reintroduce some of your older posts! I love that idea. Plus I get to see what I've missed since I'm such a rotten visitor at times. Loving the smashed tatties, and the peanut-buttah pretzel cookies, and...hahaha! Sorry to hear about your hard drive crash. I have a separate hard drive specifically for music and photos. Losing everything once is too much for me -- non-replaceable photos of our trip to the UK two years ago. Photos of my son in younger years...UGH.

  14. Congratulations on your milestone! I am just going to have to try those pretzel cookies! They sound wonderful!

  15. Me me me! I never win anything!
    (And mega-congrats on your 100th post, you sexy thang! Rawr!)

  16. Congratulations on your 100th post Elle! Ina is my hero so I'd love to have a copy of her new book.

    PS: I'd love some more Corgi updates ;)

  17. Congratulations on 100 great posts! I've been trying to resist buying the new Barefoot Contessa cookbook . . . I look at it on Amazon every day!

  18. Congrats on your 100! Love the recap. Those pretzel cookies, yum!

  19. Congrats! Love all the recipes so keep on blogging!


  21. Congrats on the posts! Yum, I really want to make those elfin shortbread cookies!

  22. congrats! All of those recipes look delicious! Esp the buffalo wings.

  23. Congratulations on your 100th post!! Looking at that top 10 makes me droowl.... I couldn't pick a favourite if my live depended on it!

  24. the sesame noodles are my favorite out of your top 10. I could eat sesame noodles most every day for lunch...wait...I do eat them all the time for lunch! :-)
    Great to see you posting!

  25. your recipes are always great! can't wait to try some of these.

  26. Congrats! Love your top 10!

  27. Hi Elle,
    I found your blog from the Group Recipe site. I have been hooked from that day on! Thanks for all your wonderful pictures and recipes. I look forward to your posts.
    I would like to be considered for your giveaway.


  28. I love your top 10 and congratulations on No# 100 what a great accomplishment - As for the book my kitchen is a Barefoot Contessa Kitchen and her new cookbook would play well with the others that I have of hers!!

    Cheers and Yippee for you - Looking forward to the next 100 posts {{drooling}}

  29. Congrats! Love the top 10! The pita bread was one of my favorite recipes. I'd love to try the #1 as well.

    Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. Definitely a bummer.

  30. I feel like i have to win, since the giveaway date is my birtday! But truly, I love the site and congrats on reaching 100.

  31. oh my gosh! each of these recipes looks amazing! i'm especially excited about trying the skillet smashed potatoes. i love your blog! and i'd love to win the cookbook. :)

  32. How horrible that you lost your pictures - that has happened to me before. I have those shortbread cookies on my list for this Christmas to give out. mmm. I would love to win Ina's new book, I have yet to purchase it.

  33. Congrats! That oven baked fried chicken looks great! I'll have to try it!


  34. Smashed taters = to die for!!

    Congrats Elle! And thank you for the giveaway...can't have too many cook books!

  35. Wow, congrats on your 100th post! Great milestone. I love your top ten. I definately have to try the oven fried chicken. Great Blog, keep up the great work!

  36. Congrats on the 100 posts and 101 subscribers :)! It's been fun reading!

  37. Congrats on the 100th post! Loved the countdown! Thanks for having such an amazing giveaway.

  38. Congrats on 100. Can I just say I love, love, love Ina. I have all her other cookbooks and they are amoung my very favorites. Thanks for the giveaway. Lisa

  39. Yay 100th post! Congratulations, I love your blog!

  40. congrats on your 100th post!

    I agree with your husband, I love those pretzel cookies. When I first saw them, I was so excited. I made them the next day. And one other time since. And I've already been told they have to be my contribution to our cookie exchange.

  41. Congratulations on your 100th post Elle!
    I just love your top 10! Great idea...
    I enjoy your blog very much!
    I have to find some of those fingerling potatoeees...they look so yummy!
    Thanks for the really great giveaway!

  42. Happy 100th post Elle!! I love the fried chicken post! Sorry about your computer problems, hopefully that'll never happen again.

  43. I am a subscriber! =D

    And ugh, I hate computers!!

    Congrats on the 100th post!

    email AT eatingclubvancouver DOT com

  44. Congrats on your 100th post!
    I definitely have to try those 'Shortbread Bites'.....

  45. Hi Elle,
    Congratulations and keep up the great work! :)

  46. Sorry about your computer and camera problems, what a bummer...
    But Congrats on your 100th post!!
    You really do a great job and I really enjoy reading your posts. Can't wait for the next hundred ;)

  47. Happy 100! I think I might make those shortbread bites for my Christmas tins! I agree about Ina - she is simple, but she is fabulous :)

  48. Happy 100th! It's so nice to have your top 10 in one post - that makes 1 bookmark instead of 10 :)

  49. Yay 100! Looking forward to 100 more.

  50. `
    Congratulations on 100! I've tried many of your recipes with great success. jancd

  51. Congrats!
    Some of those posts I don't think I've seen. I am going to have to go back and check 'em out! Though I would have put #9, smashed potatoes higher on the list. I made those again just last week! Can you same, yum? My kids sure do when I make 'em!

  52. congrats elle!! oh i love #7 - raspberry and lime yoghurt pound cake..mmmm!! OH! i do hope to win a copy. that'll be like the most amazing thing to receive in the post for christmas. xx

  53. Congratulations! Every post of yours is awesome :)

  54. I'm never disappointed with Ina's recipes, they are always simple and delicious!

  55. yay! congrats on 100 posts, very cool. I am definetly going to have to write down some of these recipes. A cookbook would be great too..

  56. What a shame I haven't made anything from this list of top 10! But I sure made something out of the list :)

    Congrats on your 100th post and do you do this giveaway for international readers??

  57. Mrs Ergul, yes, this one's for international readers, too. :)

    Thank you so much, guys--I've got the warm fuzzies from all of the great comments. And no, I haven't been drinking, hehe.

  58. Congrats! Your top 10 look great, and I am with you, fried chicken is #1!

    Forget Christmas, I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week!!!

  59. Oh my gosh Lindsey, you're right! That one snuck up on me, too!

  60. Congratulations to one of my very best friends in the whole wide world! I am so proud of you and your blog, Elle! Love you, sweet pea! MUAC!

  61. Congrats on the double 100, Elle! That's so cool to reach that mark, and thanks for showing us your top 10 :)

  62. a wonderful collection of recipes...feeling inspired to make as many of them as possible!!
    love your blog and your photos are great!!

  63. You feel so much more guilt about photos than I do. If I fancy uploading some - I will...if not... well, the recipe will still rock!

    Congrats on your 100th post. I've a way to go to catch up....

    www.kyleecooks.blogspot.com or nzkylee@hotmail.com

  64. congrats, elle. your top 10 posts (and all the rest, actually) are something to be proud of. :)

  65. Gratz on your 100th post! Oven fried chicken is my fave too.

  66. As usual Elle, you inspire me to keep cooking and keep blogging. That double chocolate zucchini bread is my favorite. Glad you're back up and running again!

  67. those shortbread cookies look great! I'm definitely going to have to add them to my holiday baking que! I'd love to win the cookbook too, my email is dubyosk_jenn at bentley dot edu

  68. I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your 100th post. I love coming home everyday to watch Ina on the food network. I love all her recipes. Stacy

  69. Oh my gosh my dumb computer crashed 2 years ago and I lost all my settings, bookmarks, addresses, etc.... Thankfully I did back up and didn't lose any work. I really think computers are only meant to last 3-5 years as so many people lose their computer after this about of time.
    Congrats on 100th post. Wild huh? And I do remember those skillet smashed taters, vividly...I fell in love with them.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. hi -- i'm a brand-new subscriber, so i may very well be your 101st! i've already made the smashed fried potatoes and they were exquisite... in fact i boiled and smashed extra, then refrigerated them and friend them the next day. they came out every bit as well.

    congrats on 100 posts. i look forward to reading the next 100.

  72. Happy 100th!!! I could eat every single one of these...they all look so tasty. You are one great cook/baker.

  73. Congrats!

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  74. Congrats on your 100th post..... I think I'm about 35 away from that.


    my email is: ronmerlin@gmail.com

  75. A big congratulations on the 100th post. I simply get inspired by your blog. You encourage me to think outside the square and try new things.

    Well done

    Carol :)
    Perth, Australia


  76. Pretzel chocolate chip cookies? I am intrigued!


  77. Congrats on your 100th post! You've a fab top 10!

  78. Congrats on your 100th post! Your blog is great!

  79. Congrats on the 101st Elle...such a great milestone & what a wonderful community this is! Great visiting your top 10, & feeling very bad about the crashed disk! Heartbreak all the way, you poor girl.
    It's always wonderful being here...cheers!

  80. Congrats on 100 posts! I love Ina!

    Jenny (icywit@gmail.com)

  81. Congratulations on your 100 posts Elle! That is a milestone for sure. Sorry your computer went bust-that just stinks!
    Don't know how I managed it, but I missed a few of these goodies-those chicken wings and the oven fried chicken looks SO good...heck all your recipes are great!

    Carol from MA

  82. Congratulations!! All the pics are beatiful. Can't wait to see what you're up to next.

    DeniseH - you know where to find me!

  83. Congratulations! I don't remember how I found you, but I'm so glad I did!


  84. Big time congrats, Elle! Your blog is full of awesome!

  85. Congrat's on your milestone!!! Wonderful site and loving your top 10!!!

  86. Major congrats on resurfacing from the computer failure, and getting back into the bloggy swing of things, right in time for your 100th post. I'm digging these recipes and can't wait to make the wings and fried chicken!

  87. Congrats and thank you for profling your top recipes!! Keep up the good work!

  88. Has it already been 100 posts - oh gosh - I can't even believe that's true. This post was fabulous and each one of the top 10 is a total winner.

  89. Sorry to hear about your drive crash. That stinks. But Congratulations on your hundreth post! Woot! ;)

    Looking forward to the rest of the Holiday Baking series too. :)

    Lalycairn (at) gmail.com

  90. Congrats on the 100th post! I think I've already bookmarked all of your top 10 list! LOL! Can't wait to see the next 100.

  91. I have an award for you on my blog... please come claim it when you have a moment! :)

    Congrats on your 100th post!


  92. Aww, congrats on the 100th post! I still fully support the raspberry/lime obsession, too.

    You know what amazes me? How many people do not know the deliciousness and comforting-ness of American Chop Suey! Not a single person that I talked food with in CA had heard of it prior. Hmph!

  93. I just found your blog...that pita bread looks great! I'd love to win Ina's book. Congrats on your 100th post!


  94. Congrats on 100! It feels like I'll never hit 100 posts :)

  95. Definitely doing the Smashed Potatoes today! And the tiny cookies went right into my To-Do list - thanks for the yummy ideas!

  96. Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm going to look at the Elfin Shortbreads right now. The picture looks delicious!

  97. Thanks for all of your great recipes and congratulations on your 100th post! I love Ina, and I haven't gotten her new book yet, so it would be a real treat.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Congrats on your 100th post! wish you many more to come :)

  100. ooh. so sorry to hear about the puter crash. and hurray on 100 posts! I wonder what number I'm at. Great recap and keep 'em coming!

  101. I saw your elfin shortbread and new immediately they would be in my Christmas baking gifts. Awesome ideas and inspiration!

  102. Congratulation and wonderful recap.

  103. Hey Elle! Sorry to hear about what happened but I'm glad you made sure it will never happen again because it can get so damn frustrating.
    Congrats on your 100th post! Your top 10 looks mighty delicious, the mango buffalo wings are my favourite

  104. What a fun post! Makes me want to go and look at what my top 10 are. Congrats on 100 posts - I love your blog!

  105. ok....you've finally made me post....
    LOVE your blog & congrats on the milestones!
    here's to many many more!

    i would be tickled pink to win the new cookbook....

    my email is finance@acbrecovery.com


  106. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love a chance to win! Thanks!

  107. Congrats! What a great occasion. I love the top 10, I am soo hungry.

  108. Hi Elle,

    I recently discovered your blog and am enjoying it! Thank you. kathleen@jigsawstaffing.com

  109. Congrats on reaching 100 posts. I totally love your Chai-blueberry muffins and have been to six grocery stores looking for the Chai spice. None of the stores have it here. I finally went online and ordered it from McCormick so I see some Chai-blueberry muffins in my near future. :)

  110. Congrats on your 100! May you have hundreds more! :)

    Love your top 10 list!

  111. Oh, I'm so glad I found you...again! I saw your shortbread a while back and then lost it. So glad it's one of your most viewed. I would like to be entered in the giveaway please.
    You can contact me at:

  112. What a great recap of some of your posts. I will definitely be trying many of those! I love the pita bread one--I'm going to add that to my recipe box. Your blog is awesome and you take great pictures!

  113. Sorry...here's my email marisab2@yahoo.com

  114. Congrats, elle! Cheers! To good food, good health and more wonderful posts! ^_^

  115. Congrats on your 100th post. Your food looks fabulous. I may try the seasame chicken recipe. I am always looking for some way to make chicken exciting.

    Your photos a great too.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my site and helping me with my project.

  116. Happy 100th Elle! Those all sound quite delicious!

    Yum! Have a great day!

  117. Elle - love your blog and am looking forward to many more recipes to come! :) I am a big fan of Ina too!!

  118. Hi Elle! I just wanted to congratulate you on your 100th post, how cool! At the rate I'm going I won't reach it for another year! ;) Your top 10 looks delicious, there are a few recipes I'm dying to try asap, as in the oven fried chicken, wow! Oh, and don't include me in the giveaway as I already have Ina's book, and I love it! Give everyone else a better chance of winning. :)

  119. Thanks to Stumbleupon I found your blog. That fried chicken looks excellent. And sometime when it's not 11:00 at night I'll make it.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  120. Congrats on reaching 100 posts. I really enjoy reading your blog.

    jengen06 at yahoo dot com

  121. wowsa, i just found your blog and not at a better time! these all sound fantastic :) congrats!

    tri2cook [at] gmail [dot] com

  122. Great recap! I think I see some oven fried chicken in my future...


  123. Love your blog- congrats on 100! Your peanut butter pretzel cookies are on my to-do list, they sound delicious!


  124. Thanks so much for the contest. I am trying your chicken and noodles tonight!!!

    giantspeedy at yahoo dot com

  125. Hi there! Just stumbled upon your blog and I am certainly impressed! i love simple recipes and trying new mixtures...can't wait to make the peanut butter pretzel cookies for my fiance!
    My email: jennifer.lung@defeomfg.com

    Happy Holidays!

  126. Congrats on your 100th post. Your recipes are always great and I love how honest you are in your descriptions.

  127. Hi! I've newly discovered your blog, and it's wonderful! I'll definitely be making those little shortbread cookies, and then going through the rest of the Top 10 from there! Thanks for blogging! My email: leeannoli@hotmail.com

  128. mysweetcupcakesblog at gmail dot com and this is a FAB contest! Great recipes! TFS!

  129. Kudos on the 100th post! I'm a subscriber and generally try each new recipe you post. We are HUGE fans of the double chocolate zucchini bread!!!

    Would love a shot a winning the cookbook -- the Contessa is just my style :)


  130. A 100th post is indeed a celebration of your time and your effort and a caring heart in sharing this with others. You make things a little sweeter and more delicious for us all.

    I am a fiber artist who knits/crochets and turns yarn into special creations. Very similar to a cook who takes the ingredients and creates a delicious dish to enjoy. All a form of artistry and making the world a little happier in our footsteps by our caring hearts.

    I just discovered your blog and truly delighted with it. It is more than just a recipe here and there. You have created a lovely presentation which as all cooks and chefs know is a very necessary and important ingredient to always include in any dish. I will very happily be sharing it with my own group of knitters and crocheters who make chemo caps for cancer patients. (HEARTS OF LOVE on Ravelry)

    Thank you for sharing with us. . . . I am happy to have discovered something wonderful and definitely want to remake the AMerican Chop Suey once again. You know, I had lost that recipe and finding you today brought it all back. It is a happy time to revisit those memories from the past once again. THe double zuchini sounds great and the Elfin shortbread is definitely something to bite into. SO on this weekend, I wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2008 and lots of happy memories to make this year together. It's the memories that are ever so precious.

    Yes, I would like to also be entered in the drawing as well.


  131. I just stumbled upon your blog today, and boy am I glad I did! I'm definitely going to have to try the mango buff chick and the pita bread!

    I'd also like to enter the giveaway -

    maroonedonmars (@) yahoo DOT com

    Congrats on 100 posts!

  132. Yay for 100 posts! I'd happily take the Martha Cookbook and call it my own :)

  133. Oops, I meant to say INA....DUMB DUMB DUMB!!

  134. I don't comment very often, but I just made the crunchy potatoes last night, and intend to make the elfin cookies for Christmas. I would love the cookbook, as obviously would all the other people who've left a comment here...wow! That's a LOT of comments. I love your site. I HAVE left a comment or two in the past, but have a bad habit of seldom commenting unless I have something I feel is kind of important to say. Oh, my email addy is caroline dot witte at gmail dot com.
    Thanks so much.

  135. Elle, I'm delighted to have tripped upon your blog. This Top-10 is Letterman-approved and I will visit often.


Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!