Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Blondies for a Kitchen Goddess

These Blondies...oh my gosh. They're sinful! Certainly fit for a Kitchen Goddess. This recipe is from George, at Culinary Travels of a kitchen Goddess. If you haven't checked out her site, you should!

These are cakey, but moist and dense at the same time. How could they not be, with all the good stuff in there? There's white chocolate, butterscotch chips, AND a chocolate caramel bar, too! Next time I make these, I'd like to try to get some darker chocolate in there instead of one of those three, to counter the sweetness a bit. But all in all, they're a great treat!

The kids love them, except for one, who has a thing about white chocolate. Silly. :) I think I over baked mine a teeny bit, because they weren't setting up in the center. The middle of the blondies was still really wet, so I gave them a few more minutes, and let them go a few extra besides, after getting sidetracked with this month's Daring Bakers project. But guess what? They're still moist! They really are delicious, so if you're looking for a fun treat for the kids, give this a try!

You can find the recipe at the link above, along with a bunch more delicious looking things.

Also, I've been tagged by Bunny at Bunny's Warm Oven. I almost forgot, because I've been so busy. Still am, in fact, with the kids out of school for the summer. So instead of procrastinating and forgetting, I'm going to link here to my last Meme.

My Meme!

Thanks for the tag, Bunny!


  1. Thank you Elle! They look wonderful, I must make some more soon. I think the caramel bar I used was a dark chocolate version, I agree that would be a better option here.

  2. No George, thank you! These are so good! And you know, it just gives me an excuse to look for more chocolate, hehe. Great recipe!

  3. YUM. They look so tasty Elle!

  4. I would happily eat one (or five) of these!!

  5. I can see why these are so yummy...they are packed with yumminess Elle! Yum...Yum..YUM!

  6. Elle, I love your blog & I love your cooking!

  7. Elle,
    These look ridiculously good! I love blondies but my last batch was a little bit of a disaster: bland and just well, not good. I had to bring them to a party & I was so embarassed. Glad to have a new one to try out!

  8. My lot would love these! They look delicious - I agree about adding the dark chocolate - but I love dark chocolate.

  9. Thank you - Wow this is not on the diet but oh well - This is worth the calories...


  10. Delicious! I really want one!!!

  11. With white chocolate, butterscotch chips, and a milk chocolate and caramel bar these sound soo good!

  12. ohhh these look so good! these fit into the "grab and go" catagory for the kids. ours have been out of school since june 3rd, are yours driving you crazy yet elle?? lol!!

  13. Yummeroni. These look delish. And I'm on a diet so you're killin' me here Elle!

  14. i know that butterscotch chips don't really taste anything like real butterscotch, but i love them. combining them with white chocolate, caramel, and dark chocolate in these blondies is ridiculously fabulous and irresistible (which is why i refuse to make them). :)

  15. First you post those sinful brownies, and now these gorgeous blondies, you're killing me! They look fabulous!

  16. Elle, they look every bit as delicious! I love, love, love white chocolate.

  17. Your blondies looks gorgeous! I should try making them too one day. Yum!

  18. I can totally see cutting them bite size and just eating them as snacks - oh oh - goodbye blondie - tummy will love you forever.

  19. Thanks everyone! My kids just finished the last of them today. I cut them up nice and small so they'd last. Good stuff!

  20. These look perfectly cakey. yet gooey and moist. Great recipe!


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