Saturday, June 21, 2008

That Cookbook Thing II...Sauce au Cari (Light Curry Sauce)

What is That Cookbook Thing II? TCT II is a group started by Mike of Mel's Diner. I was invited to join a few weeks ago and was thrilled. What are we doing? We are trying out recipes from Mastering the Art of French Cooking, by Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, and Simone Beck. How could I say no to that? It was an excuse to buy another cookbook, and something I probably wouldn't have done one my own.

Other members of the group, along with Mike mentioned above, are:


The first recipe they did was
Soupe Gratinee des Trois Gourmandes (Onion Soup Gratineed deLuxe). Bummer that I missed that one, because it got a great reception. This time around, The Benevolent Tyrant (that's his self-appointed title, hehe), Mike, told us we'd be trying out Sauce au Cari, or Light Curry Sauce. It's definitely an easy one to start with. I'll bet most of you have everything on hand to make it!

Will you like it? That is the question. It smells amazing. It looks gorgeous. The taste? Not for me, unfortunately. It's...sort of bland. I'm sure it could be great, if Julia was in my kitchen, making it for me. At least I know it's not just me. I wasn't the only one in TCT II that didn't care for it. But here it is, just the same...

Easy ingredients: onion, butter, curry powder, flour, whipping cream, salt and pepper, lemon juice, a bit more butter and parsley to finish. Simple procedure: saute onion and butter over low heat, add curry powder, then flour, add stock, simmer and add cream, season to taste with s & p and lemon juice.

This just in! After the sauce sat for a while, we tried our chicken (skinless, boneless thighs, baked simply with salt, pepper, garlic and lemon juice) dipped in the sauce. It really was much better after it had a chance to sit for about 30 minutes. I'm glad my husband decided to try it after he got up from his nap! Would I make it again? Not sure, but at least it wasn't a total waste of time. We shredded our chicken, and had it with brown rice, and the curry sauce.

Next up is Rapee Morvandelle - a gratin of shredded potatoes with ham, eggs & onions. Looking forward to it, very much!

Thanks, Mike, for the invite to the group, and to all the group members for the nice welcome! Be sure to check out the other member's blogs for their takes on it!


  1. I love your photos. Even if the curry wasn't the most spectacular. You make it look great.

    Better dishes to come, I'm sure.

  2. Congratulations on joining the group!! Sorry about the curry - still LOOKS good though ;0)

  3. It sure does look good. But sounds like something I would make with jalapeno or hot curry powder. And shredded chicken with it sure does sound good.

  4. elle is the sauce meant to be eaten as a dipping sauce?? could you put it in a casserole, maybe it would taste better combined with other things?? it really does look good. even if you really didn't care for it, at least you tried it and now you know!

  5. Elle ~ Lovely photographs of a simple sauce. Mine turned out quite good, and I would make it again. I think that the freshness of the curry blend has something to do with the intensity of flavour, and I also think that tasting for seasoning at the end can help in lifting the sauce. It seems the we all made enough to have with other dishes...

  6. Well it definitely looks good at least :) This sounds like quite an old fashioned recipe, there's not a lot of call for curry powder these days! The gratin sounds fab, looking forward to it :)

  7. Yes, it does sound like an old fashion recipe. I'm sure back when the cookbook was written it was considered excellent. It's true also certain sauces need to sit for a while for the flavors to develop. It's all good fun! :-)

  8. Sorry it wasn't your fave but how great to be trying out all these recipes!

  9. Actually, it looks perfect for me. I love rich, mild curries. I can't handle spice at all, so I'd love it.

  10. I really like that first photo! Looks really good.

  11. this sounds like a great fun event & looks fab!

  12. that's well cool! i love the sound and look of that..must try!

  13. This curry sauce sounds interesting. I would think that baking some chicken thighs in this sauce would be good.

  14. It looks delicious, Elle! Maybe after it sits in the fridge overnight, it would taste a little better? I hate when that happens. Sounds good, looks good, smells good, tastes just o.k. Bummer.

  15. Oh I love curry! The chicken or fish kind. But my mum usually cooks the vege one and it's really spicy!

  16. there's nothing i hate more than wasting time...except the smell of rotting spinach, but i digress. i'm glad your sauce turned out to be tolerable! :)

  17. I really want this cookbook, but it kind of intimidates me. I'm excited to see what you all make from it - maybe I'll get the courage to buy the book!

  18. This sounds really yummy. When my hubby and I were dating, he made me fabulous curry chicken dish! I was addicted at first bite! :)

  19. Sounds like you'll have a fun time in that group. Looking forward to all the recipes! :)

  20. What a fun group activity! I actually just got that cookbook for my birthday. Have you read My Life in France yet? If not, I highly recommend it.

  21. What an interesting group project. I'm forever envious of folks who work systematically through a canonical cookbook. I'm always getting sidetracked from those discoveries.

  22. that looks wonderful! Maybe you need a more flavorful curry powder? Or maybe the recipe is just bland. Sometimes that happens. I can't wait to see the next recipe.

  23. Thank you so much, everyone! I think you guys are right--a better curry powder would be a lot nicer is this. It was such a simple recipe, so I'm going to remember it for the future, but I'd definitely try my hand at making a fresh curry blend with brighter flavors.

  24. Too bad the curry wasn't as good as you wanted it to be, but your photos look great!
    Shari@Whisk: a food blog

  25. Oh that looks wonderful Elle, I could eat it just with some naan bread or rice. I bet prawns would be great here too.

  26. Sorry about the curry. But hey, it looks absolutely delicious to me. Won't mind a plate, or maybe 2:)

  27. I've been interested in trying curries before, but they always ask for 28 spices I don't have or know where to find. Finally one I can make from what I have sitting around in my house. Plus, I feel that curries can be a great way to clean out of the fridge, like a quiche or a casserole. Congrats on the group!

  28. So, I get you involved in something and it's not very good...I hope you will still trust me. The next recipe will be great - how can you not love potatoes, ham and eggs?

  29. Great pics Elle! If you try it again, try a hotter blend, and a bit more lemon juice to lift the sauce - it worked for me!

    Looking forward to the next one :)


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