Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chicken Pesto Tortellini Soup for a Soup Off

I love soup. L-O-V-E it. It's so comforting to have a big old pot of soup simmering away on the stove. It warms the home and smells so good, too. My mom made soup a lot. Not only because it's a good way to stretch your food budget, but it's a great way to get a healthy hot meal to your family with little effort. Pair it with a sandwich, crusty bread, or even a nice salad--and you've got a delicious lunch or dinner. And leftovers the next day? YUM.

When I heard the Danny at Gourmet Gastronomer was having a Soup-Off to follow up his Mac and Cheese-Off, I knew I'd enter that one, too.

This soup is a favorite. I've made it twice already and we love it! The second time, I added a splash of red wine and a little pesto to the simmering soup--my husband liked it better the first time, and preferred adding a dollop of pesto to his own bowl. Picky, can choose to add those or not, it's up to you.

For the tortellini, I used dry ones filled with pesto from Trader Joe's. I know Barilla has some, too. If you can't find dried ones, go ahead and use the fresh ones like Buitoni. Just add them close to the end of cooking, and remember they only need a few minutes to cook.

Chicken Pesto Tortellini Soup

1-2 TBSP olive oil
2 cups chopped onion
2 small-ish leeks, rinsed and sliced across, not into long strips
1-1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
4 cloves garlic, minced
28 oz can diced tomatoes, undrained
6 cups chicken broth
14 oz can chickpeas, undrained
2 boneless chicken breasts, sliced thinly
2 small zucchini, diced
1 1/2 cups frozen peas
3 cups dried tortellini (fresh is fine, but keep in mind those take less time to cook)
fresh cracked black pepper
pesto for dolloping individual servings
fresh shaved Parmesan

Heat the oil in a large soup pot over medium high heat. Add the onion, leek, garlic and Italian seasoning, and saute for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the tomatoes, broth, and chickpeas.
Bring to a boil and cover, then reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes.
Add the chicken, zucchini, and peas, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 more minutes.
Stir in the tortellini and keep the soup at a low to medium boil for the required pasta cooking time, or until al dente.
Taste first, then season with pepper--I don't think you'll need salt, but add it if you need to. (Keep in mind--you'll be adding pesto and Parmesan to each serving.)
Top each serving with a dollop of pesto and some fresh shaved Parmesan.

To print this recipe, click here!


  1. This soup looks really yummy. Great combination of ingredients!

  2. I could go for a bowl of that right now!!

  3. What a great looking soup Elle! I love the pesto all through it!

  4. Yum! I buy Trader Joe's tortellini too.

  5. Hi! Great looking soup!!!

  6. Yum! I love adding a little pesto on top of soup but with pesto in the tortilini it sounds even better.

  7. What a delicious photo and yummy, yummy looking soup.

  8. That looks fantastic! I love tortellini.

  9. That sounds awesome! Pesto AND tortellini? Yes please!

  10. That looks really good....I am sitting here thinking about what to make for dinner tonight and I think I just figured it out!! Thanks :-)

  11. looks like everyone is in a soup mood, yours looks delicious!

  12. That looks delicious!!!

  13. I like your blog ! wonderful receipes !

  14. pesto. in soup. i like it, i love it, i want some (more) of it. :)

  15. Lenny LOVES Tortellini - I will have to make this for him. ;) sounds delicious!

  16. Good luck with the competition! This looks like the clear winner to me! Yum! I think I will put pesto in the soup, and also on top. I just can't get enough of the stuff. I would smear it on my face as a mask if it wouldn't scare my husband :)

  17. Sounds really yummy but you never list the onion or the leeks in the list of ingredients.

  18. Soup off? I love it. This looks really yummy!

  19. Soup is my favorite comfort food. It makes me want to curl up with a blanket and book. :) This looks great!

  20. What a delicious sounding soup!

  21. Pesto and just about anything works for me, and this looks like a great combo (plus, who doesn't love soup on a cold night?). For a fast dinner, I roast broccoli, add it to fusilli, to which I pour in lots of pesto, squeeze in a lot of lemon and sprinkle with a lot of Parmesan.

  22. I'm with you, I LOVE soup! And you're right, a fabulous way to stretch the budget!

    I'm stopping by everyone on my blogroll to let them know that I've started a new blog event called Thrifty Thursdays if you are interested in blogging along! :)

  23. A soup off! I love it! This recipe is a sure winner.

  24. So many of my favorite flavors in here - looks great!

  25. Made some chicken noodle soup last week and had tortellini in it instead of noodles. Oh so much better.

    The pesto touch sounds even better to me.

    Will winter end soon?

  26. Apart from the Vietnames Pho Bo, I am not really a big soup fan but I have to say that of late I have been warming up to more soups :)

  27. I can't wait to make this soup! Nice & hearty, just the way I like it :)


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