Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Current Favorite Snack/Breakfast...

This one is so simple. In fact, I'll bet a lot of you eat this already. It's not unusual, there's no super secret recipe, and no special techniques. Then again, maybe some of you are like me, and see one of these and say "D'oh! I keep forgetting how much I love those, but I never think of making them!" And then you pay the trendy little cafe your $4-$5 and walk away thinking you could make it fresher and cheaper.

It's more of an idea. An idea that you can take and do your own thing with. Put your spin on it, and use what you like.

It's Granola Yogurt Parfait. Granola, yogurt, and fruit. And in this case, nuts. Easy, right? I usually get my yogurt at Trader Joe's, and they have a flavor called Vanana. Vanilla + Banana. mmmmm. But I use strawberry, vanilla, whatever--and always low-fat, but that's your choice. I love my hot cereal, but this one is so cool and refreshing. And you get all the benefits of the fresh fruit, not to mention all the good stuff the yogurt has in it.

This one I recently made was a Good For You Banana Split. All the flavors you'd find in a banana split, without all of the fat, sugar and calories. Although, I didn't add a drizzle of chocolate sauce, but if you'd like to try that--go for it! There are some delicious ones to use, and if you're watching what you eat, use just a little.

So here's what I did this time:

Granola Yogurt Parfait

fresh pineapple slices
strawberries, trimmed and cut and quartered
your favorite low fat yogurt
chopped pecans

Add some of all three fruits to the bottom of your bowl.
Spoon on some yogurt, and top that with granola and pecans.
Repeat the layer again, as many times as you like.
I usually do two good sized layers. Only two because I like large fruit chunks. ;)

To print this recipe, click here!


  1. Hi Elle! I LOVE this kind of Bfast/snack. I used to get a yogurt parfait when I worked at the Benbow Inn (in No.Ca). Yogurt, layered with granola, fresh fruits in a tall glass.
    I'll have to look for that yogurt!

  2. I love yogurt parfaits. I get it from cafes but homemade is still better. :)

  3. Mmmm, I love vanilla yogurt with granola. I don't need anything else but that vanana sounds pretty darn good!

  4. I love a yogurt parfait too, with a little drizzle of maple syrup. Yours looks yummy!

  5. Yum, yum, yum!! I LOVE this kind of stuff. Although mine are not quite so good for you as yours... I usually make my "yogurt bowls" with Bare Naked Perfect Protein Granola (my favorite)!, blueberries or strawberries, and Stonyfield Farms French Vanilla yogurt (but not the lowfat kind). As a rule, I just can't enjoy lowfat yogurt, with one exception. I adore the Fage 2% yogurt. It's Greek yogurt, and to me, it doesn't taste low fat. I love that with a spoonful of jam stirred in it, or just blueberries. Last week I had it with grapes and a sprinkle of brown sugar. MMMMMM! Thanks for sharing this great idea. Now I'm craving one with nuts! :) Karen

  6. Parfaits are, indeed, perfect! Love the pretty red strawberries in this one :-)

  7. My oldest son just loves yogurt parfaits and would eat them every day for a snack! They are good and healthy!!!!

  8. Looks great! Vanana huh? I will have to look out for that. I'm a sucker for whole milk yogurt by Brown Cow. Yum... Great idea and I bet it would satisfy a sweet tooth too.


  9. My kids love parfaits, and you are right, I do not make them enough.

  10. I haven't made this in ages....Thanks for the inspiration. I actually like the Quaker-brand granola, and it's sweet enough that even my daughter will eat it with plain Greek yogurt (read, no extra sugar!).

  11. Your right about the D'oh moment. I love them too, thanks for the reminder!

  12. Mmmm, granola and yogurt. Good times. :)

  13. I went through a period of eating nothing but yogurt, granola and fruit for breakfast. Once the weather is warmer I know I'll be craving it again!

  14. this is a favorite for me, too. there's just something about that cool, creamy yogurt combined with crunchy, cinnamon-y (of course) granola. lovely. :)

  15. Pretty healthy, pretty tasty and pretty to look at!

  16. A great way to start the day!

  17. Yum! I make homemade granola for my husband but when I don't I get him that granola from TJ. Its so good!

  18. That looks like something I'd like. I get tired of cereal and milk really easily.

  19. I have forgotten completely about this combination. I used to eat granola and yogurt together all the time. Now I'd be using soy yogurt, but that should be just as good. Thanks for reminding me!

  20. Hi there,

    I just posted a link to this recipe from my new blog about local, healthy, sustainable foods. See you.


  21. That is my idea of a perfect breakfast! I could eat granola and yogurt all day long - if there weren't so many calories! I absolutely LOVE your combination of strawberries and bananas - and I LOVE that you added pecans! That sounds delicious!


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