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Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's my One Year Blogiversary!!

I can't believe it--a year has passed already! One hundred and twenty-four I didn't know when I started if I'd have anything to talk about. I guess I did, hehe! And it was technically February 24th, but I had to iron out the details of this post with the person who funds most of the stuff I do on this blog--my husband, Billy. I kept changing my mind about what I wanted to do to celebrate, and God bless him, he's just so patient with me, hehe.

This post is going to be short, but sweet. Really sweet!

So I've planned a giveaway, and I think you guys are going to like it. I know I do. Hell, I wish I could win it! But this is to give something back to all you guys that faithfully read my blog. I appreciate each and every one of you.

So what is it???

An Apple iPod Touch, 8 GB (second generation)!!!!

YES!!!! One lucky reader will win one of these babies.

AND!!!! The contest is open to all of you, no matter where you live.

The contest will run for one month, so the winner will be chosen randomly on March 26th.

All you need to do is leave a comment here to be entered in the drawing.

If you tweet on Twitter about it, come back here with the link to your Twitter post (you must have that!!) and post that link in a second comment for an extra entry. To get the link to your Twitter post, click under your message where it says "less than _____ ago" and that will take you to a page where you can copy the url of your message.

Make sure you leave a valid email address where I can reach you! If the address doesn't work, I'll have to choose a new winner. And I don't want to have to do that.

Are there any more rules? Not really, but if you'd like to subscribe to my blog--I'm not gonna lie, that would be awesome! But it's not required. ;)

So good luck! Tell all your friends! And thanks to all of you for coming along on this one year (and more to come) adventure with me. You guys are the best!

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LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Oooh fun giveaway :-D

Jingle said...

Happy bloggiversary!!! Wow! This is a great way to celebrate!!!!

Jingle said...

I tweeted!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary!!! I swear I thought you have had this blog for years, because you are really good at it. Your blog is one of the sunny spots in the food blogging world. Cheers to another great and delicious year!

Monkey Giggles said...

yeah...congrats on the one year of blogging. enjoy the journey. count me in on this giveaway

Sarah said...

Yeah for one year! Love your blog.

Amy said...

And here's my twitter entry :)

Thistlemoon said...

YAY Elle!!! Happy blogoversary! I don't know how to get a link from Twitter - cause I am challenged, LOL! But I am certainly gonna RT it! Don't worry about giving me a second chance.

Deeba PAB said...

Congrats on turning one Elle. What a grand way to celebrate!!! I am on Twitter but I don't know how to tweet (with URLs, ha ha). Will give it a shot & come back!! CELEBRATE!!!

Mallory said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary! I love your blog and always look forward to your new posts! :)

Maria said...

Congrats on one year! Thanks for such a fun giveaway!!

Elle said...

Jenn, I saw your Tweet! This is your second entry!:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this cool giveaway and congrats on a year of blogging. I'm about 5 months in and sometimes if feels like an eternity. Continued success!

Anj said...

I am a faithful subscriber and reader and enjoy your blog very much. Happy blogiversary. What an awesome prize! I look forward more of your great recipes in the years to come.

AK Mom said...

Happy Blogiversary, Elle!!!!
And thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!!

bob said...

hi,congrats on the 1 year anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Wow Elle! A whole year already? Time sure does fly doesn't it? Happy blogoversary to you. I'm looking forward to many more years of reading your blog. You don't need to bother counting my comment as an entry to your giveaway. Even though it is a fabulous giveaway...I'm a Zune girl to the core. :-) I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you!

Kimi said...

Congrats on you blogiversary! I had mine just last week, so we started this out together. Hasn't it been great? I would die to win this baby! What a great giveaway. Ok, off to twitter!

Katie said...

Happy Blogiversary! Awesome giveway!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work!

Rachelle S said...

Happy Blogoversary to you!
Happy Blogoversary to you!
Happy Blogoversary dear Elle,
Happy Blogoversary to you!! :)

What a wonderful present!!

Rachelle S said...

Tweet! Tweet!

Kimi said...

I tweeted for you!
that was fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!!

Ellen said...

Happy Blogiversary! Awesome giveaway :)

Tiffany said...

Yay - happy blogiversary to you! What a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary Elle! So many bloggers are turning one year old, it's gettin serious now! But oh my gosh, you're giving one of these away? They're not quite as cheap as a cookbook you know...

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about needing more hours in a day, which makes the feat you've accomplished all the more impressive! Congrats on the milestone!

Anonymous said...

Happy posted on Twitter:

Giving away an iPod're crazy Elle...

Anonymous said...

and here it is tweeted:


kat said...

I RT too

Kathy said...

Congrats to you! What a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogversary! May your words always be plentiful and your blogger downtime short.

shel704 at aol dot com

Spryte said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I tweeted:

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Congrats! Great blog!

Spryte said...


Carolyn G said...

Congrats on your blogiversary!!Thanks for sharing with us for a year. I enjoy your blog.

Carolyn G said...

I tweeted:

Leslie said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I really enjoy your blog - as a fellow New Hampshire-ite I appreciate recipes that follow the same growing season I'm in. :-) Keep up the good work!

Leslie said...

oops - didn't realize it wouldn't include my email in the Google log-in. inglisl at gmail dot com. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Happy BA Ellie!

Ellie you were my inspiration for starting my blog!

Nice Gift btw!

Happy day to you and yours!

Prosperous Blessings,


Allison xoxo said...

happy bloggiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops also....he he!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! So exciting! :)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary and congrats!

Karen @ Mignardise said...

Congratulations and happy blogiversary! Your blog is one of the first I started reading, and you've been an inspiration. Thanks, and here's to your next blogiversary!

Plowlady said...

Happy Anniversary!! (already an email subscriber) Thanks for sharing such an awesome giveaway on YOUR special day!!

mariannakeough at

Melissa said...

Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy Blogiversary!
(Now please give me the iPod because mine just died.) ;)

Melissa said...

Twitter update:

melissa (at) myveryownchef (dot) net

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

vanillasugarblog said...

woman are you on crack? you're going to shut down your blog with the amount of entries on this super-solid giveaway!
what a nice prize.
Happy One year blog-a-versary-thingee-smack-a-doodle-hunky-doo!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a generous thank you to those who are your fans! In the world of cyberspace a year is an amazing accomplishment - here is to many more to come!

Tiff said...

Happy Anniversary! A new reader, but love your recipes!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway! (at)

lmparrillo said...

Oh wow, this may be my favorite prize ever to now accompany one of my favorite blogs. Fingers crossed for a lucky number.

Elsee said...

Happy Blogaversary! RT here:

Anonymous said...

Seriously, congrats on making it a year. I can only hope to be where you're at when I hit my one year blogiversary. PLEASE keep it up with the great food. Can't wait to see the two year : D


Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!
jensenkate (at)

Anonymous said...

jensenkate (at)

Here ya go!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so wonderful; I love reading it. Thanks for sharing such great recipes and photos, and, of course, for this lovely giveaway. Happy blogiversary! :)

Anonymous said...


cigarjoe at

Anonymous said...

And the requisite Tweet.

cigarjoe at

April was in CA now MA said...

(Ack!! I ate my first post so I hope this isn't a double post!)

YAY ELLE...Happy Blogoversary!! Your blog is one of the first I started reading and led me to my current food blog addiction! I've tried several of your recipes and thank you for keeping me inspired and entertained.

Wow..that's a doozie of a give away!! Kick ass!

No relation... said...

happy, happy blog-o-day to you.

from one new englander to another!!!

(despite being transplanted to the south)


Lilimonster said...

Congrats on one year!

Lilimonster said...

I also tweeted:

Anonymous said...



Bob said...

Happy Anniversary! :)

Anne said...

Congrats! And wow, what a great prize!

The Powell Family said...

Congrats! I love being a subscriber-thanks for blogging!

Erin said...

Congratulations on making it a year, I love your blog and have tried many of your recipes.

emily said...

Congratulations! here's to many more blogging years to come.

Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

Congratulations on your blogger anniversary and what a sweet giveaway! I'm already a subscriber or I would totally add you, I love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

congrats on your blogger anniversary, you have such a great blog! Brent(dot)Jurkiewicz(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Holy! Great prize L!! Has it really been a year already?? I can't believe it!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thanks, too, for bringing us a great blog! Very nice giveaway, too. Would solve a serious crisis for me - I can't get an iPhone b/c AT&T doesn't have a North American plan. If I had one of these, I could go double-fisted - Blackberry in one, iPod Touch in the other.

ps Where do I leave my email address?

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!!(love that phrase)Thanks for all the great recipes!!

Aimée said...

Sweet giveaway. Well worthy of a blog birthday.
Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I have such respect for the bloggers who keep on doing it to reach the one year mark! Wahoo you rock and I love your content!

RADIUM-V said...

Happy blogiversary!

Turns out I actually like this blog. I think I'll start following. [My email address is on my Blogger account]

RADIUM-V said...

And my Twitter post

Esi said...

Congratulations and happy blogiversary!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

Sara said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

oh my! happy happy!
woo hoo!

A said...

Awesome! and congrats on 124 posts, that's a lot!

Kristin said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the blog :-)

Autumnseer said...

Happy Anniversary from a faithful subscriber!

Anonymous said...

Wow, quite a giveaway! I've been reading your blog for about 6 months now and I love it... and thought this was a great time to stop by and say hi!


Donna-FFW said...

Congratulations and thank you for the chance!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!

Check in on your blog everyday to see what your new creations may be. I have tried a few and they are so good! Thanks for the recipes and the inspiration!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogivesary, I'm a delurking subscriber. Love your awesome recipes Elle :)
May you post many more!
Lis :)

flyinginoz04 at yahoo dot com dot au

Anonymous said...

Oh My! Congrats on your one year blogiversary!! And boy would I love to win that prize :-)

Ashley said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! Thanks for keeping up such a great blog for all of us in cyberspace :)

Anonymous said...

Happy day! Your blog and I share the same day, lucky coincidence that


Anonymous said...

Totally cool, love the blog!--MB

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway-Bill

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

Happy 1 year !! What a kick ass way to celebrate by sharing such an incredible treat with your "fans" - Wishing you so many more anniversaries!!! Cheers

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I've just been blogging for one month...and can't imagine....Congratulations!

Wendy said...

Happy Blogoversary! I have been a follower for a while (and a fellow New Englander - from Maine!) I am planning on starting a blog soon and you are one of my inspirations!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, thanks for the great giveaway!

Brett said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway. Happy Anniversary.

Justine said...

Happy Bloggerversary! I have 318 till mine. The countdown continues : )

Unknown said...

Oooh! What a fun giveaway! I am definitely in. :)

Bradley said...

Happy Blogiversary, I'm a relatively new blogger, so I just recently heard about your blog. The coolest thing about your food, is that you mix different ingredients that I don't usually see mixed, and it still looks really good. Congratulations!

Tara said...

Wow, good for you and what a wonderful, generous giveaway!

haley said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! Can't wait to see what the next year holds!

Yankee1969 said...

Sweet. I can use a new iPod for my next trip home to Maine. :)

haley said...

Here's my Tweet:

Yankee1969 said...

Karen Brown Letarte said...

Happy, Happy Annivesary! What an achievement,a whole year! Congrats, Elle! :) Oooh, Ooooh, pick me, pick me! I must be the only person in the Western hemisphere who has purchased every gadget under the sun (for my guys: Ipod, Flip, Iphone, Squeezebox, Kindle) and does not even have an MP3 player!

But seriously, your blog is a gem, keep on writing!



Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I can only hope my blog is as good as yours after one year

Unknown said...

oh wow, one year has passed...this got me long have i been blogging?

tamilyn said...

Happy, happy blogiversary! What a give away. My DD is 18 today, that would an awesome thing to give her before she leaves for college. Boy, you are raising the stakes for those of us that are under a year of blogging ;)

Unknown said...

Love your blog--happy anniversary!!!

Rhyleysgranny said...

Goodness Elle you are always giving stuff away. What a generous girl you are. Happy Blogiversary.

Alison aka Baby B said...

What a cool blogiversary prize! Happy bloggy birthday, Elle's New England Kitchen! I am looking forward to the second year... Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogoversary!!!
I have really enjoyed perusing all the yummy food.

Christine said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! Love your recipes and more importantly so does DH. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Elle! A year already! And look at you now. All grown up already! I couldn't be more proud, or so lucky to have such a good friend as you. Love you sweetie!! :D Good luck to the entrants!

test it comm said...

Congrats on one year of tasty posts! I look forward to reading more!

grace said...

congrats, elle, and what a giveaway! i wouldn't be surprised if you got 1000 comments. :)

Jeff said...

Thanks for all the great recipes. Congratulations on your blogiversery.

Giselle said...

Happy Blogiversary.. You have great recipes..
Keep on posting..



Karen said...

Happy Blogiversary-love reading your blog!

Karen said...

Tweeted as well, hope this works,the link thing has me stumped!


Taterloyyd said...

Wow Elle!! Congratultions :D You're so amazing! For the record, I retweeted this before I learned that you were offering a double entry for the retweet :). But here's the link:

BTW - I would've commented *and* retweeted without incentive, but I'd be lying if I wasn't super psyched about the possibility of getting an iPod!! Getting ready to rock out in 3...2...1... :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! What an accomplishment and so much to show for it! Wow!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Congrats on a year well done! Glad I found you on twitter, because I enjoy your blog. :)

Sara, Ms Adventures in Italy said...

Happy Blogiversary! What a great giveaway :)

Half Baked said...

Yeah!! Happy blogiversary!! Great giveaway too!

Half Baked said...

And the Tweet:

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversery! I just discovered your blog through twitter and am looking forward to getting all of your updates during your second year.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Holy cow! What an awesome giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

Happy Blogiversary!!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Okay here's my tweet....that's pretty cool the things I'm learning.

Jack Gamble said...

Happy Blogiversary. Best of luck in year 2!

kayce. said...

i want to be entered! :) my email is chefkayce(at)gmail(dot)com ... i just tweeted it, too, so i will brb to post that link!

Unknown said...

OOOOOOOh after months of stalking you silently I not only subscribe but comment.. I'm a prize junkie! (not that I ever win!) Happy Anniversary.. you've got great yummies and better memories for writing abou them!


kayce. said...

ok, here's the link to my re-tweet! good luck everyone!

Jack Gamble said...

Tweet Tweet - the odds just keep getting better!

Michael said...


Michael said...

Here is a link to my re-tweet

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! Thanks to #followfriday, I found your blog. Look forward to your posts, and the prize!

Leslie M. said...

Happy Blogiversarry! That's a Biggie. I just started my own Blog.. so I am impressed!!!

Anonymous said...

And now for the second shot: Happy Blogiversary!

Leslie M. said...

LeslieVeg left a tweet on Twitter.. here is the link

Shari said...

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! What an accomplishment! Hope the next year is as good!!

Aggie said...

Congrats on your one year! I love stopping by your blog! Great giveaway!

Gigi said...

Happy Blogiversary
love your site
would love an IPOD although somone will have to teach me how to use it!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the one year!
hope the next year is just as good!

christi.higham said...

Congratulations on one year! Pick me! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I really enjoy your blog and its always fun to read what other New England girls are making in their kitchens. Have a great 2009!

Colleen said...

Happy Blogiversary! Looking forward to the next year!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, YOU MADWOMAN!!! Did the iPod fall off the back of a truck? :-)


Mel said...

Happy Blogiversary! I look forward to many more!

Susan said...

Time sure flys!
Heres to another wonderful year!

Susan said...

OOOPS! My post brings you to my blog - here is my email I forgot to add it to the last post.
smvalvo at gmail dot com !

Just a Small Town Girl said...

Happy Blogiversary!
I found you thru Rachelle at Mommy? I'm Hungry! (


Tami Engman

Just a Small Town Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just a Small Town Girl said...

Tweet Tweet!!
Happy 1st Blogoversary Elle! Win an An Apple iPod Touch!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Lindsay said...

And I Twittered! :)

Anonymous said...

congrats on making it a year. I will be there in a couple of months. You can reach me through my blog.


Anonymous said...

Happy 1-year anniversary and many more to come!

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun????

MrOrph said...

Happy blogoversary!!!

Watching intently for more great dishes.

Andrea said...

Congratulations on your blog's first birthday! What an amazing giveaway. I never win these things but might as well try. (

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!! What a generous giveaway!!!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Robin said...

Hi Elle!!Happy Blog-aversary!!!!!Yea I too thought you were blogging for years because your posts are always entertaining AND yummy:)Congrats!

Robin said...

Oh forgot my email- irishbella001 (at)

Rachel said...

Great contest!! Congrats on the one year of blogging!

Rachel said...

Congrats on the one year of blogging! Great contest!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Cheryl R said...

Congrats. Happy bloggiversary.

Amy L said...

Happy Blogiversary! I noticed your recipe for Chicken Tortellini Soup, and just had to check it out. I've never tried the dried tortellini, but now I may have to try some in this soup. Thanks for sharing. If I win the iPhone, it's going to my daughter. She's struggling to work fulltime, take classes, and support herself (with a little help from us). I know she'd LOVE to have this!

Rebecca said...

Congrats on 1 year!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! What a way to celebrate

Leslie said...

Happy 1 year!!!
That is a very generous giveaway you are having!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 1 year! Hope there are many more to come. Fantastic giveaway!

The Student said...

Oooh, I just stumbled onto your blog. Looks great! I hope I'm in time to win myself a snazzy phone!

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...


Firstly, a huge congratulations.

I simply adore reading your blog.
Keep up the fabulous work.


Bonnie said...

Congrats on your blogiversary!! What an awesome way to celebrate it! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!! I subscribe to your blog!!

Simply Innocence said...

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!!! Great Giveaway!

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

Happy Anniversary! I want to win.

RecipeGirl said...

Congrats on your first year!! Holy Cupcakes! This is a great giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love your blog!

cbrooker said...

Happy Blogiversary to one of the best blogs on the web, and definitely the best blogger on the web! Where'd that iPod come from, did it fall off the back of a truck? :-)

Cheers to you,
B More Sweet

Jen said...

Happy Blogiversary!
I cannot believe it has been a year, it seems like just last month you were asking us what we thought. Time sure is flying by!!!!


giz said...

Happy Blogoversary Elle - I love your blog even without a giveaway.

Michele P. said...

Wow! What a great way to celebrate-happy blogiversary!!!! Wishing you another year and many more posts!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said...

tweeted here:

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Jo said...

Congratulations! My family has enjoyed several recipes compliments to you and your blog! What a wonderful way to celebrate ~ thanks for including me.


V.Streit said...

Happy blogiversary! :)

veronica (at)

Manuela © said...

Congratulations. My blog did one year recently too and I gave away a few gifts too, but nothing awesome as this ipod :)

deliciasecompanhia (@)

Anonymous said...

happy blogiversary!!!

nydemocrat at gmail dot com

Alanna said...

Woohoo, happy blogiversary!!!

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Post a Comment

Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!