Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Blog Pimp, Not Going Postal

I absolutely have to tell you about this new blog, written by one of the most wonderful women I've ever met. Not only is she hilarious with a very sharp wit, she's got one of the biggest hearts I've ever come across. Here is the first line from her About page:

If I were a t-shirt, it would say “I Use Inappropriate Humor as a Coping Mechanism.”

That's a perfect description, hehe. And look at this tidbit of info:

"I have been kicked off a cooking website for being a smart alec. No really. You can’t even say my name over there. It’s like I’m Voldemort with a whisk. However, in the process I made some of my best friends ever."

LOL! I was kicked off of that same site, at the same time. Yep. Troublemaker that I am. I know, right? How do you get kicked off a cooking site? I remember reading about a group of women kicked off a candle making site. I asked one of my friends how in the hell one manages to do that. Her reply? "Hello! We got kicked off a cooking site!" Me: "Oh, right, lol!" I'm not quite at Voldemort status, though. My name can still be uttered there without fear of you being made to disappear, as well, hehe. And she's right. The group of women I met there are truly the best friends I've ever made. We've even (almost) all taken trips and vacations together. I love you guys--you know who you are!

So please go check out Not Going Postal, and say hi. You can tell her I sent you, if you like.


  1. You were kicked off a cooking forum? For what? Inapproprate whisking?

  2. Rachel, my lips are sealed. But it *is* pretty ridiculous, lol. I can never return, either! How funny is that?! hahaha!

  3. I'm wondering if it is the same cooking site that I can no longer participate in the forums at? hmmmmmmmmm
    I''m off to visit your friend now...because you know how much I adore inappropriate humor. :)

  4. Thanks Elle, that is a great distraction to my otherwise exciting, fun filled day!

    I needed that!

  5. Hahaha -- love the grey hair shot and snark. I'm grinning ear to ear. And you got kicked off a website? How does that happen? Which one? Hilarious!

  6. Elle, you're the best pimp a girl could have. I need to get you one of those tricked-out hats. Maybe a shiny suit. Thanks for the sweet words. Love you to bits!

  7. lettergirl--really?? I'm holding you to that! Love you, too. Much!

  8. I agree thissite rocks. We must be kindred spirits because I decided my epitath shoud be "She never hesitated to be inappropriate"

  9. elle you're so bad ass! I love that most about you.

  10. I got kicked off from school a few times. That's about it. :)

  11. what'd you do to get kicked off "sesame bar"? i must know!

  12. Amazing - life must be too short to kick someone off a cooking site..overcooked eggs? sticky marmalade or bread didn't rise??? Can't imagine...

  13. Elle, thanks so much for the link. I'm going back to read her archives as soon as I have a spare minute. And, pleeeeeeease tell us why you got kicked off the cooking site! Pleeeeeease, oh please! :)

  14. I checked out her site and she is quite the witty writer, my favorite post, I think, was the one about being in church :P. Made me laugh out loud! :)

  15. I've been kicked off a cooking site too. And a fashion site. And a classic movie site. Maybe it is me?

  16. Well, now I'm incredibly curious over what blog you are talking about :)


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