Monday, January 19, 2009

Easy Teriyaki Chicken Wings

This recipe is one that my mom made forever. It's amazingly simple, and you can change it up if you like. A touch of sesame oil would be good, or you can use fresh garlic and ginger instead of powdered. Also, feel free to add some heat to these, if you like.

I was in a hurry Saturday when I mixed up the marinade, and didn't change anything, just made them as-is.

Every single time I make these, they all get eaten right away. Not just eaten, inhaled! I remember making a huge batch of these for my husband and his friends. It was like watching pigs at feeding time, lol. After being starved for a week.

I don't know what it is--maybe people get sick of the really popular buffalo wings after a while? Please don't send me buffalo-wing-lover hate mail, hehe. I make those, too. See those here and here. We love wings! All kinds of wings. But when my husband knows I'm making these? He's a happy guy.

They're not saucy and drippy after cooking--a little sticky, but not too bad. So they make good finger food. And they'd be perfect for your upcoming Super Bowl parties, too! But make a lot!

I marinate them as long as possible. I've even marinated them in the fridge for as long as 3 days. But if you do that, be sure they haven't already been sitting in your fridge for a day or two. Better safe than wiping out your entire house of guests with food poisoning. Be smart about that, and your friends will thank you instead of charging your house with gardening/angry mob tools. You can even freeze these in the marinade, then thaw when you need them.

Seriously complicated recipe, coming up!

Teriyaki Chicken Wings

To print this recipe, click here!

3 lbs chicken wings
3/4 cup soy sauce
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup oil
1/2 tsp powdered ginger
1/2 tsp garlic powder

1 Mix all ingredients.
2 Add wings and marinate at least 8 hours.
3 Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
4 Remove to a cooling rack after cooking.

That's it. Easy, right?


  1. Yum! My mom makes these all the time. She also adds orange juice to the marinade. They are SO amazing, I can taste them right now. Your photos definitely do them justice - I don't think my mom's ever looked as good as the ones in your pictures!

  2. Yes, easy. Love it. I will steal this sauce for my next grilled chicken...if I can find my grill in the snow.

  3. Oh oh oh! I don't like hot wings so these look perfect for me!

  4. These look absolutely yummy! and I love how easy they are to make. I will definitely try this recipe. :)

  5. I know this is a recipe site, however, I need prayer from everyone out there.

    My husband's nephew, 6 year old Dylan Moore, from Gaston , North Carolina , been diagnosed
    with Fanconia Anemia and is very sick
    in the hospital at Minneapolis Minn . where he has had a bone marrow transplant.
    Around Christmas time his kidneys failed and he had to go an dialysis and be put on a ventilator.
    Well he sort of improved after people and churches prayed for him in mass numbers.

    Now he has a fever of 105 degrees, has developed tumors behind his heart and the lymph nodes.
    His oxygen level has decreased and he has infection in his lungs.
    The doctors have done a biopsy on the tumors in the lymph nodes, no report yet, and they are talking about
    going into the ones behind his heart, which I understand will be very serious surgery.

    Dylan has been thru so much, I don't know how much more his little body can take.
    I am asking all of you to
    pray for him, take it to your friends, family and Churches, ask God to heal
    him so he can come home a healthy little body.

    There is a site:
    that tells about Dylan. Please log into it and read
    it and tell your friends to please pray for him.

    This is from his Granny Frances and Papa Whit.
    We are the closest thing to grandparents that he has.

    Thank you for letting me put this on your site.

    You can send Dylan at card at

    Dylan Moore
    920 Delaware St. S.E.
    Apt 2024
    Minneapolis, MN 55414

    His parents have an apartment there and he will get the mail quicker than sending it to the hospital.

    University of Minnesota Children’s Hospital-Fairview
    500 Harvard Street
    Pediatric BMT Room 5-516
    Mpls, MN 55455

  6. I can't get my picky pants hubster to eat wings so I'm going to try this marinade on some chicken tenders. SOON.

  7. Love this recipe and can't wait to try it. The girls will love it!!!

  8. Funny I took some wing out of the freezer last night, how did you know I was going to do that? Now I have a recipe to go with them! Thanks A Bundle!

  9. Mmmmm...I'll take an order for brunch today, please. So much better than the cold pizza I just ate. I think I've made "wings" just once. There has to be come kind of a law about how wrong that is...I must make these...

  10. My guys love wings and this sounds very good especially w/as you suggested fresh ginger & garlic. Here's my problem....I can't seem to get the skin crispy when I bake 'em in the oven. The kids pick 'em over and will only eat a few. Any tips? Yours look a little crispier than mine. THX!

  11. Thanks, everyone!

    Ingrid, I just bake them at 350, for one hour--nothing special other than that. You could turn the broiler on, but watch them carefully. Let me know if you give them a try!

  12. Oh man, those look glazy and crispy and delicious and perfect! I'm comin to your Super Bowl party!

  13. Sign me up 'cause I'm coming too :). Haven't had wings in a while, don't know why though. They'll be on my list for my next grocery store trip and yeap I'm definitely making these!

  14. Thanks for sharing - Can't wait to make them!

  15. Looks great! I just got nominated to have a superbowl party and i was wondering what to make! i'll let you know how it goes...

  16. That looks so good! My girlfriend loves wings, I'll have to make these for her.

  17. If I were going to use fresh ginger..would I use the same amount? I wasnt sure if using the real deal ment using less or more.

  18. confession: i'm a little uncomfortable with the appearance of chicken wings. they're strange-looking suckers. i'd enjoy these, though--love that glaze!

  19. This looks like Super Bowl Party Food to me!

  20. Oh i have a similar recipe for chicken wings, i think i put 5-spice powder in it too. Love it, love them, love you!!.. ok, i'm getting carried away again. :-P

  21. Yumm, looks awesome to me! My mouth is literally watering at 5:30 AM! lol

  22. Wow! My son Mr. Persnickety will love this! A must do!

  23. What a great recipe and they look fabulous!

  24. I roared at the "pigs at feeding time" analogy. Can you just imagine the visual. The wings look pretty darned amazing and after marinating them for 8 hours I bet the flavour is something else.

  25. Yummy... I like chicken wings!

  26. Perfect finger eats, I can't wait to try them!

  27. I'm making these this weekend... thanks!

  28. I love all kinds of wings, like 'hatorade" here!

    I am now going to indulge in a big basket of wins tonight...wish me luck!

  29. My husband recently made buffalo wings, I bet he will want to try these next!

  30. There really is nothing quite as good as a sweet, sticky, slightly burnt wing. These look wonderful!

  31. Looks great, Elle, I can see why your family loves them so much!

  32. It doesn't get much easier than this - and they sound delicious!

  33. I am bookmarking this! This comes on the next time we have a party!

  34. Hi Elle

    In your headnote you mention using a touch of sesame oil, what's a touch and when would I incorporate it into the recipe. Also you say I could you use fresh ginger and fresh garlic, would the measurements be the same or would it be larger because dried spices are supposed to more potent than fresh. What kind of heat are you talking about that I can add to the wings.


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