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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Frozen herb giveaway & the book that changed everything about bread baking

I have a lot to cover in this post, so please grab a mug or tall glass of something and join me!

First up--the herb giveaway. I was contacted a little while ago by Matt From Daregal Fresh Frozen Herbs. He wanted to know if I'd like to try a sample. Heck, yeah! Trying to find reasonably priced and super-fresh herbs in the cold months isn't always easy. Not to mention that if you only need a little bit, and you have to buy a whole bunch, then you've got to come up with ways to use the rest up before they go bad, which is always sooner than later.

So here comes Daregal, with the perfect solution! Their herbs are 100% natural, salt free, and processed within three hours of being picked. They're not sitting around on store shelves losing flavor and freshness like the ones we've seen up until now. The herbs are washed, chopped (no stems included!) and ready to use in your favorite dishes--no thawing required, not even for salads. And you might think they'd be all stuck together, but the herbs get a very light misting of natural vegetable oils so they flow freely out of the container.


Original Blend: Basil, Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme and Onion

We've been testing some of them this weekend and I have to say, I think I'm in love. The basil, right out of the container, tastes like I just picked it from my garden in August. Same goes for the Italian and Original Blends--nothing but delicious herbs in there, tasting as fresh as you'd expect from your own herb garden. And they're already minced for you, so less work. Now, everyone would love to have a year-round herb garden, but for most of us, that's not happening. So these are the next best thing. I've tried the little frozen teaspoon sized cubes of herbs, and while they taste alright, they're not convenient if you're making an uncooked dish. The Daregal Herbs are like sprinkling your own fresh minced herbs into anything you're making. So far we've made Bruschetta with the basil, and a focaccia-loafy-type bread with the Italian Blend. Also, the Grilling Blend sprinkled into some olive oil made a perfect blend to dip our bread in.

Bruschetta, soon to be topped with fresh mozz and popped under the broiler.

See the pretty minced basil?

So Matt and I talked for a little while and came up with a great giveaway! They're going to send out two packages of an assortment of herbs to two random winners. What will you get?

Package #1: One of each--

Original Blend





Package #2: One of each--

Italian Blend




These will be shipped to your door packed in dry ice, and ready to be popped in your freezer to start using right away. And let's not underestimate the fun factor of dry, not that I'd know. Just be careful if you decide to make a cauldron of spooky smoke, and read the precautions first, ok? Ok. So the herb giveaway starts today, and two winners (US only on this one, sorry.) will be chosen on Wednesday, January 14th. In the meantime, check out the Daregal site, and maybe you'll find a store in your area that carries them so you can get a sneak preview. And a huge thanks to Matt and Daregal!

And now, the book that changed everything about bread baking. For me, anyway, and countless others that have bought this book. What book is this? Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking .

My bread baking has gone from "pretty good" to "knock your socks off!" And all with very little effort. Seriously! There's no kneading, only about 5 minutes of mixing time. The dough rests at least 2 hours, then you can use it or pop it in the fridge. Want some bread? (I feel almost silly calling it "bread," when it's more like food of the gods.) Pull out some of the dough, shape it and let it sit for 40 minutes (or 20 if you haven't put it in the fridge yet), then bake it. The high moisture content in the dough is what makes it rise, right in the oven. And then? Prepare to BE AMAZED. Be prepared for your family and friends to start begging you to make more bread. Which you'll be happy to do because of the little bit of effort involved.

We've been experimenting with the book and haven't been disappointed yet--just the opposite, we've been thrilled! For Christmas Day, I made the Vermont Cheddar Bread from the book, but using half the dough, made 12 dinner rolls. They were so damn good, and even the fussy kids loved them. The rest of the dough went back in the fridge overnight and this afternoon, we shaped 2 flat-ish focaccia type breads. We brushed them with a little olive oil and gave them a sprinkle of good sea salt. Then--how easy--we sprinkled some Daregal Italian Blend over the dough, then let them rest for 40 minutes. When it was time for them to bake, we added sliced Campari tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. Instant lunch! We got 2 delicious pizza-focaccia-bread type loaves with about 10 minutes total work.

We've also tried the Boule and the Pizza Crust from the book. Both are fantastic! And with bread this easy, there's no more excuse to not have your own fresh baked bread. No more being afraid of yeast. And no more fear of kneading. You CAN do it with this book.

And I'm so thrilled with the book, that I'm giving a copy away to one lucky reader! Same as the herb giveaway, but this one is open to US and international readers. The contest starts today, and on Wednesday, January 14th, I'll choose a winner.

SO! You have a chance to win three prizes--the book, or one of two packages of frozen herbs. (Herbs-US only, book-US and international.)

Just leave a comment here to enter. And if you want a BONUS ENTRY, just Twitter or Facebook with a link to this giveaway, and come back to comment again with your link from that included in your comment. That will give you two chances to win.

Good luck! I hope you all had happy holidays, and here's to a happy and healthy new year!

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arisa said...

oh my goodness please choose me! i am in utah and am completely drifted over with feet of snow. the idea of some delicious summer-timey herbs is enough to help me hold onto my sanity! arisacuppATgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

I must say that I am ADDICTED to cooking and baking - I would love to win this...and herbs - oh my do I love them!! Actually, today I made an herb-infused focaccia bread! So I would definitely put this to use if I won! Hope you had a great Christmas!

contact me at:

kat said...

Oh I have that book & love it! I've turned so many people onto it. My Dad never even buys bread anymore

Anonymous said...

Those frozen herbs are perfect for this time of the year! So many possible uses!! I added a link on my facebook
*fingers crossed*

Kristen said...

What cool prizes, especially in the DEAD of winter! Oh how I long to see something green besides my now brittle Christmas tree. Nothing makes winter more bearable than the smell of fresh baking bread.

Thanks Elle!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Staci said...

I'm intrigued!! If I could make bread like that in minutes my family would worship me!! Please enter me in your awesome contests. Those herbs look fantastic!

Anne said...

Wow, cool prizes! Those herbs look like such a good idea, and the bread book is so intriguing!

tinkerbellx2 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

April was in CA now MA said...

Ohhhh, this looks great! I've been looking for those herbs ever since I clipped some coupons for them! I'm glad to see a review on them and hopefully I'll come across them soon.

Your bread pictures look fantastic! You make it sound so easy I'm worried if I try things from that book that I'll get as big as a barn! LOL I can't resist fresh baked bread.

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Oh I want all of this Elle!!! Santa didn't bring me the book like I asked :( Maybe I can win it here!!!

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

I tweeted you here!

Kaitlin said...

Oh my goodness, looking at this post just made me super hungry! I'm making some "wraps" tomorrow for my hubby during football using homemade pizza dough, but now I don't want to wait - I want it NOW!

Julie Barfuss said...

what a great give-away! They aren't available in any stores near me yet...but I will keep an eye out for those herbs! yum.

Jeff Hertzberg said...

Thanks so much Elle! I'm Jeff Hertzberg, one of the co-authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. You're the best for featuring us here (your pizzas don't look too bad either!

Jeff Hertzberg

Megan said...

Great giveaway! Who doesn't like fresh baked bread and herbs? I do, I do, I do,

Anonymous said...

Count me in please.

Rachel said...

How fun!

Allison said...

Pick Me !! I would love to cook with the herbs!!

Anonymous said...

i was just telling my mom today how much i would love to try frozen herbs!

KR said...

I just finished supper and you've made me hungry again! Please enter me.

Allison said...

um, So I slacked and forgot to add my email to my entry! its

I also posted a blog about your give-a-way. I'm not sure if that counts as another entry though.

the link is

thanks again for the great give-a-way!

Shelby said...

Sounds awesome!

I just bought the cookbook myself and when I am finally back at home in NY I plan to check it out and make something!

Prudence said...

Thank you for the chance at these prizes! I love your blog, the pics are fabulous too!

Karen said...

What a wonderful treat, I have heard so many good things about the book and to have fresh frozen herbs would also be a real treat during the winter months.
I also left a twitter comment about your giveaway!

CB said...

Mmmm... I am craving pizza like no other now! Darn you! HAHA. I'd love to win either herbs or book. Thanks for the giveaway! I hope I win! :)

Bunny said...

I have the book but haven't made anything from it yet. The herbs look great count me in on your giveaway!

Michele said...

I'm on love with the Gourmet Garden's herbs in a tube...I can only imagine how much I'd enjoy the Daregal herbs.

The book looks fabulous as well. I'm so addicted to baking bread. :-)

Your focaccia looks amazing Elle!

The Giveaway Diva said...

wow that bread sounds amazing! would ove the cookbook!

Anonymous said...

wow i love the sound of that cookbook! the focaaccia u made looks devine! wish i could make that!


Ellen said...

that looks so good!

Anonymous said...

I have had my eye on this book for quite some time and have yet to get it. I would love to win it!

theslajcherts AT gmail dot com

Pam said...

The frozen herbs look wonderful and I have been considering the books for awhile. I like their approach to breadmaking.

What's for Supper? said...

This is an awesome giveway! Those herbs are awesome. And who doesn't love bread?

Amy said...

What beautiful pizza/focaccia bread. I may have to get over my fear of bread and all things yeast!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I love cooking/baking so much, this would be awesome for making new things.

sundaygirl at gmail dot com

Jennifer said...

Wow I have to try some of those herbs and the cookbook sounds very interesting. It would be so nice to be able to have fresh baked bread on a daily basis

Tisa said...

Thanks for the great review and all the pictures! ~ :) Off to buy the book!

acmilan68 [at]

Anonymous said...

That sounds amazing! What an interesting concept.

Brilynn said...

I looooove this book! I've got a batch of the challah dough in my fridge right now with plans of turning it into cinnamon buns.

Those herbs sound great too!

Anonymous said...

I never thought of frozen herbs. I hate to waste, so I use mostly dry. This would be great. My daughter and I have been experimenting with breads and pizza lately. Pretty good, not great, so we'll have to check out this book.

IhaveMTpockets at

Deeba PAB said...

If wishes were horses Elle...this time the RIG had better pick me!! Since the frozen herbs are out of question, I shall sit & dream of the bread baking book. It's not available here as yet, & I've heard so much about this wonderful book. You've done more than justice to both the giveaways Elle...WOW!! Beautiful post!!

Lucy..♥ said...

Wonderful post and giveaways. The Daregal herbs sounds like they are just perfect especially at this time of the year and how nice it would be to have them at your fingertips w/the flavor of just being picked!!! And that wonderful book, is a treasure!!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. both sound like fabulous items!! Thank you so much for the chance!! Pick me:)

Anonymous said...

I've been freezing herbs for years but never that nice! Looking forward to some winter bruschetta! and the book I must have

Rachel said...

Elle, those herbs look awesome and all but the bread!! Girl, you are speaking my language there. YUM! Those pics are fabulous!! And the recipes sound delicious.

NHmommy said...

i would love to win any of the items. the bread sounds amazing

NHmommy said...

facebook link..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win such great prizes! I need a great book for baking bread because I really really love bread. Thanks again.

zekks at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to amp up my breadbaking with this great book. Thanks for offering it.

vanillasugarblog said...

You know I cannot wait till we finally move into a home with a bigger kitchen so I can FINALLY start making bread. I have to admit bread-making does scare me with the whole yeast thingee. But I'll get over it, right?
I just love those little mini cheese bread rounds...Mmmmm

annies home said...

Yes I would love to win this I have large family and cook constantly always looking way to dress up or change cooking

annies home said...

shopannies http://ellesnewenglandkitch... give away for spices and cookbook check them out
twittered about the giveaway
shopannies is the name

Anonymous said...

Me! Me! I never win anything!

Anonymous said...

thanks for organising this!
i'm a student at uni, and baking bread is the one thing that keeps me sane - but i'm getting bored of the same wholemeal loaf i make every week! the book would be lovely. =)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've just started to get into bread baking and this book sounds perfect! Those herbs sound great as well!

RecipeGirl said...

Hey Elle, hope your holidays were happy and that it wasn't too snowy for you guys back east!

The herbs sound like a great idea. Would love to try them. I already have Zoe's wonderful bread baking cookbook so I will pass on that.

Happy New Year!

Carol said...

Oh my..herbs....bread.....combined...who could ask for anything more! Count me in on the giveaway, Elle!

Auntie LuLu said...

I've heard wonderful things about the book, Pick me...please !! And thank you !!!

grace said...

it's a good thing you prefaced the post by telling us to get a snack of some sort--those pictures are hunger-inducing as all get-out!
frozen herbs? who'da thunk it? awesome. and anything that helps my bread-making will always be welcome. great post, elle. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for introducing us to these frozen herbs! It seems like a genius idea and would love to win the giveaway to try them.

Plowlady said...

you's funny, just today there was a coupon in the paper for herbs just like these, I'm in the mood for homemade pizza and one of my goals is to restart my cookbook collection...THEN I see your post here, all in the same, I'm an email subscriber, love it very much! I chose the package #2 because we live on homemade italian and latin food (being in New York, these are as natural as was meat $ potatos I had living in the midwest! LOL), for me, the package #2 and if it's gone, defenitly the cookbook! I have needs for all three, but to me, it's just funny, weird I came across this in my mail on the very day I was discussing/making plans here at home! :-)

mariannakeough at

Intisar said...

Those herbs seem like the could be the next best thing, I would definitely love to give them a try. I can never use a entire bunch of herbs that you get from the grocery, always goes bad. Thanks for offering this.

Gretchen Noelle said...

Can't wait to win that book. :) Really, it is one I have wanted for a long time because it does seem revolutionary!

Anonymous said...

I want to bake AMAZING bread! Life it too short to waste time baking the ordinary. I've tried lots of different bread books, recipes and baker's tricks but no one in my family is amazed. I want to "knock their sock off". That's why I love your blog. Everything is there - how to do it, what it looks like and personal comments along the way. Thanks so much for the time you spend helping us learn to cook. Please enter me today!

Unknown said...

Oooooh! Both of these sound like great prizes!

Anonymous said...

Artisan Bread is an incredible book indeed, I get much use out of my copy! Whoever wins it is very lucky. :)

Knitopia said...

I'd love either one! I have cilantro rotting in my fridge right now. And I've checked out the book from the library and liked it a lot.

StephanieSells said...

Oh my gosh these all look so great! stephanie

LyB said...

Wow, Elle, you're on fire with this post! Such a fun giveaway, I just wish I had a chance for the herbs too! I'm crossing my fingers for the book though. :)

LyB said...

OK, so, I just posted a link to the giveaway on my Facebook profile, but I'm not sure how you can see it if you're not in my contacts. In any case, I'm still crossing my fingers. :) Happy Holidays!

Susan said...

Oh please choose me! I have wanted this book for a while now. And the I would love them too! Thanks for this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I just made bread today from a book I got at a garage sale for a dollar. It turned out great. I froze some of my basil from my garden but I have to throw the cube in sauce or soup. The herbs on your post look beautiful.

Bob said...

Those herbs sound great. I don't have a yard and have a hard time getting to the grocery store since I don't have a car, so I don't get to work with fresh herbs much (or fresh anything really, frozen is the way I roll more often than not). If those are half as good as you say I will be trying them. Of course, a free sample to start it off wouldn't hurt. ;)

Theresa N. said...

This sounds so good, the herbs would great for making herb breads. :)
Theresa N

Anonymous said...

I've wanted the Artisan Bread book for so long now! Great give away...
I love reading your blog - keep it up :)

ScrapingTheSkillet {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said...

i've been meaning to pick up this book!!!

and i'm so excited by these freeze-dried herbs, it's so hard to keep them long enough to get their full use :)

Karen @ Mignardise said...

Count me in Elle! The herbs sound great and so does your bread. I am scared of yeast, so this might be my hero.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog!! I could really use the book and herbs! thanks for the chance to win!


Anonymous said...

Man, you've sold me on both the herbs and the cookbook! I hope I win one, since otherwise I am going to have to go buy them myself!!

You can reach me at SpaceQueen10 at hotmail dot com.

Amy said...

I've never seen herbs like that before! The book looks great at well. I love bread but havn't really tried making it because of all the work that it usually takes.

Sharon said...

Elle, happy holidays! This is a fantastic giveaway. Yumminess all around!

wyowoman said...

the fresh herb dilemma is the bain of my existance - here in my little town in wyoming often can't buy ANY herbs besides then using them up... so coming across your post has made me DELIRIOUS! seriously.
wyowoman68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I linked here from a post somewhere about 1/2 shortbread cookie bites, that I love the idea of that too. You are being bookmarked!

Leslie said...

Where did you find such great looking tomatoes in December in New England?! I'm pretty sure nothing in NH looks like that. :-) I added a link to my Facebook, but don't know if I've done it right:

Anonymous said...

I want to win... I also am very close to purchasing the 5 minutes a day bread book. Everyone keeps talking about it, and I am making more and more bread... so it only makes sense.

Laurie said...

I do hope I can find these herbs at my local store because they look awesome.

And the bread book is just what I've been looking for. I've been using "The Bread Bible" but all the recipes take like four hours.

My email is, just in case I win!

mwalla said...

I´ve been baking ´no-knead´ bread for awhile now, and I´m very curious to read what the authors have done with the concept. And those herbs look great!

mwalla said...

I forgot to add my email, which is dubious.chewy at gmail dot com. Also, I´m not sure how to link to a specific twitter post, but I just put it up!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the bread in Zoe's book. It's amazing beyond belief and so easy to make. Loving what you've done with it here. YUM!

Shannon said...

OK, I admit to being one of the people that are afraid of kneading :) I'll definitely have to check out that book.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the herbs. Fresh herbs always make a huge difference in the taste of a recipe. Thanks for the chance to win.

ikkinlala said...

I'd love a chance to win that book!

Rajee said...

Hi Elles,
First time to visit ur lovely blog. I love to bake with herbs. It would be very nice if I get chance of this wonderful book for a new year with ur signature from you.
Happy New Year to you and your family with dozens of cookies in my blog
Feel free to contact me

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of frozen herbs! Wow! I'm neww to your blog, but enjoying the heck out of it.

Pamela said...

I love using fresh herbs when the weather is nice but at the moment, it's a 15 degrees outside hahaha
I have my stack of seed books waiting for the spring thaw :-)

sj said...

This all looks wonderful! Yummo!

Anonymous said...

I would love either the herbs or the book. Thanks.
sgiraffe at

Wendy said...

These herbs look great! I checked their website and it looks like a couple local stores should (underline should) carry them... off to check (but would love to win them!)

Rachel said...

Thank you for this generous offer, Elle. Fresh herbs sounds great with all this snow and crust we have around in upstate New York.

sterling0101 said...

I'm new to the blog and its great!! I hope I win I hope I win I hope I win :)

Andrea said...

I'd love to own the book. I've tried the basic recipe and it was great.

mindy said...

thanks for a terric contest minsthins(at)optonline(dot)net

Christine said...

Frozen herbs! What a wonderful idea! I was lucky enough to find an organic farm that sells their dried herbs on Ebay for very reasonable prices, but still...they are dried herbs.

Minute said...

Boy that bread looks good. I'm going to have to make some.

Anonymous said...

I've been eyeing this book and the herbs sound fantastic. My goal for this year is to improve my cooking skills!!



Anonymous said...

I don't twitter or do facebook but have my own blog. I posted about this on my blog in my sidebar where I list Other giveaways. I've added it there and hope that will give me a second entry. You can find it on my blog at
Redlady's Reading Room.

*I'm also having a giveaway for 2 cookbooks so check out my giveaways as well.

Anya said...

Thanks for the chance to win the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would LOVE to have that book (and seeing what great use you put those herbs to, I wouldn't mind them, either!). Please enter me in the drawing.

darbyscloset said...

Oh my gosh this is a great giveaway!!! I so love fresh herbs and too make fresh fact I have the tomato, basil, mozz chees treat that you pictured all the time...I am a bread junkie!!!
Please enter me for either of the prizes! My bread skills are so lacking ever since my orginal sourbread starter was accidentally thrown away : (
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

darbyscloset said...

I subscribed!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Candie L said...

My husband and I are realizing that now that we are getting older, we would like to experiment with different recipies. This would be some great ideas for us.


Beth Morey said...

What a great giveaway!! I love Artisan's my favorite cookbook! And you're right, it DOES revolutionize bread baking. What an excellent resource. I would like to be entered in the herb giveaway, but not the book since I already own it. Thanks for hosting this, Elle!

Anonymous said...

OMG what a great giveaway!! THis is excellent!

giantspeedy (at) yahoo (dot) com

Renee G said...

I'd love to win one of these. They look so yummmy.

Deb in Hawaii said...

Great giveaway! I love the idea of the herbs but I think you may have convinced me to just go buy the bread book!



Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

What a fantastic idea for herbs!!! I just love it. The bread book looks really good too, I've been really into making breads lately so you have me intrigued...I may have to go out and get this book.


Anonymous said...

Elle, that's one of my biggest problem with fresh herbs. I buy those little plastic containers of them and I couldn't finish them, so I waste more than 50% of it all the time. These frozen herbs sound like a great solution. What a bummer, there's no store in AZ for that!

Anonymous said...

The frozen herbs sound wonderful! Thanks for the chance.


efab said...

I recently found your site & am enjoying it very much. Can't wait to win!

Jen said...

Never in a million years would I have thought you could do this with bread. I cannot wait to try this. Thank you for leading me in this direction. It looks amazing. I do need to look and see if I can find those herbs too.

guru said...

The herbs sound wonderful. I hate winter when you can't get fresh herbs. Unfortunately I don't have a green thumb so growing my own is out!

Carly said...

The freshness and joy of summer herbs in the winter?

Sign me up!!!

ophelia783 at gmail dot com

Carly said...

Also, consider yourself twittered!

Kaycee said...

Sounds wonderful!!

kayceewilliams AT gmail DOT COM

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thank you.

Ingrid said...

I haven't tried herbs in my breads yet, however, I enjoy making bread and my family loves my bread. Thanks for this opportunity.

Celia said...

Wonderful prizes. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

nunnelleyc (at)

Celia said...

I subscribed by email.

nunnelleyc (at)

Luck Happens said...

The frozen herbs not only sound delicious, but utterly convenient for those of us that don't mind chopping but would prefer not to. Thanks for the chance to win!

Candy said...

Hi Erin, I just discovered your site and love it! Please enter me in the giveaway - Thanks!

Melinda said...

This looks like a great idea, add herbs and you have tasty bread.

Please enter me :)

Post a Comment

Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!