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Monday, September 15, 2008

Raisinet Bars and a Birthday Giveaway!

I can't believe I thought I'd have more time when back to school time came around. Last year, I home schooled one of my kids. This year, it was supposed to be two of them, but ended up being all four at the last minute. So yeah, free time is not very high on my list.

So here's a quickie recipe. These bars are so quick and easy, and insanely good. You can use any chocolate covered raisins, like Raisinets, but I like to get the dark chocolate covered raisins from Trader Joe's. These are like a cross between Toll House cookie bars and blondies. Originally found at I also like to leave the cinnamon out of these. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to have anything competing with chocolate--I just want the chocolatey goodness to shine. And it does in these. The chocolate gets melty, leaving warm pockets of fudgy deliciousness and sweet raisins. Don't think I don't love cinnamon--I do! just not so much with my chocolate, hehe.

And speaking of raisins, I know some of you won't like these. It's the dried up fruit thing, right? Well they're not so dried up in these bars. They kind of plump up during cooking. Is it the chocolate around them heating up? I don't know for sure, but the results are delicious!

Raisinet Bars

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter or margarine, softened
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 package (14 ounces) NESTLÉ RAISINETS Milk Chocolate-Covered Raisins
1 3/4 cups quick or old-fashioned oats, divided

Heat oven to 350° F. Grease an 11 x 7 pan.
Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in small bowl.
Beat the sugar, butter and vanilla extract in large bowl until creamy.
Beat in the egg.
Gradually add flour mixture to the butter/sugar mixture.
Stir in Raisinets and 1 1/2 cups cups oats.
Spread into prepared pan.
Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup of oats.
BAKE for 34-38 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars.

And now for the giveaway! Tomorrow is my birthday, and since I love you guys and you're so good to me, I want to share the love. I'm giving away a one year subscription to one of my favorite magazines, ever--Saveur. This one will be open to US residents as well as all of you international folks!

All you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment and a valid email address where I can find you.
I'll pick a random winning entry on September 30th, so that gives you two weeks.

And as always, thanks for reading!

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kat said...

those sure sound good to me! & have a really happy Birthday!
katbaro at yahoo dot com

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Oooh, hooray for quick AND delicious treats - yum!! Hang in there with the busyness!!

Wishing you an early happy birthday!!!

I'm not comfortable with posting my email address in the comment section on blogs, but I'd be happy to email it to you, Elle, if you provide me with yours! :0)

Patti said...

I'm in re: the giveaway and I do believe I will try this recipe. Thanks. And Happy Birthday!

Elle said...

Veggie Girl, I know where to find you. :) But you are more than welcome to email it to me.

elle239 at

Thanks for the good wishes, Kat, Veggie Girl and Patti!

April was in CA now MA said...

Thank you for an excuse to go to Trader Joe's!! In an attempt to be a little more thrify I've decided to cancel any recipe magazines I get so THIS is an awesome give away!

Happy, happy birthday!! *insert cake, ice cream and noise makers here*

Teresa said...

Have a very happy birthday! :-) This looks like a great recipe for snacks for ds's tennis team. Can't wait to try them.

tabarton at gmail dot com

Stacy and Brian's Adventures in Life said...

Oh I love give-a-ways! I hosted one not too long ago. I am not a very good baker, but these look really easy....and yummy! Thanks for sharing! I hope you have a great birthday! Enjoy! Stacy

Jen said...

Those bars look amazing, and Happy Early Birthday!

I bet it isn't easy homeschooling all 4 kids.

Erika said...

Elle these look wonderful! I started working full time and now with my kids in school I don't seem to have much time for blogging! But I am going to definitely try these and I will let you know how they come out.

Good luck finding more time!

Mrs Ergül said...

International folks? That makes me one of them! Thanks Elle in advance hehe And Happy Birthday in advance! I hope you have a nice and warm birthday this year with your family.

Home schooling 4 kids is no joke! Take care!

This brownie looks good, just like how it sounds!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What beautiful bars and healthy too!

Ilissa said...

Have a wonderful birthday. I love the cover of with the watermelon. It makes my mouth water.

toontz said...

Mmm, another bookmarked recipe of yours! These look and sound wonderful. I think with the addition of chocolate, that even the little darlings that aren’t fond of raisins would take a chance on them. A very happy birthday to you Elle! Wow, and home schooling all your children?! Brave woman you are.

Oh, alright then, go ahead and enter me in the giveaway...
okaramountain at gmail dot com

Bob said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it works out well for you. These bars look wicked tasty, I bet they would be good with peanut M&Ms too. :)

Meg said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

I have never thought to bake with Raisinets! How yummy!

Please contact me on my blog if I am chosen!

Vicki said...

Oh, those bars look so simple and delicious!

Happy Birthday!

Virginia said...

Neat blog!

momtolucy05 (at) yahoo (dot) com

The Powell Family said...

Happy bday-have a beautiful day! I am a happy subscriber to your yummy blog-thanks!

RecipeGirl said...

4 kiddos homeschooled?? WOw, that's a lot of work. It's like a one-room schoolhouse at your place!

My kiddo likes those raisinet thingies so I'm sure he'd be all for me making these.

Happy, happy bday! Don't want to leave my email for all to see, but you can always reach me through my blog :) Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

A very happy birthday to you, fellow Virgo! Hope it's a great one! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!! These bars---omfg---they look SO freakin good! Chocolate covered raisins...YUM!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful Birthday. How generous of you to be giving the gift on your birthday!

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog is almost as good as rating the food and blowing my diet!
food@stephaniesells(dot) com

lubnakarim06 said...

Wow bars look extremely yummy. Very easy and intresting recipe. Bookmarked! Will out this soon.

Adam said...

Hey Happy Birthday Elle! What fun stuff are you doing today? I bet your students have some sweet gifts for you :)

I love the idea of rainsete bars. If raisins are good, well then chocolate covered ones must take it to a whole new level. I would bring these to school :)

Funny how raisinete is a chocolate raisin, when it should probably mean like a female raisin, right?

Patricia Scarpin said...

I love these bars - they look so moist!
Happy birthday, Elle!

Shelby said...

Happy Birthday Elle! We share the same month for a birthday! Guess what day my birthday is??!! September 30! Would be great if I won your prize! :)

grace said...

happy birthday, elle--i hope it's super special.
being anti-raisin, i have to admit that i was hesitant to like your recipe. it didn't take me long to decide that it looks too good to pass up. :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are so generous! I LOVE this magazine! Please enter me in the contest!

Oh, and your raisin bars look DELICIOUS!

Deborah said...

Happy birthday!! Mine is on Sunday - September is a good month! The bars look great. I hope you have a WONDERFUL day today!

tasteandtell at gmail dot com

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

Happy, happy birthday! I would love to win the magazine.

Love the raisinets in the bars.

Pam said...

Happy, happy birthday to you!

Elle, what a super mom you are! Home schooling four kids is quite a job - good for you.

These bars look fantastic! My kids would love them.

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Happy Birthday Elle!!! Those bars look so good and I can't wait to make them. I love the idea of using chocolate covered raisins!!!

judy at nofearentertaining dot com

LyB said...

Happy birthday Elle! You're so sweet, sending presents our way and it's your birthday! Those bars look delicious. I for one looooove chocolate covered raisins, so I'm making these for me, me, me! lol!

Cris said...

Happy birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday!!!! What a treat to come here and find such delicious recipe...

Anonymous said...

Elle I love visiting your blog, the way you write is like stopping by a good friends house for coffee & cake!!!

Those bars look wonderful, the kind of thing that would be great to have for breakfast at work too I think.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Elle, forgot to leave my email, I'm sure you already have it but here it is again

Temperance said...

The recipe is brilliant I would never have thought of using chocolate covered raisens like this, The possibilities are endles :)

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You! And Many More!! Wishing you a great day, Elle.

I homeschool too -- just one boy though.

This looks like a great recipe. Love chocolate covered raisins and TJ's too. :-)

Please enter me in the giveaway. Oh, everybody always says this, but I would really like to win!!

Beth (jamandcream) said...

Im bookmarking these. Right up my street and my daughters for that matter

Michelle said...

You know what's sad? I realized while reading this that my children have never experienced Raisinettes! What have I been doing the last several years?!?!?

These looks really good, and sound seriously quick and easy. I'd have to hide them from the hubby though. Otherwise they won't last long... :-)

Oh, and an email...

the (underscore) willfords at

giz said...

Talk about being an enabler - just look at what you've got up today - OMG - please don't send me into the kitchen...please.

Yikes on the cookbook - I'll stop into the store and see if they have any more copies - if they do - for $5.99 I'll pick one up for you.

Ruth Daniels said...

Goodness gracious. How do you find the time to take such gorgeous photos? say nothing about the cooking.

Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy this one and have many more. And giving away of my fave magazines,'re awesome.

My email

kamewh said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday!! Those bars look wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm very much into raisins right now -- however did you know? Enjoyed this post. And please count me in as a contender for the giveaway (although, should I get lucky, could you contact me thru my blog instead of via e-mail?)! I always took you for a generous person.

Enjoy your birthday, Elle!

Deeba PAB said...

Happy Birthday Elle...those bars look absolutely moreish! They're heart warming...& I love the wooden tray they're on; just adds to the magic! YUM!! Hope your day is WONDERFUL!! Cheers

hungryandfrozen said...

Hey, happy birthday! Hope you had a fab time. Those bars look fab. I'm not a fan of raisins, but I like sultanas. Does that make me weird or just horribly fussy? lol. I'm not going to put down my name for the comp because should my name get drawn out of the hat, you don't even want to KNOW what it would cost to send that mag to NZ! Happy birthday once again :D

Veronica said...

Happy Birthday! I love Raisinets-they are my go-to movie candy...I think I would love those bars!

Patti said...

Happy Birthday, Elle!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. Thanks for the give away on your own birthday. I am compiling ingredients to make your orange ginger brownies. I've had those on my mind for a bit now. I must have them.

Ginny said...

Delicious!!! My mom sent me some dark chocolate RAISINETS that were amazing...if only, I hadn't eaten the whole box already! :)

ginnygetsfloury (at) gmail (dot) come

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :) Those Raisinet oat bars look so yummy...what a great idea; can't wait to try 'em! thanks for the recipe!


Sonya said...

Happy Birthday! I lurk here alot but I love this blog and come here often:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely day.

Can you please add my name to the competition list.

Carol S.
Perth Western Australia

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope I'm lucky enough to win...

Bunny said...

Elle this is terrific! A cross between Toll House Cookies and Blondies! This has to be good!! You are such a brave soul to home school all 4 kids!! I hope you all are enjoying your time together, I don't blame you for doing it though, I really don't. Public schools now are just crazy!

Maria said...

Hi. I just found your blog and I love it! I can't wait to try those raisinet bars! I love raisins!! So tasty!
And Happy Birthday to you!! What a fun giveaway too! My email is I am going to look at your other recipes now!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Saveur too! And I love your recipes!! My email address is


Thistlemoon said...

Whoa! I can't even imagine the sweetness! Beautiful photos, Elle!

Topher said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

zekks at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to learn to cook.. Lord help us this might be just what I need!!

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I'm on your site, my brother is always sending me yummy recipes, and he sent me your Raisinet Bars, can't way to try them! I'll be back!

And...have a Happy Birthday and as we say in Polish, "STOLAT!" (may you live a hundred years!)


Brilynn said...

Happy Birthday!

I really like chocolate covered raisins, but where I get into trouble is with the yogurt covered raisins, (which I think would also be good in these bars) I eat them until they make me sick, I just can't stop.

Anonymous said...

though we don't have raisinettes in australia, i am sure i will get the same results with raisins & choc chips...have printed your recipe and will try it tonight...have all the ingredients in my cupboard...


The Cutting Edge of Ordinary said...

Happy Birthday! Saveur is the one cooking magazine that I don't get, have always wondered about it too.

Thanks for the chance to possibly win it!

Lisa@The Cutting Edge of Ordinary

Marthe said...

Congrats on your birthday!!


Carolyn said...

I love to cook and your recipe looks great! Count me in!

furygirl3132 said...

This recipe sounds yummy! Thanks so much for such a great opportunity to win a great magazine.


pintolinda said...

Please enter me in the Saveur giveaway. I get their newsletters and have tried a few of their recipes--very good.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you, dear Elle,
Happy birthday to you!
It's your birthday and you're generously giving us a present! Thanks so much. I would love to win a subscription to Saveur! Also your Raisinette bars look yummy- so much chocolaty goodness!
All best wishes on your natal day!
allibrary [at] aol [dot] com

Anonymous said...

This recipe sounds so delicious. I can't wait to make it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance,

Sophie said...

Aw, I'm sorry I missed your birthday. How sweet of you to give something away! I hope you had a lovely birthday. Also, I really admire you for homeschooling all 4 kiddos, that's amazing!

ICook4Fun said...

Happy Belated Birthday Elle. Best wishes to you always!!

syx said...

happy belated birthday! your bars are on my to-try list -- i can even semi-sorta-pretend that they're healthy ;)

redfuzzycow said...

happy birthday! i love your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Oh These sound delicious! Hope you had a very happy birthday too.

pamelamunsell at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh how fun! Happy Birthday to you!

TheDistrictDomestic (at) gmail (dot) com

Julie said...

Two things I absolutely ADORE--Raisinets and Saveur! Please pick me! (I like dark chocolate Raisinets even more!)

Maggie said...

I actually have dairy-free raisinets I bought on a whim that are sitting in my pantry unused. I have to try these bars!

kaylee8 said...

Happy Birthday and I love the recipe for the bars - healthy and yummy!

Garrett said...

I never understood the aversion to dried fruit. It can be so good when put into the right recipe. I think too many people have childhood memories that included bad fruitcake.

Rachelle S said...

Happy belated Birthday Elle!

Those bars looks really yummy!

Tom said...

Raisins and oats, hm...that practically makes these health food! lol ^_~

Teresa690 said...

I LOVE this magazine! It always has so many great recipes and thoroughly explains what can cause problems in a recipe! Thanks!

Rachel said...

Hey, this sounds good. Count me in.

oldsaratogabooks AT gmail dot com.

Post a Comment

Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!