Monday, August 11, 2008

That Cookbook Thing II...Rapee Morvandelle (Gratin of Potatoes with Ham, Eggs and Onions)

I think that's my longest post title ever! It's time again for That Cookbook Thing II, and this one's a winner!

Don't forget to check out what the TCT II members did with the recipe:
Kittie at Kittens in the Kitchen
Mike at Mel's Diner
Ruth at Once Upon a Feast
Sara at I Like to Cook
Mary at The Sour Dough
Deborah at What's in My kitchen?
Shaun at Winter Skies, Kitchen Aglow

So, after the Sauce au Cari which was quite bland, I decided to play around with this recipe, and I'm SO glad I did! After chatting with my Bratty friends, I settled on these changes:

1) I upped the onions from 1/2 cup to a whole onion, which was 1 1/2 cups. And I let them get nice and brown and slightly caramelized.

2) I increased the ham from 1/2 cup to 1 1/2 cups.

3) Increased the garlic from 1/2 clove (why just 1/2?) to 2.

4) Along with the fresh chives, I added 2 good pinches of dried tarragon, and a healthy pinch of nutmeg.

5) I didn't use Swiss cheese, but used Edam, and increased the amount from 2/3 cup to 1 cup.

6) I used half and half instead of whipping cream. Oh! I also increased the eggs from 4 to 5, and the half and half from 4 TB to 5. I even thought afterwards, that it could have used a bit more egg, so maybe I'll go with 6 next time.

Also, a couple more changes:

I baked the whole thing in the pan that I sauteed the onions and ham in, pouring the rest right over them, and popping it in the oven. I thought (hoped) there was enough oil left in the bottom to prevent sticking. There was almost enough, hehe. It stuck a little, but was still so delicious! Next time, and there will be a next time--I'll pour it all into a greased separate baking dish first.

I tried to get a couple of good photos, but it was 7:00 pm and rainy when I finished, so no good light. Plus, we were so hungry by this time, that getting a photo of an actual slice was impossible, since we were inhaling it.

I almost forgot--I'm submitting this to The Potato Ho Down! if you love potatoes--and who doesn't--be sure to check out the August round-up!

Here's the recipe, with my changes.

Gratin of Potatoes with Ham, Eggs and Onions

Delicious recipe, great for breakfast, brunch, or even dinner! Adapted ...

See Gratin of Potatoes with Ham, Eggs and Onions on Key Ingredient.


  1. You just can't got wrong with a gratin & the addition of ham & caramelized onions must make this sooo good

  2. It's been rainy here the last couple of times I tried to take pictures of dinner. Don't you hate it when that happens!?!

    I can't get enough potatoes lately, so this one is calling my name. I love all of the changes you've made.

  3. I like how you upped the garlic, chives, and ham. I'm sure it gave it a little bit more kick and a smokey flavor. Beautiful crust on it too, Elle.

    Thanks for the Favre support. I look forward to challenging your Pats in week two :)

  4. This looks really good Elle. I love anything with potaotes and cheese in it.

  5. I would so eat that for breakfast. Don't you think that would work?
    Anywho, really good picture, love that crust.

  6. don't know how you do it, but you have not slowed down on your posting at all this summer ~ hey I'll take a little bit of what you got/esp. these potatoes....oh it's still sunny summer down here, but am definitely getting that autumn vibe in the background.....potatoes are good....I'm already thinking pumpkins ~ isn't that weird!!?

  7. Since I'm a Potato Ho this is right up my alley! Wow, Elle just beautiful!

    I have to make this.

  8. Mmmm, more potatoes!

    Isn't it so rewarding to take a second shot at a so-so recipe and make it good!

    BTW, I, too, have been having a hard time getting pictures of my stuff with all this horrible rainy weather. Where are we, Seattle?

  9. I am always looking for a good potato recipe and this looks really yummy!

  10. I'm liking this recipe - it feels like one of those that's pretty hard to mess up.

  11. That looks awesome - the nutmeg is a great idea. And is there ever really such a thing as "enough cheese"? :)

  12. Oh Elle this is something my crew will LOVE!! I love one dish meals and have plenty of ham in the freezer! oh yes this ones a keeper!!

  13. You dared to adapt a Julia Child recipe??? I don't think I would even look at a Julia Child recipe (I'm too intimidated). Looks great. Too bad she's not around to comment on your blog :)

  14. I am sure it tastes as delicious as it looks! Have a nice week Elle!

  15. Oh Elle! This photo still looked great! There is so many onions, my husband is gonna love this!

  16. Oh yay! Fried potatoes in a pan with other delicious things. Of course this has to be good.

  17. That would make a tasty breakfast...or dinner! It looks incredibly delicious and filling. The onions probably make it taste extra delish too :D.

  18. i totally agree! why just 1/2 garlic? lol (i love garlic)

  19. omfreakingGawd. My mouth is totally watering, Elle. Yummy!

  20. so what i'm seeing is that basically you just created your own amazing recipe--bravo.
    and half a clove of garlic? what's the point?
    oh, and i love edam, and i think your version of this dish sounds amazing.
    that is all.

  21. So delicious. I want some right now.

  22. It does look absolutely gorgeous. Great changes to the original recipe. I love how adaptable this gratin is.

  23. That looks amazing! Its nice and brown on top too.

  24. What a great use for the humble spud Elle, it looks utterly mouthwatering :)

  25. Potatoes, eggs, ham, onions, and cheese? Best...breakfast...ever! I love dishes like this that come together to make one hearty meal.

  26. Thanks, guys! This one was definitely a winner at my house. I'd love it if Julia were around to comment, hehe. I do think she'd approve of messing around with her recipes.

  27. Know this makes me want to make this doubly much. I'm going to have to eek out some time this week to actually do it.

  28. I could live off of this for an entire year...or more! Yum!

  29. Oh, yes, I love potatoes too! This dish sounds perfect for any occasion but I'm definitely making this for a brunch. Yum!


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