Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Beat the Heat with Fresh Summer Salad and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

My friend Grace at A Southern Grace is having a blog event called Beat the Heat. She wants recipes that won't heat up the kitchen during the hot months of summer. (And even though it's only 61° here today--that's fall weather!) And her rules say we can submit new stuff, or things we've already blogged about. I did have a recipe all picked out to make, but we have some guys working at the house, fixing insulation until Friday. So I'm stuck here and can't get to the store. And it's raining. And I have four kids. And it's supposed to rain tomorrow, too. Help. Me.

So I chose two recipes that I originally posted back in March. Did it matter that it wasn't hot out then? No way, because they're good all year 'round. But if tomatoes aren't in season in your area, do yourself a favor and spring for the pretty vine ripened ones. The recipes compliment each other so well, and if you add a couple more things to your plate, you've got a delicious and healthy feast. These are a favorite when you don't feel like heating up the kitchen, or even if you don't feel like cooking. The prep for these is easy--a bit chopping for the salad, and the hummus is all made in the food processor. Add some feta, pita wedges, and good olives if you've got them, and you have a heavenly snack or meal.

You can find the post for the Fresh Summer Salad here

And the Roasted Red Pepper Hummus post is here.

Put them together and you get something like this:

It's a nice light, but filling combination. And that salad is so good! It's like a bowl of summer, hehe.

So that's my entry to Beat the Heat. And even though it's cool out today, I'm adding this stuff to my grocery list. If I can ever get out to the store...

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

This is so easy to make, it takes just minutes ...

See Roasted Red Pepper Hummus on Key Ingredient.

Fresh Summer Salad

Summer in a bowl! This is delicious with my roasted ...

See Fresh Summer Salad on Key Ingredient.

Fresh Summer Salad

Summer in a bowl! This is delicious with my roasted ...

See Fresh Summer Salad on Key Ingredient.


  1. I finally made hummus a few weeks ago and have absolutely NO clue what took me so long! I'm never buying that crap from the store again and I can't wait to try yours. I happen to have all the ingredients...yay!

    We got a heck of a rain last night, but I really wish we had gotten that 61 you've got! I long for cooler days so bad.

  2. April, I love the cooler days of fall, too! We just had one heck of a storm roll through--thunder and tons of rain. Well, we've had the rain all day, anyway--the pool looks like it'll burst!

    It took me a long to make hummus, too. I have no idea why!

  3. This looks so great - I make the Barefoot Contessa's hummus all the time but have never made a roasted red pepper one - I will have to try this one.


  4. mmmmmm hummus is so fresh and yummy!

  5. I love RRP Hummus! I think it has such a better flavor wrapped up in it than traditional hummus. Great entry Elle!

  6. I love your hummus... wait that didn't sound right :)

    No seriously, it looks awesome with the pita chips. Great party food, and with roasted red peppers, delicious.

    Only 61*? Wow, that's pretty chill. Guess Fall is coming, and I bet you might be excited, because the kids are going to school soon :)

  7. I know what you mean about the rain getting annoying :), it's been like that here in Boston too. Yum, what a refreshing little snack you came up with, though. Cucumbers are always such a clean food to eat, very fresh too.

  8. I absolutely love roasted red pepper hummus! I eat it almost daily during the summer . . . and I recently got a food processor, so I can't wait to try this. Thanks!

  9. Yum, Elle! I need to try your red pepper hummus! It's been on my list forevah. ps. Send the kids outside to play in the rain a while. Splash in puddles and stuff. I can't believe it's so cool by you!

  10. I love hummus! I recently had some at a meeting and now I'm craving more of it. This version looks great! :)

  11. 61, eh? congratulations, it seems you've already beaten the heat. :)
    really, elle, this is a stellar contribution. i'd eat it any (or every) day of the week. :)

  12. I love the look of the fresh summer salad! Fabulous. I will have to try it.

  13. This salad looks great!!! Love it!

  14. Cathy--thanks! It's the only one i make. I really need to try some new flavors, hehe.

    Lina--thank you!

    Cathy--thank you!

    Adam--funny, even though they can drive me batty, I do miss them when they go back to school. And I homeschool two of them, so I still have my hands full, hehe.

    Sophie--how are you enjoying Boston?

    Kenzie--you're all set then, with your new FP!

    Nikki--I can't believe it's that cool, either!

    Lori--I crave it, too. hehe. A LOT.

    Grace--we have, but temporarily, I'm sure.

    Katie--the salad it addictive!

    Mrs. E--thanks so much!

  15. I wish I had seen this yesterday... it would have been perfect to take to the concert at the zoo we went to last night.

  16. Pam--I want to go to a concert at a zoo! Lucky.

  17. Definitely good for any time of year!! They both sound absolutely delicious!

  18. 61 degrees in New England? Good lord that's frighteningly chilly. We had a few more thunderstorms than I prefer when we were there but I don't believe we hit 61. Strange. It STILL want to move there. We could hang out. :)

    Good choices for beat the heat. Everything looks yum.

  19. I totally understand you with the rain and the kids cooped up in the house. I need help too! ;)

    What a great entry for Grace's event. Now, if we could only get a little heat to beat!

  20. wow i love the whole combo and i'll try making the hummus one day (waiting for bday/ xmas/valentine/flag day gift of food processor lol)

  21. What a gorgeous summer lunch Elle, I just love hummus.

  22. Four kids & 61 degrees...what a beautiful salad & hummus this is! Never done a RRP one before...bookmarked. After the success of the Turkish pizzas, I'm sure this is another winner! YUM!!

  23. I love your comments. I will send help for you! And I'm not that far away from you.
    Nice hummus. I love hummus. I should make it more often, but I'm way too lazy and always buy it. If you have a Trader Joe's near you, try the Mediterrean Hummus. Realllllllly good. It's not like the other hummuses (sp?) it's just like the authentic kind. Did all that make sense? lol

  24. Great looking photos - I really love hummus and veggies (with some pita chips too!)

  25. Yum! Guess I'm not the only way needing some hot weather recipes. This sounds so good.

  26. I made hummus not too long ago, but it turned out horribly (the first time I didn't post one of my new concoctions on the blog). I might just have to try yours, since now it's been tried and true =)

  27. Lori--we've definitely been cooler than usual, which is fine by me!

    LyB--so funny, because we really haven't had any real heat to beat, either!

    Rita--you can still make it in a blender, but you've got to get in there and poke stuff around to keep it moving. After you've stopped it, that is, hehe.

    George--we love it, too!

    Meeta--thanks so much! I actually think RRP would be wonderful on those pizzas, too!

    Dawn--I'm going to try that one from TJ's, thanks!

    HB--you think I'd be good enough too dip veggies in it? No, sadly, just chips, hehe. But it IS good on sandwiches, too!


    Garrett--the only hummus I ever made that I didn't like, was one that used the liquid from the can of chickpeas. Way too bitter!


Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!