Monday, May 12, 2008

Raspberry Lime Yogurt Pound Cake, or The Pound Cake That Loves You Back

I've been completely stuck on raspberries and limes lately--they seem to be my favorite flavor combination at the moment. They just seem like they were meant to be together, and they never let me down.

This Yogurt Pound Cake is also one of my all time favorite things to make. And to eat, of course! Traditionally, Pound Cake is made with one pound of butter and one pound of sugar! Can you imagine? I mean, I've seen others, of course, that aren't so high on the "foods that'll seriously hurt you" list, but can you even imagine? I don't think I've ever used a pound of sugar in one recipe. Butter, yes, for shortbread, and a lot of it...but for one little loaf sized cake? No.

So that's why I love this one so much. I found the recipe a few years ago on the back of a yogurt container, and it quickly became a favorite. (The original recipe is for a strawberry cake, using strawberry yogurt, and no additional fruit--it's also great this way, so don't worry if you don't want to put the extra fruit in!) Why does it love you back, you ask? Because with the crafty use of a 6oz container of yogurt and 1/2 cup of butter (yes, only 1/2 cup!), it makes a moist, delicious and still buttery tasting Pound Cake. And like any Pound Cake, it gets better every day. Since I put raspberries in this one, I refrigerated it after a few days, just to be safe, and if summer was in full swing, I think I'd do that immediately.

It's also very versatile! On the same day that I made this one--actually, I made it twice in the past two weeks--I accidentally deleted the shots of the first one and had to make it again. D'oh! On the same day, I made a Date Nut Yogurt Pound Cake, by using plain Greek Yogurt, chopped dates and toasted walnuts, and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Also delicious! I think I'd like to get a lime yogurt and try that with raspberries, but I am also imagining a lemon-lime one with lemon yogurt and lime zest. The possibilities are almost endless when you have a look at the yogurt flavors that are available. This is also a no-fail recipe in my book. I've made it many times, and it's consistently good.

Raspberry Lime Yogurt Pound Cake

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 (6 ounces) carton raspberry (feel free to use non fat!) yogurt
1/4 tsp almond extract
1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
1 1/2-2 tsp lime zest

Heat oven to 325°.
In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, the baking powder and salt, set
In a large mixing bowl at medium speed, beat together the butter and the sugar
until it's light and fluffy.
Beat in the eggs,the yogurt and extract until well blended.
Reduce mixer speed to low.
Add the flour mixture, 1/2 cup at a time, beating just until blended.
Fold in the raspberries and zest.
Spread evenly in a greased and floured 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan.
Bake for about 70 minutes,until cake tester inserted near center comes out clean.
Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes.
Remove from pan and cool completely.

Servings: 8
Preparation time: 10 minutes

And even though it's delicious as-is, I couldn't help myself. Every single piece of this that I had, I had to top with Three Citrus Curd. It's like a piece of raspberry citrus heaven on a plate. I highly recommend the curd, as well. It's good on anything. Everything! I'm almost out of the first jar, and planning on making some more this weekend. A double batch, I think, so I can freeze some for curd emergencies.

I almost forgot! Jessy at Baking Blondie has awarded me the Arte y Pico Award! If you haven't seen her blog yet, you're missing out. You won't believe the things this 15 year old bakes! She's amazing. Check out her blog!

I have five to pass along.
You select five blogs that you think excel in creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.

2) My plate, my world
3) What's Cooking?
4) My Life is Yummy
5) Mochachocolata-Rita

Thank you, Jessy!


  1. I love raspberries, but have never paired them with limes... sounds like a refreshing flavor-combination - especially in a pound cake! Yum! How fun that you found that recipe on the back of a yogurt container - sometimes the best recipes are found in unexpected places :0)

    Hooray for another blogging award!

  2. That looks amazingly good. I have so many excellent recipes to try this summer..where to start!

  3. Finally, the recipe I've been waiting for! Thanks for passing this along. As I'm sure you know, I'll be making this as soon as I get a chance! Hmmm...citrus curd...I've never had curd before, but it does look good. Perhaps I'll be making this as well!

  4. Oh my, Elle. This sounds incredible. I LOVE pound cake but refuse to use recipes that have as much butter as they do traditionally. I can't wait to try this healthier take on it! Thank you for sharing!

  5. I'm all "the more the merrier" with butter personally :) but isn't it great when find such a handy recipe like that? I love cakes with yoghurt in them, and the date and walnut one sounds fantastic...

  6. Oh yeah baby - I can feel the love. I've only recently learned how really versatile raspberries can be and have been pairing them with things I wouldn't have dreamed of before. The pound cake looks really easy to just cut a piece and enjoy with a good cup of tea.

  7. That looks fantastic! I also hope you will attend to all my future curd emergencies.

  8. that's it... I have oranges, I have limes and I need to make some of that citrus curd.

  9. Veggiegirl--I can't remember if I had high hopes for the recipe, but thank goodness, it was a great one!

    April--I know how you feel. I have a "to try" list as long as my arm.

    Sarah--I couldn't hold off posting it any longer, you have been so patient, hehe.

    Amy--thanks! There's definitely a lot less guilt involved.

    Laura--the date one was just as delicious--a bit less sweet, because of the greek yogurt instead of a fruit one.

    Giz--it's perfect to grab a slice and a cup of tea.

    Lauren--I'm your girl! I'll be restocking the curd this weekend. ;)

    Renae--you do! It's just so tart and sweet and tangy...and so easy!

  10. Looks amazing as usual! Congrats on the award!!!

  11. This three-citrus curd looks amazing. I, too, am a fan of the raspberry & lime combo. Just found your site and I look forward to visiting again (I'm over here in Phoenix, but I've long harbored secret desires of relocating to NH. Thanks for allowing me to see it through your culinary adventures).

  12. That bread looks really good. Great idea to place the citrus curd on it. I haven't tried making a pound cake yet but it is on my list of things to try.

  13. This cake looks really good!

  14. That sounds delicious, raspberries and lime are great!

  15. I love raspberries, lime and citrus curd, so this would be perfect for me. Yum! Great pound cake for the summer.

  16. Oh love me back would ya? How lovely is that? Sounds like a great combo, I would have never put them together.

  17. Hello! First time here and I love this recipe! The tangyness of the yogurt and raspberries just seem to go so well together. Nice one.

  18. lovely flavor combination! looks like a delish pound cake!

  19. Elle-
    I am defintely keeping this one! I have to break down and make some of that curd, now that you have shown us how to really enjoy the pound cake!

  20. Now this is my kind of pound cake! I love all berries, especially raspberry.

    The combination with lime sounds outstanding. I'll defiantly be trying this soon.

    Lovely photos.

  21. it's nice to find a dessert that loves me back without permanently attaching itself to my hips. sometimes i need my space, ya know? :)

    seriously though, the basic recipe is great as is, but to add raspberries sends it over the top for me. and raspberry with lime, you say? i'll give it a shot!

  22. This sounds like such a simple yet very delicious recipe! I'm also a fan of raspberries. :)

  23. Oh my goodness, that looks divine. Raspberries and lime is one gorgeous combination.

  24. Holy Jeeeebus that looks good! I had tried your original recipe, but with the added fruit it looks even more delicious!! Thank you so much for the award, sweetie! MUAC!!!

  25. That looks so delicious. I love baking with yogurt and also love lime and raspberries!

  26. that looks awesome. my fiance loves pound cake, and i'm not crazy about him eating an entire pound of butter or sugar (yes, despite being rail thin, he can eat the entire cake -- stupid male genetics). i'm definitely bookmarking this.

  27. Wowie wow, Elle! That cake looks so good. I love poundcake too - it is my favorite in the realm of cake, but you made it amazing!

  28. Elle, this looks so good! I think I am gonna make it tomorrow for my daughter's preschool teachers for the school's Teacher Appreciation day. Do you think I can use plain yogurt instead of raspberry yogurt? I am thinking it should be fine, but just wanted to confirm with you. Please email me with your soul-saving answer:)

  29. I love recipes like this that are so versatile. But I think you've found the best flavor combination with raspberry and lime!!

  30. Oh my, my butt will not happy about this but my mouth sure will. I have a bumper crop of limes right now too.

    Farida, plain yoghurt will be awesome. That's what I will use, it teams up perfectly with lime.

  31. can you believe that just by reading the first few lines of your post, my mouth started to salivate? this looks great and i love the idea of adding the tartness of the lime and raspberry!

  32. I've never made pound cake, and I think it's about time. For some reason I was expecting you to say it required a bundt pan (is that angel food I'm thinking of?), and I don't have one of those, but I *do* have a loaf pan, so I'm all set!

  33. Raspberries and Lime - the new BFF's? I love that idea!

  34. Holy Crap! mmmmmmmmmmmm, I will have to make this one gluten free for sure, or else I wont be joking about crap anymore! Is it ok to say that? Oh well ;)

  35. my coffee is so lonely this morning - how I would love a piece of pound cake this morning!!

  36. Hi Elle, your recipes are just too good and the cake looks yummy.Thanks a lot for all of them!

  37. Elle this sounds great! I'm loving the idea of the lime and raspberrys together!

    Still planning my Joust entry ;o)

  38. Yowzer - a pound cake that not even a pound that looks and tastes like a pound. That's gotta be the ultimate in faking the waistline and I love it. On top of that it looks good, easy to prepare and love the citrus topping. Do you notice how our taste buds have gone from winter to summer?

  39. Guys, thanks so much for all of your comments! Mushy alert! It makes me happier than you could all know to read all of them. You guys are all the best! xoxo

  40. I've met a lot of pound (and other cakes) that love me back. Hence, my urge to undo the top button on my pants!

  41. Elle, guess what!!! I just made your pound cake! With some modifications to suit my refrigerator:))
    I used plain yogurt, frozen berry medley (4 kinds) and orange zest instead of lime. It is so delicious! It just cooled down and I tried a piece:) Couldn't wait to tell you! Thanks a lot for the recipe!

  42. This takes pound cake to another dimension. Looks superb

  43. Dana--yes, I guess even the butter-filled ones love us! You're right, hehe!

    Farida--What a great way to change it up! yum!

    Granny--Thank you!

  44. oh, that pound cake looks out-of-this-world!! citrus is one of my favorite tastes... so putting the two together sounds AMAZING!

  45. Thank you, Antonio!

  46. This just came out of the oven and Oh. My. WORD! I'm going back for my second piece! It's excellent, Elle!!

  47. I had to let you know.. I've got family visiting from GA and while out on a hike today they picked raspberries and blueberries! When they brought them home I knew exactly what I would make and you'll be happy to know there are nothing but "mmmmmm" and "oh my goodness" coming from my guests right now. These tender little raspberries they brought back were like a pot of gold and this recipe was perfect for them.

  48. April, I'm thrilled that you and your family are enjoying the pound cake! And with fresh raspberries? I'm totally jealous.

    Thanks so much!

  49. I found this recipe last July only I forgot to bookmark your page (i wrote it down on a sheet of paper). I've made this loaf at least dozen times but but I found your blog again only yesterday.And I'm so glad that I did!
    This is one brillian cake and thank you ever so much for sharing this recipe. I always use main ingredients like suggested but play with different fruit and flavours each time. With fresh, frozen, sugar-coated, compote's always great. One thing I can't imagine a fruit loaf without any more is- a fruit yogurt.And zest! (I use orange zest, I'm not really a lime-fan! :)). I once put only rasins and crushed walnuts (no other fruit) but the strawberry yogurt turned it into a delicious cake.
    Besides your original raspberry recipe (I used raspberry yougurt as well), my second favourite is the dried apricots+ apricot yogurt + walnuts version.
    A GREAT RECIPE! Thanks again!



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