Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oven Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

Bonus recipe!!!

This couldn't be simpler. Get these in the oven, after less than 5 minutes of prep, then get to work on your chicken and it should all be done at about the same time.

Oven Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

1 lb fingerling potatoes
olive oil
4 cloves garlic, crushed
kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper
herbes de provence (optional, and you could also use your favorite herb blend instead)

Heat oven to 425°.
Wash potatoes. Dry on paper towels and put them on a baking sheet.
Drizzle with olive oil.
Add garlic to the potatoes, then sprinkle with salt, pepper, and herbs if you're using them. Toss to coat, really getting the garlic mixed in well.
Cook for 30 minutes.


  1. I love the fingers! How lovely!

  2. Simple and delicious...just what I like!

  3. Awe. Some. We're grilling today, I think I might have to pick some of these babies up. Great recipe as always, Elle! :)

  4. Fingers! Mmm I think that's what I'll do with those Jersey Royal new potatoes that I just bought for the Sunday roast. Thanks! You didn't parboil them at all, and they all cooked in 30 minutes in the oven?

  5. Veggiegirl, Noble, Tiffany, Rita, and Nikki--thanks so much you guys!

    Nilmandra--no, no parboiling, just put them in as is. They were perfect--tender and fluffy inside after roasting. TJ's was out of the little fingerlings when I went a couple days ago, so I bought small red potatoes, and I'll just cut those into wedges first.

  6. I love it! So simple & easy but oh so good.

  7. goddamn, but i love a roasted fingerling potato.

  8. I am a big fan of roasted fingerling potatoes but is hard to find it here in PA. I used to get it from the farmers market in OC, CA.

  9. This is my 1st visit to ur blog...very nice blog...these potatoes are sooo tender and crispy..i love it..and congrats on winning RFJ:)

  10. Elle,

    For some reason, I have this obsession with fingerling potatoes, and I've never even had them. The day I finally try them will be a good day in my life. Perhaps I'll use this recipe. :)

  11. By the way, I'm still waiting for that post on the bread you made with raspberries and limes!

  12. I believe herbes de Provence makes anything taste oh sooo good! This fast and simple recipe has just become a must try.

  13. Sounds simple but delicious. Just how I like it!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. I LOVE fingerlings. We used to have them all the time as kids because my grandpa grew them. They have a delicious, buttery flavor. YUM!

  16. These potatoes sound delicious! I'm going to have to give them a try.

  17. I adore fingerlings! I also like to roast them and then serve them with aioli dip, yum! Oh, you made me hungry. :)

  18. This is one of my favorite ways to cook potatoes because it's super easy and super tasty. I don't think I've ever made fingerling potatoes, but I think I need to give it a try.

  19. I just love potatoes and could eat these every day!

  20. L, Can I come over and have you cook salad and potatoes for me???
    I'll bring my kid to entertain your kids, and my corgi to entertain your corgis!!! ;)

  21. I've never heard of fingerling potatoes (outside of American cookbooks) but now I really want to suss some out. They look gorgeous - and I LOVE a roast potato :)

  22. how simple and wonderful! Ive seen fingerling potatoes before, but would you believe that Ive never had them before?! Must try this!

  23. These look really good, and much easier than mashing potatoes. Love it!

  24. I love potato in any form, but these little finger potatoes look super-delicious!!!

  25. I didn't have your fingerling potatoes but when I read this I rushed off and cut up some baby new potatoes and gave them the same treatment. Delicious. Thank you

  26. I've never seen fingerling potatoes round here, but I did something similar with whole Jersey Royals - and they were utterly gorgeous!

    The fingerlings are so cute though!


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