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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Scream!!!

For ice cream, that is. The lovely and talented Farida at Farida's Azerbaijani Cookbook has passed along the gift of cool, creamy, and delicious Haagen Dazs Ice Cream to some lucky people. I was one of them! Woohoo!

What a fun package to receive...there are four pints of ice cream, and a box of vanilla bars coated with chocolate and almonds, all packed nicely with dry ice. There's no way that ice cream is going to melt--they're like pints of brick, hehe.

So guess what??? I get to pass on three more special packages of dry ice and ice cream to three lucky readers (that are in the US--I'm sorry that they don't ship internationally)! And let me just tell you, it's almost as much fun to put the dry ice in the sink and watch it make fog as it is to eat the ice cream. What? Who is that laughing? I have kids, cut me some slack, wouldya? I...ahem...they thought it was really cool. ;)

So I guess to make this quick--because I only have ten days to forward the winning e mail addresses to Haggen Dazs, I'll number each comment in order, and drop the names in a hat. I will then have my very unbiased 5 year old son pull three numbers out. Yeah, that'll work.

I think all the packages contain the same flavors, and wait till you taste them!

There's Fleur de Sel Caramel--Fleur de Sel caramels covered in chocolate blended into caramel ice cream with caramel ribbons and French sea salt accents.

Pomegranate Chip--Tart Pomegranate and sweet cranberries with grapes, with dark chocolate chunks.

Are you drooling yet?

Vanilla Honey Bee Ice Cream--combines vanilla from Madagascar with clover honey from North and South Dakota, to increase awareness of the disappearing honey bee problem. This one will help fund research to protect them, which is hugely important. Do you have any idea how many things honey bees pollinate? Tons! They also include a packet of Black Eyed Susan seeds for you to plant to attract honey bees to your garden.

Vanilla Honey & Granola Frozen Yogurt--with just 4 grams of fat per 1/2 cup serving. Nice!

And lastly, Snack Size Ice Cream Bars--vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate and almonds.
I didn't take a pic of those, but you all know what an ice cream bar looks like, right?

We did a taste test this evening, and we all loved each and every one of them. Everyone had their own favorite, but we sure as heck wouldn't say no to a little bowl of any of them.

So please leave your comments if you want to enter, and make sure you're using a valid e mail address. I'll take entries until Friday night (May 2nd) at 9:00 pm EST. Then all the comments will be numbered in order, put in a hat, and three will picked by my 5 year old.

Good luck, and thanks for reading! :)

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Vicarious Foodie said...

Me, please! I think I should get special odds for being first. ;-)

April was in CA now MA said...

Holy crap..I just fainted reading that post!

Once you go Haagen Dazs you never go back and I beat myself up for waiting so long to try it. Caramel still my beating's one of my favorites so that caramel listed in the give away looks divine.

Anonymous said...

Elle, did you mean Friday, May 2nd?
If so....Pick me! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

Wow Elle, those are some great and interesting flavors! :D

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Elle, you're truly lucky!! Wow, those flavors are so unique and drool-worthy - enjoy :0)

Anonymous said...

Yummy! That looks delicious, but not as good as your muffins!

McKenzie said...

Mmm . . . I am hungry for ice cream now! Probably not a good choice for breakfast though.

Jen said...

OMG I want some ice cream! I am in love with Haagen Daz Sticky Toffee Pudding...all that ice cream looks amazing.

grace said...

well this is a no-brainer. good heavens, that pomegranate chip has my name all over it. interestingly, i don't think i've ever had an ice cream involving grapes in any way, shape, or form, but i'm definitely intrigued.

Anonymous said...

Elle, I am so happy you are enjoying the ice cream! Isn't it cool to receive it in the mail!! Oh, since I already got my ice cream portion, I don't want my name in the hat:)) Just wanted to say hello! Oh, please, post the picture of you 5 year old when he draws out the lucky name! It would be fun to see the process:))

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, iiiiiiiice creeeeeeeeam!!
Put me in the hat pretty please!
(I'll send you my email.)

Anonymous said...

Pomegranite wonderful does that sound?

Tiffany said...

Elle-Yay Ice Cream! I would love to be entered in...I mean my husband would...yeah, my husband ;)

Deborah said...

I've had the fleur de sel caramel one, and it is DELICIOUS!!

Bumblebutton said...

I was stopping by to welcome you to the Daring Bakers. And you temptress--the tantalizing ice cream flavors (and the fun of dry ice, too!) Please pick me oh unbiased 5 year old--my own unbiased 6 year old is turning 7 on Saturday. He's got a sophisticated palate, that boy, and the birthday boy would love for us to win! Come on...pick me!

Chef Erik said...

I love making my own ice cream. Once I make saffron, toasted sesame seeds and coconut. It was delish. Time consuming but well worth it.

test it comm said...

Those ice cream flavours sound really good!

Wandering Chopsticks said...

Oh my! All those flavors sound delicious. Lucky you! And hopefully lucky me? :P Thanks for the opportunity!

wanderingchopsticks at gmail dot com

Erica said...

I hope I get this! :)

Lori said...

yes please! Greetings from a lurker: stormysleep at gmail dot com

Victory Pantherwolf said...

my freezer won't be able to hold them...but count me in...

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh I would love to have some of those! Not only is it free ice cream, but it's Haagen Dazs! brittspooner @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

The flavors are all so intriguing! i hope I get to try them out!

crabbitsu (at)

Jenn said...

Yum! I want to be entered!

Susanna said...

Oooo. I am 6 months pregnant and I feel a craving coming on! Are these in stores yet? Sounds wonderful!!

Sa-rah said...

These look crazy good! Gotta love the flavor combos that get you excited just thinking about them.... Count me in, please. -Sarah
saraah at gmail dot com

Jenn said...

I forgot to leave my email in my comment above. jenniferpgh at gmail dot com. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am totally doing this just for the dry ice.. you know I have kids too.. yea, thats my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Love your blog!! Apryl

Amy said...

Oh my, these sound amazing. Every flavor I read I was thinking "that would be my favorite", until I got to the next one that is! I'd love to be enered in the drawing :)

Brilynn said...

This is one of the best contests ever!

sarah marie said...

Mmm... great contest! I'm crossing my fingers for this one. :)


Unknown said...

OMG sea salt caramels in ICE CREAM I have died and gone to heaven!!!

CocoBean said...

oh my good golly gracious... pomegranate chip... droooool....

Tom said...

I'm actually a little embarrassed to say that though I am 25, I have never actually had Haägen-Dazs. ^_^;

J said...

please pick me!

Topher said... cream....I'd like to win as well!!

Thornmallow said...

All of these sound delicious!!

Maria said...

Oooh, ooh, pick me! Finals week is in two weeks and that would make it sooooo much easier.

email (putzer at wisc dot edu)

sabrina said...

eeeee Haagen Dazs. Yes please!

Anonymous said...

i scream for ice cream!

Anonymous said...

I always top my vanilla ice cream with honey - I am most excited about that flavour!

What? No, I'm not bribing your five year old with a cut of the shares right now...

Pssst. Kid...

h e r m i t g i r l (all together of course!)

Anonymous said...

Boo hoo! I passed the deadline, sniff sniff... boo hoooooooo. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....sniff. Boo hoo...(are you feeling bad for me yet?) hooo ...(do you accept bribes?) hooo... Ice cream!! aahhhhhhhhhhhh...

Anonymous said...

Oh wait. I didn't? yay! nevermind! oopps. Err.. While i'm here can i tell you a joke? No? okay... bye :-). This doesn't count as an entry.. it's a gaffe!! k?

What a Dish! said...

I love Haagen Dazs ice cream- how exciting that you were able to try those new flavors! I've had the Caramel Fleur de Sel one and I loved it. I'll email you my Email addy. ;)

RecipeGirl said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Those all sound amazing. My butt needs all of that ice cream for sure (not.) Seriously, I'd love to try them :)

Cynthia Thornton said...

Fleur de sel caramel ice cream? How did they know it was my favorite flavor in candy? Hope I win some of the goods! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I can guarantee my local small time grocer will never stock these! Oh, how I

Anonymous said...

Yum, ice cream for me please! I'll send you my email

My Sweet & Saucy said...

That Fleur de Sel caramel ice cream is calling my name!

Vicki said...

Yes, please!

Jessica "Su Good Sweets" said...

Yum. My e-mail is macaroongirl at sugoodsweets dot com.

Nora said...

Yum~ count me in!!

lem said...

count me in!

Anonymous said...

Must...have...pomegranate-chip ice cream...ghlaaaag (faints onto floor)

Pick me, pretty please with a cherry on top!

grak77 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Yum! I could never pass this opportunity up....I hope I win!

c said...

Ooh, ice cream! :) Great review! Thanks
alohastylee at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love Haagen Dasz's Cappuccino Caramel Truffle yum yum yum...

hey elle,

you're invited to my chinese take-out party, check out the details in my blogpost:

Anonymous said...

Did you say caramel ice cream? That's all I needed to hear. I must try some!

Anonymous said...

Me please me please me please! Please. Pretty please?

pea said...

please tell me i made the deadline...who can say no to free plus ice cream?

Anonymous said...

My Mom would LOVE this :) Hope I win! NeveGialla (at) hotmail (dot) com

Kelly said...

What a fun give away!Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Mmm, salt and ice cream. Cant wait to try that one.

Count me in!

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

OOH! OOH! OOH! I hope you didn't pick already. =(

Brenna D. said...

I scream for ice cream!!!

Kimi said...

Oooooh I Hope I get picked. I love Haagen Dazs, and I love adorable 5 year olds!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Mmm...these flavors sound great!

Email is lyamada (at) gmail (dot) com. <3

Georgina Ingham | CulinaryTravels said...

Fabulous flavours. I'm drooling.

Anonymous said...

Holy Honeybees! I'd eat pints of that just for the bees! Also I don't think I have ever tried Hagen Dazs ice cream, except once in bar form. Shocker.

Shawna said...

Looks delicious. Sign me up (

Katy said...


Anonymous said...

Mmmm ... snack size ice cream bars sound pretty tasty right about now ....

Special Sauce said...

I really shouldn't, but I won't let that stop me.

Please have your 5-year old pick me.
pick me
pick me :)

emerwin at

Ben said...

Those all sound delicious. Count me in.

Unknown said...

Fleur de Sel Caramel ice cream?? Oh my.
please pick me!!

cakewardrobe said...

/raises hand... I scream for ice scream!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. Talk about heaven ....that pomegranate chip looks absolutely delish!! As if you can go wrong with ice cream!

Mumsy said...

What a fabulous giveaway!


Anonymous said...

How can anyone resist? I'm in!

SC said...

I hope someplace in my little town will be selling these flavors, but I doubt it.

AParrish said...

these flavors rival my favorite from the small-town shop I go to over the summer! (It's called "Swamp" and is crushed malt balls, oreos, caramel and m&ms in vanilla ice cream). I guess this is a more refined version of delicious!

tori lo said...

Those ice cream flavors sound divine! I'm drooling over the pomegranate chip...

Alejandra Ramos said...

Oh I'm so happy I'm in time! Please include me in the drawing. Thanks!

Lisa Rae said...

ICE CREAM MMMMM. All those flavors sound delicious. Would love to try them.

Lisa Rae said...

I was so excited I forgot to leave my email address. :o) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Ice cream!
Count me in, please.

otto2433 (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm! Pick me! Pick me!

Chavis said...

Please add me!

U+Me=Us said...

Ah, i've got to win this. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and my biggest cravings have been for ice cream! Please pick me!

Anonymous said...

Oh- wow! That does sound like such a great package :) Count me in! My hubby and I have incredibly soft spots for ice cream... Especially Haagen Dazs!

Anonymous said...

please to pick me!

caramel fleur de sel?


liberalioness said...

just came across your blog on tastespotting and love it...I went to Haagen Daz today to try to find the new caramel flavor but it was nowhere to be found...pick me :)

Melanie said...

I can decide which is more exciting, the prospect of winning the tasty tasty ice cream or enjoying the always entertaining properties of dry ice. Talk about one of the best packages you'll ever receive in the mail !

Anonymous said...

I'd love to participate. :D


Jennifer Moore said...

sounds like fun

Unknown said...

Fleur de sel caramel? Um, yes please! Pom chip? Dry ice? These are a few of my favorite things!

eiLeen said...

i've been addicted to haagen dazs! you must try their green tea!

liz said...

I hope I get this! I love love love Haagen Dazs!

Anonymous said...

OMG Those flavors sound absolutely freaking awesome, Elle! We have HD here, but not those kinds. *pout* You enjoy them for me, ok? :) MUAC!

Katie B. said...

I hope I am not too late! Those flavors look amazing - not to mention, they're like rock stars, since you can use the dry ice to give them a foggy entrance! Fun!

Magdalene said...

Ooh, pick me, pick me!

Post a Comment

Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!