Monday, June 22, 2009

Raw Food, Part 3: Raspberry Ganache Fudge Cake

You are all going to LO-V-E this one. If this is the first time you dip your toe into the raw food waters, then let this recipe be the one you try. You will not believe how good this is. It’s from Ani Phyo’s new book, Ani’s Raw Food Desserts: 85 Easy, Delectable Sweets and Treats.


Think of the most fudgy, chocolaty, rich cake, covered in a delicious, dark ganache.

Are you thinking of it? It’s a nice thought, right? Now, think of all of the cream and chocolate, butter and sugar. Do you really want to eat those things? I’ve got to be honest, if you’re like me, you do! But you don’t want to feel the guilt after you do. You also most likely don’t want all of the empty calories and bad fats. Here is an excerpt from an interview with Ani Phyo, by way of Crazy Sexy Life:

“Let’s take my Raspberry Ganache Fudge Cake as an example. The cake is made with walnuts, considered a super food by the FDA for it’s high levels of omega-3. Walnuts provide amino acids, vitamins E, A, calcium, iron, and have been found to keep our blood cholesterol levels in check. Walnuts are mixed with raw cacao powder, which is defined as a superfood by the FDA for it’s high levels or antioxidants, which fight free radical damage, premature aging and illness. I use dates, a whole food fruit, to sweeten and to bind together the nuts and cacao powder into a flourless cake texture. Dates are full of fiber, potassium, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of the ingredients in my cake are good for you super foods.

On the other hand, the baked version uses bleached white flour that’s been stripped of any nutrient value. It’s sweetened with refined white sugar and empty calories, and uses eggs and butter, which contribute to high cholesterol levels. The baked version doesn’t offer much nutritional value.”

Plus, avocados are good for you. So you don’t have to feel one bit of guilt eating this icing!

I only had to make one substitution, and that was in the icing. I had just enough cacao to make the cake, and had to use regular cocoa for the icing. But the rest of this cake is completely raw. In the recipe, they don’t specify raw walnuts, but that’s what I used. If you don’t use raw, it’ll still be delicious, but technically not raw.


Do you remember that dark, rich chocolate cake covered in ganache that I asked you to think about? Guess what?! You can have that cake! And you can eat it without an ounce of guilt, because Ani’s version is packed with things that are good for you. But when you’re eating it, you may feel that “knee-jerk guilt” reaction like I did. Because it’s that good. I’m serious!

This recipe got eight thumbs up from the kids, and four more from my husband and I. I hope you’ll try it! You won’t be disappointed.


Oh! For easy serving, and no messy cake slicing, I made this recipe into eight cupcakes. Just divide the “batter” into about eight equal portions, and press into a cupcake pan. A little chill in the fridge (about 5 minutes), and a nudge with a knife, and they easily come out. And while we’re on the subject, when mixing this up in the food processor, let it go until you can’t see bits of the nuts anymore. I also gave it an extra squirt or two of raw agave. You may see some of the walnut oil coming out, but just go with it, and press them into the pan, or into 2 cake layers. **For these photos, I stacked two cupcakes like a layer cake, with icing between. Find the recipe by clicking here! And in case you’re wondering, you can’t taste the dates, or the avocado.

This is the most decadent chocolate cake you’ll ever “uncook!”



  1. What an amazing recipe. I am glad the whole family loved it. Sounds like a winner. Your photos are gorgeous too! Yea for healthy desserts!

  2. That looks PHENOMENAL! I'll have to give it a try with carob powder because of my allergy, but I'm sure it will still be amazing! Those raspberries look gorgeous too.

  3. Geezus, my stomach! That looks amazing! I will definitely try once I'm done "eating down my fridge". :)

  4. Great photos! I want to try this cake!

  5. Yum! I'm still in love with the raw brownies from a while back, I can't wait to try this one!

    Hey, I thought of you the other day. My new Veg Times has several recipes for raw soups. If you want, I can tell you what they are and then give you the recipes for any that sound good. Just let me know. ;)

  6. Wow. I never would have thought about a raw cake... you've got the gears turning in my head, Elle! It looks divine.

  7. I am scheduling this recipe in for the weekend. WOW is all i can say. I hope it tastes as good as it mouth is watering

  8. This looks so good! I was tempted to pick up that book and now I think I definitely will! Thanks for sharing ~ it looks Delicious :)

  9. Wow, it does look good. Makes me wish I liked chocolate cake! Love the contrast of colors between the ganache and raspberries.

  10. Ani Phyo's a genius. I have her Raw Food Kitchen book--maybe I should get the dessert book too!

  11. You had me at L-O-V-E. I am going this just out of curiosity. I've never had a RAW cake and this looks amazing!

  12. Wow...that's all I can really say about this recipe and the pictures. This must be a rich bite of heaven. I have to try this out. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I have a friend who only eats raw I think if I made this everyone would be able to enjoy dessert for once!!

  14. Finally I can fulfill my addiction to sweets without guilt. I never make them because I end up eating 3 dozen cookies or an entire cheesecake.

    Woo hoo!!!!!

  15. this sure looks good, Elle. A sure winner! Thanks for sharing.

  16. This looks so decadent - and surprising!

  17. That really does look amazing. And I like how you snuck in a couple healthy facts in there. I mean the walnuts can help fight the butter right :)

    Nice job on the cupcake stacking too, I like that idea.

  18. pure decadence!!

    thank you for the kind words on my blog

  19. delicious! I've seen this avocado thing and must try it...

  20. You bet I'll try it! Looks right up my chocoholic alley. And, of course, I can eat plenty since it's so healthy.

  21. What a great looking dessert Elle! I love what you are doing with RAW food!

  22. Thank you for posting this beautiful blog. Keep up the good work. I love it very much.

  23. Elle, this does look yummy and I bet if you snuck this dessert and told folks this was raw food they just ate...they would be pleasantly surprised. I am! ;)

  24. This looks divine!!! I love raspberry and chocolate...oh man am I craving chocolate now:)

  25. Probably one of my favorite dessert flavor combos. And raw? Well, perfect for the heat. Now. If we could get some heat over here in "sunny" San Diego... ; )

  26. Another enjoyable post to read.......thanks for sharing.


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