Thursday, March 26, 2009

iPod Touch Winner!!!

Hot off the presses, we have a winner!

image It’s Temperance!  Congratulations, Temperance, you won!  Please email me with your address and I’ll get your iPod shipped right out to you.

Temperance said... 136

I just stumbled across your blog, congatuladions on your blogaversy.
and since I love a good contest (a holdover from the publishers clearing house sweepstakes as a kid) here is my email addres

**In case any of you are wondering why her # is 136 and not 336, Blogger will only count up to 200 on one page, so on page 2 of the comments, 201-400, she’s 136, or technically 336.


Thanks to all of you for playing along, Tweeting, and reading my blog!  And stay tuned for more giveaways!


  1. Woot, I am a winner, and since it is still March happy birthday to me :)

  2. congrats temperance!!! :)) enjoy!

  3. Whoo Hooo, Congratulations!!!

  4. I demand a recount!

  5. Good for you Temperence! And on the month of your Birthday too, that rocks! Enjoy the ipod touch, I sure do enjoy using my daughters and long for one of my own. Maybe one of these days!

  6. Congrats Temperance! What a fun giveaway!

  7. It arrived today! All done up in a pretty package, luckily in a plain brown Amazon box with plenty of bubble wrap and a unmarked white wrapper. I say lucky for me because I am hording it away til xmas and then My partner is getting it. I thought about keeping it for myself, but as soon as she saw it she would appropriate it so I thought I would just skip that part and give it to her outright. As a plus I get to taunt her for the next 8 months.


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Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!