Monday, March 9, 2009

Chopped! The Home Version

Have you guys seen the new food Network show, Chopped? It’s a lot of fun! Kind like Ready, Set, Cook, I suppose. Four chefs, three courses, and one by one, they get chopped until there’s one chef left standing.

I’ve had this idea I’ve been kicking around for a few weeks. I’m going to do my own version, right here at home. Only there’s no 20 or 30 minute time limit, and there aren’t three other chefs standing next to me to make me all nervous and sweaty, hehe.

My husband chose the ingredients for me, and he did a pretty good job, I think!

chopped2 chopped3 chopped4 chopped5

We have Tri-tip Steak, sweet peppers, crumbled Gorgonzola, dried figs and sweet & spicy pecans.

I’ll play around with the stuff tonight and see what I come up with, then post the results here in a day or two.

I’d love this to become a regular thing—I just have to remind him to bring stuff home to surprise me with, hehe. I have been talking with my Twitter friends about it, and a couple of them thought it would be fun to invite anyone that would like to participate to join in. So if you’d like to join me, let me know! If there’s enough interest, maybe I’ll make it a regular thing. But no time limits—you can just take the ingredients and run with them, and post when you get around to it.

Will keep you posted!



  2. Elle you have my fav pecans! You can make anything good with those. I adore those. I'm so hungry now.

  3. Can't wait to see whether you use the gorgonzola with the beef or the figs!

  4. This will be so much fun to see! I love me some Trader Joe's and if we ever move to a place without one I'll mourn. Those pecans would be good on a salad so I'll have to pick those up next time.

  5. Awesome! My mom used to play ready, set, cook when I was growing up. She would come home with ingredients and I would cook. I was probably in middle school. haha! and sometimes, I wonder why I love to cook! I look forward to seeing what you make! :)

  6. Great idea Elle. Can't wait to here how it goes!

  7. I left an award for you on my blog.

  8. I'd love to join you next time Elle. It's a great idea! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  9. I haven't seen the show, but love your idea! Bringing the fun and quick inspiration back into the kitchen, yes!!

  10. I haven't seen the show, but the idea sounds like fun! I'd join in the fun.

  11. Excited to see what you come up with. Funny I just walked in the door with a couple bags from Trader Joes!!

  12. Fun, but I'm just not creative like that to come up with my own dish. I've never seen the program...don't watch TV. Is it only one dish or a whole meal using the "special" ingredients. I'll be excited to see what you come up with.

  13. I haven't seen it yet, but I love the idea of this! I'm always amazed when I watch Top Chef and they make the most delicious meals with the mos random ingredients.

  14. Hi everyone! Thanks for your comments and interest. The dish was a success, and I'll be posting it in the next couple of days. :)

  15. This is the kind of stuff they do to you at culinary school. Maybe you should think about it!!

  16. Cool idea! It would be a fun blog carnival to have going on where everyone could come back and hook up their posts with Mr Linky to share what they created. I think I'll try this with my hubby sometime. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  17. I can't wait to see what you make! I think that I am going to take a page from your book and try this... I need to stop relying on recipes and go with my gut!

  18. have never seen Chopped but i love ready steady cook. ainsley is my lucky star! anyway this is definitely a cool foodie event! :) do it. x

  19. What a wonderful way to get your chef skills up to another level, Elle! I love all the flavors here and I am SUPER jealous of all your TJ bounty!!!!!

  20. Great idea... I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  21. What an awesome idea!!! I will have to try that!

  22. OH FUN! I want to join you next time. PLEASE??

  23. Ah! This is cool! It sure does get the creative juices flowing!


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