Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Search (for the best corn muffins) Is Over

The muffin gods have shown me the way. And so did Dawn at Vanilla Sugar. She posted a little while back about Chocolate Cinnamon Scones by Gale Gand, which reminded me that I've got one of her cookbooks in my ginormous cookbook collection.

It's not that I didn't like the book, but you know how it is. You buy a cookbook, read it cover to cover, earmark a bunch of recipes, and then forget all about them.
So I went and pulled it from the shelf to give it another look and found her recipe for Featherlight Corn Muffins.

Holy mother of moist muffins (that sounds
so wrong, lol!), these are P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Just sweet enough (I like sweet corn muffins, not tasteless muffin-shaped hunks of sawdust.) and so moist. I will never try another corn muffin recipe. Ever. I'm serious!

Featherlight Corn Muffins
by Gale Gand

1 cup AP flour
1/2 c yellow cornmeal
1/4 c sugar
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/4 c milk
1 stick unsalted butter, melted (I doubled this recipe and used 4 oz Greek yogurt instead of 2 sticks butter)

Oven to 350.
Grease or line 8 muffin cups.
Sift dry stuff together.
Whisk eggs and milk in large bowl.
Add a third of the dry stuff to the egg mixture, then a third of the butter, stirring gently just until incorporated.
Repeat with remaining dry stuff and butter--don't over mix.
A little flour not mixed in at the end is fine (she says-but I always mix everything in, lol).
Use an ice cream scoop, filling muffin cups half full.
Bake about 15 mins, till risen, light golden brown, and firm to the touch.
Let cool about 15 mins in pan.

Now take one and try a bite. I promise you'll devour it and go back for more.

Do you hear that? It's a choir of angels singing in your ear. They're singing about the end of dry corn muffins!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway! You've got until December 8th!


  1. I could marry Gale in a heartbeat. The talent that woman has is unmatched in my opinion. I've always looked up to her.
    You'll love this next bit: my hubby as everyone knows around here is friggin fussy when it comes to eating. But he will eat and never ever tire of corn muffins, corn bread, skillet corn bread, corn hot dogs, etc... And I am not a huge fan of them. So when you say these rock, then I must try them.
    Do you remember Filene's when it had a bakery? They were famous for their muffins right?

  2. Wait! Just so I get this right: You used yogurt instead of butter and that's when they turned out the perfectest muffins ever?

  3. They look awesome too! I will have to try this one when I make chili next! I love to have corn muffins with my chili!

  4. I do love a good corn muffin -- and I love that you used yogurt, one of my favorite tweaks. (And, not to let go of the love, I love that your site is "snowing"! However did you do that? I miss snow...)

  5. thank you everyone!

    Dawn, I think I remember when they had a bakery, but I could be thinking of Jordan Marsh. I know you guys will love these!

    Jule, I also made them w/out yogurt, just as posted, and they were amazing.

    Trisha, the snow--you can find it here:

    VG--they are delish!

    Honey--we've had them twice with chili, but with breakfast, drizzled w/ honey or a little jam, omg...

  6. These look soooo freakin' good. I am crazy about anything cornbread related.

    I absolutely love the snow!

  7. Look at the little snow flakes coming down on the muffins!! That is so cute Elle!! I love love love corn bread!! I have to make these, and they need to be sweet too, with lots of butter I'm hungry for cornbread !!

  8. LOVE the new header!! Who's that playing Santa - Mr Elle?
    Ho Ho Ho!!

  9. I'm checking them out! I too have been longing for the perfect corn bread muffin recipe. Thanks Elle for doing the legwork!

    Jordan Marsh ... now there's a name I haven't heard in a while!

    Sharon (for the giveaway)

  10. Oh my....these DO look delicious! I haven't had a corn muffin in....well? Years? Since I lived in the states for sure. I'm craving them now! I love that it's snowing on your site, Elle!!! The new header is super cute, too!!!

  11. Better than Jiffy???

    I need to try these.

  12. I have been looking for a killer corn muffin recipe myself so I will be giving these a try - our local breakfast place splits the corn muffin in half and griddles them for a minute or so before serving - they are amazing with a bit of carmelization.

  13. Hi,
    So you doubled the recipe but only used 4 oz of yogurt? Is that pretty standard to use 1/2 the amount of yogurt to butter as a substitution?


  14. Shannon, no--I doubled the recipe, used one stick of butter, and substituted 4 oz of yogurt instead of doubling the butter. So instead of two sticks of butter, one stick + 4 oz plain yogurt.

  15. Mmmmmm, I love muffins too. I remember Jordan Marsh's blueberry muffins VERY clearly. These sound yummy - maybe add some blueberries?

  16. Karen, yes! I wanted to add some dried cranberries the last time I made these, but my husband gave me that look. You know the one--"Wha?" Why mess with a good thing?" So I'll have to try it another time. lol!

  17. Those look really, really good but where is the bacon grease? Everyone has always told me you had to have it! I can't wait to try these!

  18. I'm going to have to try these, I've also been looking for a good recipe for corn muffins.

  19. This recipe sounds better than the one I've been using. Can't wait to try it out!

  20. Elle, these look and sound marvelous! I will have to try it. I have a friend who's a huge muffin girl and I will make these for her. :)

  21. choir of angels, eh? i enjoy a good corn muffin, so if this recipe really does make the perfect little bread, i'm all for it. chili and corn muffins, here i come!

  22. Very impressive :). I wonder if these would work in a stuffing too? Oh, I like the new Christmas theme :). That Santa looks like he's jammin' out and having a good ol' time!

  23. I think it is the pats of melting butter in the photos that make these so good. And boy do they look good!

  24. Those corn muffins sure do look good with the butter melting on them!

  25. Wow, it looks so moist and delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  26. I'm lovin' your Santa themed snowy website. I keep thinking there are little bugs running around on my screen.

    These look like yummo corn muffins. I'm bookmarking this one for chili making days!

  27. How absolutely inviting those look Elle...moist & delicious. Love the butter substitute too. Do you think we can bung in some sweetcorn too? Love the snowflakes...

  28. I love to sub yogurt for buttah too. Yummers on these. Nice to know there's a fluffy corn muffin recipe out there that's a keeper!

  29. They look great Elle! I think they're the reason why Santa is so happy :D

  30. Greek yogurt instead of butter? Genius! I'm STILL on a lookout for great cornbread so maybe my quest will end too :) These look perfect!

  31. I am always looking for a good corn muffin recipe. I've even tried to create my own a number of times and I've never been happy with the results. I can't wait to try these!

  32. Bookmarked: thanks! Your ringing endorsement just moved corn muffins up my queue of things to do.

  33. Holy crap. I made these tonight and they are fantabulous!! I've already sent the recipe to two people and can't wait to make them again trying a few variations. Sometimes I don't want a sweet muffin so I'm going to try cutting the sugar back or leaving it out and maybe try some buttermilk. I have no clue how that will make them turn out, but there's one way to find out!

    Elle, do you think I could double or triple this and make it in a cast iron skillet?

  34. Could you re-post your recipe in its final form (with the yogurt)? Did you double everything? I am somewhat confused about what you actually finally used for the recipe. Thank you.

  35. Anonymous--sorry, that is a bit confusing! I doubled the recipe, using 1 stick of butter, and 4 oz of yogurt instead of a second stick of butter. So you'd double all of the ingredients listed, but use 1 stick of butter and 4 oz of yogurt. Does that make more sense? Sorry about that! These definitely will not disappoint!


Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!