Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Baking, Week 5: The EASIEST Chocolate Truffles you'll ever make

I know, it's not really week 5, more like 8 or 9, but...stuff happens. Hopefully, this easy--but incredibly delicious recipe will make up for it!

I've made chocolate truffles before, and I wouldn't say they're hard to make, but messy. These are simple, but not messy at all. They're even easier than making fudge, I swear! And anyone lucky enough to be gifted with some of these will love you forever. But don't let them know how easy it is--let them think you're a chocolate making genius. Let them offer to do something for you, in return for some of your amazing truffles, lol!

This one is from Donna Hay's Christmas book. If you don't know Donna Hay, you should! Her recipes are simple, but fantastic. I dare you to look through one of her books and not find 30 recipes that you want to try immediately.

This has two ingredients. Well, three if you count cocoa for dusting the truffles. Ok, four if you add Raspberry Chambord, like I did. Not in the original recipe, but I couldn't resist! But still, that's only four ingredients for decadent chocolates that you can use to bribe your friends.

Are you ready for this extremely complicated recipe? Let's go!

Chocolate Truffles
by Donna Hay

To print this recipe, click here!

1/2 cup heavy cream
10 1/2 oz dark chocolate, chopped
cocoa powder for dusting
if you're adding another flavoring, like the Chambord--about 3 TBSP

Isn't that pretty chocolate?

In a saucepan over medium heat, bring the cream to almost a boil.
Add the chopped chocolate and stir for one minute.
Remove from heat and stir until completely smooth.
Stir in the Chambord, or your choice of liqueur. This is optional, but so, so good in the finished truffles!
Pour into a square pan (her recipe says 6", but I only had and 8" pan, and it was fine) that you've greased and lined with parchment paper. Don't grease the paper. I cut two sheets of parchment to fit, one sheet going one way, the other going the opposite way, so there were "handles" for lifting on each side.
Refrigerate for two hours or until firm.
To serve, lift the truffles out with the paper, cut into squares, and dust with cocoa powder.

Let them come to room temp for about 20 minutes before you serve.
Will keep in fridge for 10 days.

Now how easy is that? And just wait till you taste them! And yeah, they're not round, but then again, you didn't have to get messy rolling them, did you? ;)

Stay tuned for another giveaway, coming very, very soon! It's something that'll make cooking during the colder months a little more convenient...and a lot tastier, too.


  1. Well I'm all for being super stealthy and fooling people into thinking I spent all day on something :)

    I like how professional they look, and how I can pretty much add any type of liquor to it. Nice call on the Chambord.

    Is it just me, or is snow falling all over your page? Kinda neat.

  2. Easy AND positively decadent?? PERFECT!!

  3. They look excellent! :) The addition of Chambord sounds really delicious!

  4. I love how you made them square... who said truffles had to be round??

  5. You know I love Chambord. I ADORE the drink Woo Woo, which is made with Chambord (if done right).
    What a perfect way to kick up a truffle.
    Let's have a shot of Woo Woo and then a truffle.

  6. Yum!

    I have to agree, Donna Hay's books are intriguing! Just the looks of one, made me borrow it from the library once.

  7. HOLY CREAMY CHOCOLATE GOODNESS! I'm a little excited about these if you can't tell. They look fantastic!

    I'm going to see if I can get one of her cookbooks from the library and give it a look see!

  8. So, truffle brownies basically. Brilliant! Rolling is for the birds (and is 100% why I usually don't make truffles).

  9. Those look amazing. I'm definitely trying that! Chambord in them sounds awesome.

  10. Those are truffles and not brownies? Doesn't matter, they're chocolate so I'm game. As for that chocolate, that's an excellent brand for the price, I've picked it up on a few occasions at TJ's. Almost as good bang-for-your-buck as TJ's Pound Plus! Looks outstanding Elle!

  11. I love the shape of your truffles! And raspberry and chocolate are so good together. I like looking at Donna Hays' books just for the photos!

  12. I've never made truffles but this is so easy I'll give this a try!

  13. Super easy truffles, you don't even have to roll them into balls!

  14. Can it be any simpler? I think even I can manage those! I love that they are square,too. While I've heard of Donna Hay I haven't tried any of her recipes or seen her cookbooks. I'm hoping to get a bookstore gift card for Christmas maybe I'll change that.

    I was intending to make a few batches of fudge for the kids to take to school on Thursday maybe I'll make a batch of truffles as well. One of the Twins' teachers thinks he is too chatty. From what you've just said these should sweeten her right up! LOL!
    Thanks for passing along the recipe!

  15. Decadent winner's screaming luxury! Well done indeed! happy holidays to you & your family!

  16. I've always been more of a square dessert person myself. :) These look absolutely scrumptious as usual!

  17. What a great indulgence! These would make even a gray weather (like we're having today) seem sunny. Lovely!

  18. I love how they are cut into squares - it really doesn't get any easier, does it!?!

  19. these look so good and yet are uncomplicated!! i love it..will definitely be good to have some of this for our christmas dinner. cheers elle!

  20. Woo Hoo - I love you already - I love easy and not just easy - pretty too.

  21. I love that these are just slices, and not balls! You're right, it's less messy, and I think it looks chic! :D

  22. Lovely, lovely, lovely. I've never made truffles before, and have never thought of them being anything but round. I'm loving this idea -- especially the chambourd. Goodness.

  23. I've hand rolled truffles and it's such a mess, I think I have especially hot hands. These look beautiful!

  24. ooh, what a great recipe! Thank you! I love chocolate in all forms, but these sound really delicious, especially with the chambord!

  25. Boy! I never knew these could be so easy and still look like a million bucks! SO pretty!

  26. Wow these look amazing! I'm bookmarking to try these, glad to see you back over by my blog! :) I see you are still making lots of yummy things too :)

  27. truffles that don't end up in a sticky mess all over your hands? sounds like a winner to me. just as good and without the hassle. :)

  28. I can't believe how simple and perfect these are! I am not a fruit & chocolate fan though, so I am imagining these with some brandy or rum in. Yum!

  29. I love this recipe. So easy and so delicious.

  30. Easier to make than fudge? Very impressive...I think I'll make these for my hubby and stuff them in his stocking this year, he's a big chocolate lover :).

  31. I'm all for easy! These look great and definitely better with a liqueur added in.

  32. i love that you cut them into squares instead of rolling them into balls. love it!

  33. While I may see chocolate desserts or treats that I think look good I'm not really fond of chocolate so I rarely make them myself. Because this was just so easy I figured it would be a good addition to my daughter's treat tray. Am I glad I did! I loved it! I'll be making it again and again!

  34. They look absolutely amazing. Easy and delicious...
    sounds good to me!
    Have a great holiday!

  35. Your truffles look great, I love raspberry with chocolate. I bet orange liquer would be really good too.

  36. the only problem I see with these is that I would eat them all before I gave them away.

    Aside from that, I love the presentation and all without the terrible task of licking your fingers!

  37. Easy chocolate truffles? I am so there!

  38. chocolate squares? Stroke of genius! Rolling them into balls is such a pain!

  39. What's to love about these truffles? They are beyond easy to make, since we're not fooling around with tempering chocolate for an outer coating.


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