Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Daring Bakers, October: Pizza!

What a nice change of pace this month's challenge was! Don't get me wrong, it's a blast to try my hand at all those gorgeous cakes and pastries, but pizza is something we love to make. I'd been looking forward to making it all month, but then as the deadline approached, I wasn't feeling too great. I'm still fighting something off, and trying not to get what my daughter has been dealing with for the last few days.

But I went ahead and made the dough anyway. It had to sit overnight, and then it was ready to go. But I wasn't, hehe. Luckily, my husband, the resident pizza maker, stepped in and made the pizzas for me. I didn't even have the energy to think about toppings, so just cheese it was. But they were delicious!

For the whole scoop, or slice, hehe, see Rosa's Yummy Yums. Rosa's this month's host and what a great choice for a challenge!

Here is the recipe I used for the pizza sauce. Very simple, and this will be the one I use from now on. Just be sure to wait to salt the sauce only after it's done simmering.

This one was recommended to me by my good friend, Jen. Thanks, Jen!

Pizza Sauce Recipe

1 clove garlic, mashed and minced
1 teaspoon salt
1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1 tablespoon olive oil
dash red pepper, optional
Combine all ingredients. Makes about 1 1/2 cups, enough for 2 pizzas.

As you can see, I didn't put a whole lot of energy into taking the photos, either. It definitely tasted better than it looks!

Thanks, Rosa, for hosting this month, and for honoring the memory of Sher. Sher was originally slated to host with Rosa, and had shared her idea of doing pizza before she passed away this past July.

And thanks to my husband, Billy, for helping me out when I needed it. Love you! xo

See what other Daring Bakers are doing!


  1. PIZZA, PIZZA!!! YUM :0) So lovely that your husband helped!

  2. I hope your doing better now! Nothing worse than not feeling well. Great hubby to step in and finish your pizzas for you! :)

  3. Hope you feel better soon! I've been seeing this crust all over blogland so I'm hoping to give it a try. It would be really handy to have the dough in the freezer and much cheaper than any of the mediocre places near us.

  4. Isn't it the worst when we are sick and have to do something like this??? They turned out great looking though. I love sauce and cheese pizzas!

  5. Elle, your pizza looks like the kind of pizza I grew up with. Oh, the comforts of "home." Thanks for posting the link to the dough recipe. I live in an area where I hate the typical dough that the pizzerias use so much I just won't eat it. I will have to make my own.

    While I'm at it, I'll use your sauce too!

    You made a beautiful pizza!

  6. You should have quintupled the garlic to help fight off the yuck. I hope you are feeling better.

  7. It's been fun to see everyone's creations and yours looks fantastic! Sometimes just a good ol' cheese pizza is best!

  8. Hey there Elle! Please take lots of care! Your husband is so nice and helpful, not to mention his pizzas turned out perfectly shaped. I really like the consistent thickness of it! I need to work harder on mine...


  9. This looks like pizzeria pizza Elle, I didn't get to make this one, but next month for sure.

  10. That looks too good to be true Elle...fantastic! Hope you are feeling better. Your pizza is just like I love it!

  11. Sometimes a basic cheese pizza is the best. I want to know if your husband threw the dough. Hope you are feeling better

  12. I *love* cheese pizza. My girlfriend always wants all kinds of toppings (ok, usually bacon, but still) so we usually have to get (or make) individuals. Tragic, I know. Hope you're feeling better.

  13. Thanks for the kind words on the pizza, and the get well wishes, everyone! Still fighting it, and I think it'll get worse before it gets better. ugh.

  14. Oh man, that is exactly how I like my pizza: flat, good puffy edges and cheeeeeese. I think this is the best; good Neapolitan.
    Sorry you feel like crap. That time of year is coming when colds and other ickies abound.

  15. I think it looks beautiful!

  16. behold the beauty of melted cheese. nothing trumps it, except maybe chocolate. ooey chocolate. mmm. :)

  17. Delish. I want a piece of your pizza right now. With a big glass of red wine, please. Is 3:00 to early to drink wine?

  18. Ooo, your pizza looks amazing! Awesome job!!

  19. Hahaha, well it takes a true genius to delegate your powers when you can... so nice job :) The pizzas look delicious!

  20. I hope you are feeling better! And really, cheese pizza is usually my favorite!!

  21. Hey, I love cheese pizza! Your honey did great it looks like!

    Hope you and your daughter are better, soon!
    ~ingrid....Happy Halloween!

  22. So sorry to hear you've not been feeling well Elle. Those pizzas look wonderful, well done to you and your OH too.

  23. Yum, the more cheese, the better, Lovely job on your pizza :)


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