Thursday, September 18, 2008

Raise your hand if you want Gelato!

Is there anyone that doesn't like gelato or sorbetto?

Anyone? No, I didn't think so! And I'm glad that everyone likes it, because I have some to giveaway!

It's from Ciao Bella Gelato, and they're looking forward to sharing with you guys. In fact, they have been sharing with as many people as possible lately--check out the dates for the Mobile Tour. They're going to be at Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA this Friday from 5-8, Saturday 1-5, and Sunday from 3-7, parked in front of Staples on JFK Street. So if you're going to be in the area, get your butt over to the Ciao Bella Gelato Mobile for your free scoop!

For those of you not in the area, I have the next best thing. A chance to win a sample pack of four pints of their most popular flavors, including Blood Orange! They're also including some other branded Ciao Bella goodies with the gelato.

Here are some facts about their gelato, straight from the company:

*Ciao Bella gelato is inspired by family recipes from Torino, as gelato is Italian-style ice cream
*Our gelato contains less air than typical American ice cream for a distinctively rich and creamy texture, yet it only contains 12% butterfat so you can really taste the ingredients
*Ciao Bella uses quality, all-natural ingredients
*Ciao Bella sorbets use 60-80% whole fruit, and are super low in calories and are fat-free (except coconut and chocolate, which are low in fat)

Check out that Maple Gingersnap Gelato!

I'm thrilled to be able to offer this to you guys, and so are the folks at Ciao Bella. Their motto is "Discover-Savor-Share," and isn't that really what food blogging is all about? It's discovering new things and sharing them with everyone. And Erin K. at Ciao Bella has been so great in orchestrating this giveaway, so a huge thank you to you and your colleagues, Erin!

What do you have to do to enter? Leave a comment telling me how you first discovered gelato. Was it while visiting Italy, or did you run out and get some after seeing it on one of Oprah's Favorite Things Episodes? Maybe you've gotten a free scoop already from the Gelato Mobile? Or even at one of their Gelato Bars. Oh man, I wish I lived near one of those! Or maybe you haven't tried it yet and this could be your first taste?

Whatever the case, tell me your stories about gelato, and I'll pick my three favorites from the entries. The Gelato tour wraps up in NY on September 29th, so I'll choose the three winners on that day.

If you'd like to check out the flavors, which are fabulous, go to the Ciao Bella website and have a look around. And if you really can't wait, then run to the store and get some! There's a list of stores there where you can find some. You can also order right from the site!
Good luck!

Photos and images are used with permission from Ciao Bella.


  1. The first time I had TRUE gelato, was, indeed in Italy and that smooth, creamy, PERFECT texture got me right away! Wow! It was so good! It is great that Ciao Bella is so awesome about sharing! I'd love to win some super yummy gelato!!!

  2. My hand is raised really high! They sell it at our local Whole Foods and was giving free samples one day. My children and I tasted it. My daughter just loved it however it was $12 a container so I told my children they would have to decide on just one flavor. If we win, my kids will worship the ground you walk on! :)

  3. My girls LOVE, LOVE< LOVE gelato. I have never heard of Ciao Bella but we would sure love to try some!!! Our nearest Whole Foods is a couple of hours from here so unless we win this...

    They first tasted gelato at a small little gelato bar near our house and have been on the quest to find the perfect one ever since. When we stopped in St Augustine to visit Jenn-The left over queen the first thing they did was take us for gelato there. Next is Italy!!!

  4. I am a huge lover of Gelato, and Ciao Bella is come of the best on the mass market!

    The first time I ever tried Gelato was in Rockville, MD at Sam's Market - it is actually run by Iranians, but Sam makes the best Gelato. I still remember it - so creamy and delicious. I had hazelnut and I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

    I still say it is the best Gelato I ever had, probably because it was my first time, but also because I just loved the whole international sharing of cultures thing. Someone from a different culture having a passion for Gelato and really learning to perfect it.

    It gives me inspiration to start my own Gealteria one day! :)

  5. I always think of the North End in Boston, when I think of Gelato! Though, the first time I ever had it I was in France!

  6. Ohhh really? I am a huge lover of gelllllaaato! Amo gelato. But I won't be in that area. Hubby will, and he likes it (he's not a huge foodie like me).
    Did you ever go to the Italian festival in the north end?
    I loved your comments re: my Ritz PB & Chocolate dipped treats. Girl you have to try them. Seriously decadent.

  7. Believe it or not, I've never had Gelato! MAtt keeps saying I have to try it but I'v not had the opportunity

  8. My first gelato experience was when we lived in Charleston, SC about 6 years ago. I saw a segment on our local news about Paolo's Gelato downtown and it looked amazing. I HAD to try this stuff! At that time I'd never even heard of gelato so I was on a mission. I convinced hubby we needed to go so we printed our directions and we were off. How unfortunate that we couldn't find the darn place! We drove around and around..and around with no luck. I felt so defeated as we decided to head back home. Oh, but what did I spy out of the corner of my eye but the VERY tiny side street (with NO street sign, no wonder we couldn't find it!) Paolo's was located on! I nearly fainted..seriously. We circled around until we found a parking spot and this little shop was amazing. I'd never seen anything like it with so many flavors and they were all so pretty. I had strawberry and hubby had pistachio as we walked around downtown and window shopped.

    I'm definitely looking for this at the grocery store and blaming it ALL on you when I buy some! LOL

  9. Meeee! Meeee! Meeee! I'm in, but I don't know if I've ever had gelato. (Sad little thing, huh?) ;)

  10. I lived in Italy one summer with my friend Marni. We ate weight in gelato several times over that summer! Every few days we would make solemn vows to limit our gelato intake to a couple times a week only for it to go out the window a few hours later with a perfect scoop of melone or straciatella. Years later I visited with my then fiance. I told him we would have to eat gelato at least once a day. He said "oh, I don't like sweets, I might have it once." Guess what? Twice a day!

  11. Elle, you are too good to us. I love these giveaways, you are awesome.

    Anyways, my story happened a few weeks ago. I was at this bar in Manhattan, and there was this cute girl surrounded by her friends. It was like a force field I had to break though. I stood there and as we made eye contact, I searched my brain for an opener. "Do you think magic is real?" "My friends and I are looking for other bars to go to..."

    Nope. Do you know what I got around to asking eventually? "What's something you could eat everyday and never, NEVER get sick of?"

    She told me gelato. The rest is history, my New England friend :)

  12. My first, second and third gelato experiences were in Florence. Ciao Bella gelato is available in all the great markets here in Portland, that I know there's maple gingersnap available I'm heading to New Seasons right away. Thanks for the great blog. I love it (and found it through Cathie Cooks).

  13. When I was in college there was a gelato shop right in the village. My friends and I would walk up to main street and stop at the shop and eat gelato and chat and laugh...oh I miss it!

  14. I have never had gelato. I've always wanted to try it, but haven't really had the opportunity.

  15. Don't remember where/when exactly I discovered gelato. But I know I love it, especially anything hazelnut!

    I love going to a place that has it though, because they are so willing to have you try a bunch of flavors. Once, at whole foods, I think they had us try every kind and were so nice about it. We'd try one and they would be like, oh wait you would love this one. Did that over and over again!

  16. Another ice-cream giveaway! Yum yum!

  17. Yes, I was in Italy walking on a winding road through the city. It was sheer heaven.

  18. sad news, elle--i've never had gelato. i suppose you could say i haven't lived. :)

  19. Yummm... love that maple gingersnap flavor!!

    I remember EXACTLY how I discovered gelato. I had a boyfriend in college... a U-2 obsessed boyfriend who burst my gelato virginity. He took me to a great Gelato cafe here in our Little Italy. It was love at first bite. We ended up making it a regular date. Fortunately, my relationship with this psycho jealous boyfriend didn't work out (and I cannot listen to U-2 to this day), but I do occasionally return to that cafe with my new boyfriend (hubby).

  20. What a great giveaway! I've never tried Ciao Bella - it's not available in our area and I didn't realize you could order it online!

    The first time I had gelato I was in college - I had the stracciatella flavor at Cafe Gelato in Columbia, Missouri. It was delicious! Unfortunately, Cafe Gelato is no longer open.

  21. Would you believe me if I told you I've never had gelato before? I've never been to Italy, and I've just never seen a place that sells it. But it has always sounded delicious!

  22. I couldn't wait... I had my husband get me Hazelnut and Pistachio.

  23. Here's the scouting report on the new Maple Gingersnap. YUM. The maple flavors could be stronger and would definitely stand up against the gingersnaps...and the gingersnaps are perfectly balanced in flavor- not too much ginger heat and not too much molasses to sweeten them. I'd buy it again in a heartbeat. Enjoy everyone.

  24. Wow, I suddenly stumbled on your blog, it's very neat! Nice to meet you. :D
    My gelato story:
    I didn't know what gelato was when I came to Berkeley, CA last year, but it was totally in. The first time I tried gelato was when my brother (who had been living there for 2 years all ready) came home with a pint of green tea and white chocolate. It was so good, but I couldn't eat too much. I was on a diet, and I was afraid of getting caught for eating too much. So I would always steal one or two spoons when my brother wasn't looking and put the carton back in the fridge... ><
    But I LOVE the green tea... Very awesome. I don't think many stores have it in Orange County, so it's been a months since I've eaten any.

  25. Unfair! Blood orange gelato is my favourite.

  26. I've spent a lazy Saturday afternoon foodie-blog-hopping and I loved the title of your blog!!

    I've never had gelato... I've had ice cream, sorbet, sherbet. But never gelato. I think it sounds delicious though... and I'm sure blood orange gelato would be incredible!!!

    Great blog!

  27. Gelato reminds me of being a kid, playing on my swingset in my backyard when I was living in NY and my sweet Sicilian aunt (Zia) coming over in the evenings and bringing a carton of gelato. It was always in the summer and it was always delicious.

  28. I never quite understood the difference between ice cream and gelatto. Now I want some -

  29. Have had my hand up for 2 days...LOL...but one of kids had a situation so the comment never got left! LOL...what a life! We got our first gelato bar in India 3 years ago...believe it or not. But I had my first one many years ago in Milan & fell in love with Italy!! My list of things to do has 'to make a chocolate gelato'...YUMMMMM!!

  30. ooh i first discovered gelato (the real deal) while walking in Piazza Simpione in Italy many many years ago with an ex.. It was so darn good I didn't know what to do. There's an authentic Gelato joint here in ATL. I've not been there in a year but thanks for reminding me of it. And good for you guys for being able to benefit from the gelato truck! :)

  31. I wish I could just jump in my car and get out there today. But I'm bogged-down with work! Shoot!

  32. Ooh, Blood Orange! *raises hand*

    Oh to be in America...reason #103 :)

  33. Elle-
    What a great give-away! The first time I tried gelato was last year in Madison, Wisconsin. We were celebrating my middle school daughter’s band performance at a teacher’s convention. After the performance we wandered downtown for a treat, and came across a sweet little place selling gelato. We were amazed by the different flavors and the texture—it was all so delicious! We each ordered a different flavor so we could share. Because of that day, the very first thing I made in my brand new ice-cream maker was gelato!

  34. Ooh Elle! Can I play?
    I first discovered Gelato about 8 years ago, I think it was Häagen-Dazs, they made a hazelnut gelato that was to die for! Once in a while I'd buy a pint and before I knew it it was gone. In one sitting. by myself. oops. They don't make it anymore :( and I haven't had any since. I need some. :)

  35. Oh I would love to have a gelato mobile here! Oh my I think I discovered it in the US long time ago. You always have such nice giveaways, so much fun to come here Elle. Have a nice week.

  36. Oh I love Gelato! I don't remember exactly when I first tried it but I've been hooked ever since. I wish that we could have the gelato truck around here!

  37. The first time that I had gelato was my first day in Venice, Italy. It was love at first taste, and I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I then had it twice a day while in Italy. oops. :-) It was really great and I absolutely adore the texture. I loved trying new flavors, but somehow I always returned to my favorite, mint chocolate. yum!

  38. The first time I had gelato was at a little shop where I live and it was a raspberry gelato. Gelato is just so smooth. It just melts in your mouth. It was so good.

  39. I love gelato. When I was in New York a few months ago I had Grom's Yogurt Flavored Gelato--think texture of Gelato with sweet tang of yogurt. I can't stop thinking about it.
    My email (just in case) is

  40. I studied abroad in Europe last summer, and did a lot of traveling. I first tried gelato at a stand near where we were staying in Austria. I tried the flavor "manner," which means cookie in German. It was soooo creamy and had a delicate chocolate flavor with flakes of chocolate cookie. Then, I made a point to try gelato in every city I traveled to--I had walnut flavor in Vienna, nutella in northern Italy, berry in Venice, black currant in France..ect. The verdit: my first gelato flavor wins as my all time favorite, but I am always eager to try more :) :)

  41. Wow, what a fun giveaway. I haven't thought of my "first time" in years. I think the year was, hmmm, 1981, maybe. I was working in a little mall and this "trendy, upscale" little restaurant opened. We all flipped because it was a new place to go grab lunch, or dinner, besides hitting Wendy's. I am trying to recall the name of the place and can't(I'm sure it will come to me at 3am!). Anyway, they had gelato, and I was hooked with the first taste! So light and creamy (now I am drooling :). I wish I could say that it was in some romantic city in Europe, but sadly, it was in Columbus, Ohio. Anyway, I would love to win the Ciao Bella. It is so good, but hard to get around here.
    Great event, as always!

    ps. I just remembered the name, "Umberto's"! Yea for my, the memory is still intact!

  42. Gelato in Oregon, a miracle I tell you!! I hpoe I win. My son who is at the University of Oregon would LOVE IT. Any DUCK flavors? hee

  43. Gelato in Oregon, a miracle I tell you!! I hpoe I win. My son who is at the University of Oregon would LOVE IT. Any DUCK flavors? hee


  44. I've had one small tasting of gelato in my 24 years here on earth. It was at a mall stand, the gelato was creamy and delicious, just like everyone had always told me. I was only able to have a sample as I was broke and walking the mall with friends to kill some time.

    I've meant to go back and try a full serving but the mall is an hour drive away. There is no gelato that I can find in my area.

    I'm dying to have some again and hopefully soon!


    I first had gelato in Palo Alto, CA with my boyfriend. It was delicious. So is he.

  46. I first discovered gelato in my college town, a small town in West Virginia. A local pizza place made 16 flavors every day. MY favorite was always the pistachio, followed by the coffee and the butter almond. This pizza place was literally 3 blocks from my work, and I used to run over on my lunch break to grab a couple scoops.

    I moved to DC a year ago and even though this area is flush with 100 times the population and food opportunities, I've yet to find gelato that matched up with that tiny spot in West Virginia.

  47. I was sixteen and on a high school trip to Italy when I had my first taste of gelato. I was in Florence, and my friends and I had just parted from our chaperones. We intended to go to the Galleria dell'Accademia to see the David, but decided that we first needed to try gelato, which we had heard was so much better than ice cream.

    We snuck into a tiny shop, where I stared at the flavors for ages, wondering what stracchiatella and nocciola were, when I decided to keep things simple and try the peach. The smooth, fresh flavor evoked lazy summer afternoons eating a dripping peach, but the unique texture made eating the gelato one of my most memorable moments from that trip. Subsequent gelato experiences were also wonderful, but none had the magic of that first time.

    I saved the napkin from the tiny gelateria so that someday I could return. Though I've been back to Italy, I haven't been back to Florence. Someday.

  48. I'm pretty sure my first taste of gelato was in Ciao Bella in Little Italy, NYC. I had read about it but had never tried it, and despite being stuffed from lunch in Chinatown I convinced my family to try some. I've been hooked ever since! My favorite of their flavors is the key lime with graham crackers. Its my favorite dessert in gelato form. Delicious!


  49. The original Ciao Bella store is on Mott Street in New York city and i used to live on the same street a few blocks down. Some people have spiritual rebirths, mine was an ice-cream rebirth and it was called Gelato. I started counting the days after that first bite and i'm proud to say, next spring i'll be 7 years old in Gelato years... That first bite of vanilla bean gelato was so perfect I felt in love with the innocent girl behind the counter. Poor girl! Needless to say it wasn't reciprocal. She probably quit because of me. There was the subway station around the corner from my apartment... or the one 5 blocks away where i would have to walk by the tiny shop on my way to work. Guess which one i would use the most?

  50. My Grandpa used to always have one of those big buckets of neon colored, oddly flavored sherbet around for when us grandkids would stop by. I loved my Grandpa but the sherbet never grew on me. My first taste of real gelato was actually Ciao Bella coconut gelato and it was love at first bite. I make sure to dish some out first rather than digging into the pint. Otherwise it's difficult to stop! I love it so much I have yet to buy a different flavor though I have tried a few times!

  51. My first taste of gelato was in Singapore, in which the owner of the shop churn his gelatos at the back of the shop everyday. He reported learnt the art straight from Italy. After his initial success in introducing gelato into Singapore, many follw suit, and you can find many gelaterias in Singapore nowaday.

  52. i am raising my hands! i hope they'll open one branch here :)

  53. Fifteen years ago I moved from the midwest to New York. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced, and while I loved it, I was in way over my head. One day I went exploring, got lost (even more than usual), and walked into a small restaurant to call a cab. I got sidetracked, ordered some food, and afterwards the owner was sweet enough to offer me a small scoop of gelato. I'd never heard of it. It was orange. It was amazing. I've no idea where that shop was.

  54. i just saw your site via a like on foodqawker and i just love gelato so i had to stop by! i was in italy traveling with school for a class on diverse cultures...i fell in love with it all, the views, the food, the people, everything. we discovered the gelato the very first day we were in palermo and i can't count the number of times we enjoyed it over the next 15 days. i think i gained 30lbs that trip. sadly i live in ohio and there is no authentic gelato to be found here :-(

  55. I am pretty sure that my first gelato experience was in Grand Central Station's food court at the Ciao Bella gelato stand. I had the hazelnut. But what was truly a mind-opening experience was when I had their Blood Orange sorbet. The way the flavors just exploded in the mouth was amazing. Every time I am in Grand Central I cannot leave without some blood orange sorbet. :o) Thank you for the chance at the give away. It is very sweet of you! (my email is!)

  56. My first real gelato experiance was in Italy. I was 16 in Venice walking around St. Marks square. I was there on a school trip and it was our first day of real sight seeing. Walking into the Gelateria was an amazing sense experience. The sounds of Italian all around me, the sight of a true italian "ice cream shop", the smell of all that amazing gelato, the taste was amazing! The chocolate and felt so smooth and creamy. I have never had an gelto that could ever compare. Of course I had to try gelato in ever city! Very anxious to try the Ciao Bella version! Plus my boyfriend is addicted to ANYTHING blood orange! I know he will just have to try this! Thanks again! (

  57. The first time I had gelato was in Italy. I was backpacking and the first city there was Rome. I stopped into the store and was amazed by all the flavors. The guy let me try each and every one before settling on my favorite flavor - nutella of course. After experiencing how AMAZING the stuff tastes I must have had it at least 3 times a day in each city I was in (being less than a Euro for a scoop was good also!) My favorite place was a tiny shop in Venice which had tiramisu flavor with big chunks of ladyfingers in it. Jennifer -

  58. My first gelato experience was in a little German town called Leverkusen. I was there for a summer internship, and there was a wonderful parlor in town that was run by an Italian family. They would come up to Germany every summer to run the shop, and return to Italy the rest of the year. Each week, my friends and I would make a "pilgrimage" to enjoy the treats they offered, and I always took a long time deciding. I've since forgotten the name of that little shop, but I'll never forget the wonderful flavor creations.

    c3 --

  59. My first experience with gelato was after my freshman year of college. My parents took me to Italy as my high school graduation gift. We had the most divine gelato at Vivaldi's in Florence. The fruit flavors were so fresh and delicious.
    Although, my favorite gelato experience was my roommates first experience. It was my roommate's 30 b-day and we took her on a world tour in Vegas. We got her gelato at the Venetian. She LOVED it and has been on a quest to find some as good since then.


  60. I have only had gelato from the mall. It was good but I would love to try this!

  61. My first taste of gelato was in Italy, when I was 11, with my family. We would usually have some every day, sometimes twice a day. More than just how delicious it was, though, I was particularly struck by the way it was served into the cones or cups: with a PADDLE. None of this scooper baloney - it was literally TROWELED ON. This, to my mind, was the best method of dispensing an ice-cream-like substance EVER.

    My email:

  62. I have been looking in my local stores for this but no go - I need to step out to a specialty store to try this as people rave about this yummy stuff.

  63. Mmm, gelato. Che bellezza. During my summer semester abroad for school, our art history trip turned into a gelato connoisseurship. We sampled different gelateria's in florence and picked our favorite... and then when we went to Rome... found our new favorite. Every night, no matter how full we were from our gajillion course meal (including a dessert) we somehow made room for a heaping scoop of the creamy stuff on a bellisimo cono. (and the last few days, we had to make room for TWO cones a day because we would miss it so much when we got back to the states!) I'd love to sample this Ciao Bella gelato and see how it compares with my favorites from Tuscany and Roma. (

  64. Hi Elle!
    Love your site! I'm passing on the Brilliante Weblog award!! :)

  65. My first time with gelato was actually fairly recently (over the summer). I had time to kill in Santa Monica and stumbled upon this placed called "Angelato." The name was way too cute to pass up. It was good...not great. Then I found Paciugo in Hermosa Beach and OMG amazing. Best gelato I've evereverever had hands down. Miss it so much!

  66. I'm not so lucky to have been to Italy, but the first time I tried gelato was on Ninth Street in Durham, NC, at this great little bakery and dessert place called Francesca's. It's a very popular progressive/gay hangout, and the gelato is heavenly. I believe my first two flavours were coffee and hazelnut, but I've had many since!

  67. My first taste of gelato was in Florence, Italy. My boyfriend and I were visiting Florence and Rome during our spring breaks (I was studying in Paris; my boyfriend was studying in Oxford). We ended up eating gelato every day (and sometimes twice). My boyfriend ended up proposing in Florence and of course, we celebrated with a big dinner and topped it off with gelato! :)

  68. I'm very lucky as a local Italian restaurant makes their own gelato - and it is lovely. It's how I imagine gelato tastes in Italy, though I'm hoping to know for sure someday! Thank you for this great opportunity!

  69. I first discovered gelato in Venice, Italy, a long time ago!

  70. I wish to die of substance abuse. The substance is gelato. I’ve never tasted it. I have had Skinny Cow; lactose free; sucrose free; flavor free; trans-fat free. I don’t want to be guilt-free. I want real Italian gelato! Here’s my dream scenario. Bypassing all the sights, I pull up a lounge chair in the Ciao Bella Gelato Emporium, and tunnel through dark mocha cappuccino, boysenberry, strawberry, the greenest of pistachios, zucchini. Ravioli gelato? Bring it on, boys. I shall cleanse my palate with zingy lemon gelato. My cholesterol will be the highest in Europe, and I will die a happy woman.

    However, before I go to the Great Gelateria in the Sky, I must witness with my own two eyes (no forged documents) the nuptials of my older son (39) to his long-suffering girlfriend, Denise. Our entire family loves Denise. This alone, makes my contrary son anxious. Another issue is sibling rivalry. My younger son married a dynamite girl from Hawaii, a math teacher who has introduced left-brain activity into our gene pool. My first-born, therefore, claims to be holding out for a more exotic bride: an Inuit, perhaps, or some young lovely from the Maldives.

    Smell. Once, when I planned to be a princess, I would have rhapsodized over the perfume fields of Grasse, redolent of lavender, jasmine, orange blossoms and bergamot. Now, I long to fill my lungs with the seemingly unattainable scent of a really clean shoe closet. What was I thinking when I bought those zippered denim heels, and why did I think dyeing them turquoise would save me from investing in shoes for my niece’s wedding? How can a person have one orange-tipped sneaker? Why can’t I get rid of the white shoes that roll up in a ball, presumably for easy packing? If that closet smelled fresh, I would dab the essence of clean behind my ears, and in back of my knees!

    Okay; touch may be viewed as a little kinky. I had always wanted to massage Yul Brynner’s bald head. Yul, alas, is gone. Remember, when you were a kid, you thought snakes were slimy, but then you got to touch one at the petting zoo, and you discovered it was dry? I think my fetish is something like that. Are bald heads slippery? I’d be more than willing to substitute Michael Jordan, but I bet he’d be unavailable, advertising underwear and all. So, watch your back, Danny DeVito! There’s a phrenologist in your future.

    There are glorious sounds out there: carillons I haven’t heard; mockingbird symphonies yet to be composed; sweet words my grandchildren haven’t yet uttered; BUT that last sound, the one I’ll take with me from Here to After . . . “I’m afraid she’s overdosed on gelato.”

  71. I first tried gelato in Italy when I was just 12 years old. I think it was in Venice. We were visiting relatives at the time.

    I can honestly say it was one of the only things my sister and I liked besides Italian bread and macaroni. Crazy, huh? Now I wouldn't know where to start and what to eat first!!! How things change. :)

  72. my first time was in Rome and it was almost impossible to choose a flavor. of course I had some every day I was there and it was always a major decision

  73. My first time trying gelato was when I was in college in Bellingham, WA. We would go up to Vancouver, BC regularly for day trips or overnight jaunts. One summer, we learned about a fireworks competition that occurs there each year. A group of five of us drove up for the finale, which featured the three top countries exhibiting their show over English Bay. Along Denman Street, the easiest way to walk there from parking, there are a ton of gelato places. I grabbed a cone on the way to the show and loved it so much (I think I got a chocolate hazelnut cone) that I got another one on the way back to the car and have been hooked ever since.

  74. Sadly, I have never yet had the pleasure of tasting gelato. I've never lived anywhere where there was any to to be had!

  75. I've only sampled gelato in Costco. My husband lived in Italy while in the Navy and he raves about it. Those flavors look so exotic and yummy!

  76. i first discovered gelato in florence, which i think was probably the PERFECT place. oh my goodness it is so, so good.

  77. I have actually never had gelato, but it has come up in random places a lot lately. I would love to try it! I'm a fan of sweet and cold!!

  78. The first time I had gelato, I was in Italy with my best friends. Seeing as to how none of us spoke Italian, we were simply passing through Italy on our European tour. In the single day that we spent in the country, I ate gelato 5 times! It was love at first taste!

  79. My first taste of gelato was when I was in Philadelphia visiting a friend. Both she and her boyfriend worked at Capogiro ( at the time. I used that as my opportunity to not only try gelato for the first time...but to try all of the 40 or so flavours they had available :D so you can safely say that I made up for lost time!! I adore gelato immensely after that experience! I am a big fan of making a cup of the Ciao Bella with half mango and half cabernet. That is a dessert I can stand by!


Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!