Monday, September 29, 2008

Ciao Bella Gelato Giveaway Winners!

Well it's September 29th, and time to announce the three gelato package winners! And it was no easy task. I so wish I could give something to each and every one of you that took the time to leave a comment. But since I can't, I'll just have to keep having more giveaways, right?

Since it was so tough to choose three winners, I asked Erin from Ciao Bella to help me out. Thanks Erin! And while I'm thanking her for helping me choose, let me thank her here again for putting this whole thing together, along with everyone at Ciao Bella for sponsoring this.

Be sure to check out their site for flavor updates and where to find your favorite ones!

Here are the winners!

April in CT said... 8

My first gelato experience was when we lived in Charleston, SC about 6 years ago. I saw a segment on our local news about Paolo's Gelato downtown and it looked amazing. I HAD to try this stuff! At that time I'd never even heard of gelato so I was on a mission. I convinced hubby we needed to go so we printed our directions and we were off. How unfortunate that we couldn't find the darn place! We drove around and around..and around with no luck. I felt so defeated as we decided to head back home. Oh, but what did I spy out of the corner of my eye but the VERY tiny side street (with NO street sign, no wonder we couldn't find it!) Paolo's was located on! I nearly fainted..seriously. We circled around until we found a parking spot and this little shop was amazing. I'd never seen anything like it with so many flavors and they were all so pretty. I had strawberry and hubby had pistachio as we walked around downtown and window shopped.

I'm definitely looking for this at the grocery store and blaming it ALL on you when I buy some! LOL

***Because she and her husband drove all over town looking for this tiny, out of the way place--just to have a taste of gelato. (Good thing gas was cheaper then!)

Zen Chef said... 50

The original Ciao Bella store is on Mott Street in New York city and i used to live on the same street a few blocks down. Some people have spiritual rebirths, mine was an ice-cream rebirth and it was called Gelato. I started counting the days after that first bite and i'm proud to say, next spring i'll be 7 years old in Gelato years... That first bite of vanilla bean gelato was so perfect I felt in love with the innocent girl behind the counter. Poor girl! Needless to say it wasn't reciprocal. She probably quit because of me. There was the subway station around the corner from my apartment... or the one 5 blocks away where i would have to walk by the tiny shop on my way to work. Guess which one i would use the most?

***Willing to walk five NYC blocks to have a Ciao Bella Gelato fix. That's dedication!

Grace said... 18

sad news, elle--i've never had gelato. i suppose you could say i haven't lived. :)

***Now you can start living, Grace!

Thanks to all of you for playing along and entering!


  1. Congrats to the winners.

  2. Congratulations winners! I'll admit it, I'm jealous.

  3. I nearly fainted...again! You know those people who say "I never win anything!"? Well, that's me up until now...and what a prize to win! Thanks so much Elle and Ciao Bella for a generous give away and congrats to Zen and Grace! :)


Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!