Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jousting for Brownies

The Royal Foodie Joust, that is. We get three ingredients every month, which are chosen by the previous month's winner. Last month, Kittie from Kittens in the Kitchen won, and her ingredient choices were whole grains, ginger and citrus. And if you haven't joined The Foodie Blogroll yet, have a look around! It's a great, supportive community of foodies. And word on the street is that Jenn, the Queen, is about to launch an entirely new site packed with good stuff. (ok...not on "the street." I read it in the blogroll forum. I can't lie to you guys. I don't get out enough to hear things on the street. Except maybe "Mom, I dropped my gum, but don't worry, it won't make a mess. I put it back in my mouth." eek! Or the always classic--and loud, "Mom!! I farted, hahaha!!!!")

Whole Grains (or at least they have to start out whole)

Orange and Ginger, Friends 4Ever.

My mind flew in a dozen different directions. Sweet, savory, savory, sweet. I have a list of things I wanted to make. I actually made two things to enter, and had to think for about a week before I could decide which to post. I'm very happy with both, and will eventually post the other one, but this one is still knocking my socks off. They keep very well in the fridge, and make a great little chocolatey fix when you need one. They're really fudgey/fudgy (Merriam Webster, I need you--call me!) and have hints of orange and ginger. And since they're made with oat flour, I can almost fool myself into thinking they're good for me. Almost.

Ginger Orange Brownies with Ganache Topping

1 (1/2 cup) stick butter
4 oz chopped bittersweet chocolate
3/4 cup sugar
2/3 cup oat flour *
1/4 cup cocoa
2 eggs
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp orange zest

Ganache Topping

4 oz chopped bittersweet chocolate
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tsp orange zest

*Making your own oat flour is so easy! Take rolled or quick oats and whiz them in a food processor or a blender until they look ground and...floury. That's it! Who knew? (Use about 1 1/4 cups of oats to make one cup oat flour.)

Heat oven to 325°.
Line an 8x8 pan with parchment or foil--leave some overlapping on the sides, and then grease.
In a medium pan, melt the butter and chocolate.
Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients--but not the ganache stuff!
Bake 28-30 minutes, but don't over bake.
Cool in the pan for 15 minutes, and then pull them out using the foil or parchment and finish
cooling them on a cooling rack.

Make the Ganache:

Put the chocolate in a bowl.
Heat the cream just to a simmer--don't let it boil!
Pour the cream over the chocolate and let it sit for a minute or two, then stir until smooth and all the chocolate has melted.
Stir in orange zest.

Put the brownies, still in the foil or parchment, back in the baking pan.
Pour the ganache over the cooled brownies and spread it out over the top.
Cool in the fridge until ganache has firmed up.
Remove from the pan again and cut into squares.
Store in fridge. I like to take one and let it sit out for a minute or two to soften up a bit, but they're still good right out of the fridge.

Ginger Orange Brownies with Ganache Topping

Delicious and fudgy, these have hints of orange and ginger ...

See Ginger Orange Brownies with Ganache Topping on Key Ingredient.


  1. really how can you not submit brownies, they are always such a crowd pleaser! & good for you making your own flour.

  2. I honestly think there are too many on that plate. I'll accept one in my e-mail. Thanks!

  3. These look fabulous! And I believe (or would like to believe) healthier too. Okay, you've convinced me to make these. ;)

  4. Those brownies look great! Good luck in the joust!

  5. Yummmmm! It's been an age since I've made brownies...yours look soooo good!

  6. Those look so chocolate-y! I want to make these!!

  7. I just baked (and posted about) brownies too!!! :0D Great minds think (and bake) alike!

  8. Elle, they look delicious & Bon Courage with the joust!

  9. Your Joust entry looks lip smacking good! I love, love , love chocolate and orange together. Best of luck in the Joust Elle!

  10. I get to have dessert and eat whole grains too? Definitely too good to be true!! The ganache topping looks absolutely decadent.

  11. I want them. I need them. You are an INSPIRED and INSPIRING cook!!!!

  12. How creative! I'm definitely trying oat flour in a recipe soon, it must add such a nice taste and texture.

  13. I'm not a huge fan of anything with a heavy ginger flavor, BUT I'm a HUGE fan of ganache... and if you top anything with enough ganache, it hides whatever flavor was there in the first place. Seriously, these look great!

  14. Gasp! How heavenly chocolate is... But to put ganache on brownies? I don't know what would be higher than heaven... :-) These sound amazing! Genius!

  15. WOW Elle! I can't believe how perfect they look. This is going to be a tough Joust! I wish you the best of luck! Your entry is going to be tough to compete with - because who doesn't like brownies w/ GANACHE?????

  16. Hey, it has whole grains. It's healthy! And you used bittersweet chocolate for the ganache, which has healthy antioxidants, right? Awesome.

  17. Ah, OAT FLOUR! That's an awesome idea for brownies. I was first thinking, what rice brownies?... nah. They look wonderful though, I even like the velvety smooth icing you have there :)

    Have you ever seen Elf? Gum on the street is like free candy

  18. look at that ganache. sakes alive. elle, this is a glorious creation, and that's an understatement. bravo. :)

  19. Elle - this is such a creative way to use these ingredients! These brownies look wonderful!!

  20. I would think this is a healthy brownie too!

  21. orange and ginger friends forever lol

    you cracked me up! it is sooo true! :)
    great lookin brownies, elle!

  22. You can never go wrong with brownies! And what a great flavor combination!

  23. Ohhh Wow! Those sound and look so good.

  24. I dont like chocolate with orange but I do love chocolate with ginger...yummy! :)

  25. geeeeeez...make me drool why don't ya?
    Those brownies are a piece of heaven my dear. Mmmm. Are there any left?

  26. That's it, you are an EVIL WOMAN! I need brownies. I think I will give these a shot and bring them to my neighbor who just had both her kids leave for college. I am sure this would hit the spot.

  27. Incredibly interesting! Such a creative brownie. I love how unique this is. Brownies get tiring-- and this one certainly won't tire. Good luck in the joust!

  28. These brownies are absolutely fantastic and yummy!!!! xxGloria

  29. Wow! What stunning brownies Elle, I love the idea of using oat flour - so good for you too.

  30. These eclairs are fantastic!! Gloria

  31. Thanks for your comments, guys!

  32. These look and sound delicious! Nice work on the flour-grinding!!!

    And I'm drooling at the thought of the ganache topping...

  33. This is not bad. i dont really see the point in the little white things in the background. its really childy. But very very good.



Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!