Friday, August 22, 2008

It's not a P.I.T.A. to make pita bread!

A few weeks ago, Sarah at Homemade asked me if I'd like to start making some recipes together, and we would blog about our experiences. So of course I said yes! Sarah's a sweetheart and It's like baking in your friend's kitchen, except that she's on the west coast, while I'm on east coast. We'll be doing one or two a month, so stay tuned.

The first one we decided to try was pita bread. And what a great recipe! The dough was a dream to work with. I needed to add more flour during kneading because it was quite sticky, but once you get the texture right, it's all good.

The most time consuming part of these is when you set the dough aside to rise. They've got a 90 minute rise, a 20 minute rest, and another 30 minute rest before baking. But they only take 3 minutes to bake, so that makes up for it right? And even better--when you rip one open--because that's a law, isn't it? You are legally required to rip open a piece of bread when it's hot out of the oven, even if it causes acute pain to your digits. So when you rip one open, you get the aroma of yeasty heavenly steamy bread. You don't even need butter to enjoy these, although, I'm pretty sure there's a law somewhere about hot bread and butter going together.

Come to think of it, there should also be a law about not making blog posts at 12:45 am, too. Can I ramble, or what?

The recipe can be found here at Brown Eyed Baker. I used my KitchenAid stand mixer and let that do the kneading. Ten minutes, and the addition of about 3/4-1 cup more flour and the dough was perfect. I doubled the recipe to get 16 pita breads, because we're a family of 6, and every one of my kids had pita bread (and butter) (wait--my two sons didn't have butter on theirs. The little hoodlums--breaking the warm bread/butter law at such an early age...) for dinner. See? Eight wouldn't have been enough. And my husband and I had them for dinner--in a burger recipe which will be an upcoming post. And if any of you try one recipe from this blog, these burgers would be in my top 5 favorites. mmmmm!

SO! I'm coming to the end of my ramblings. These pita breads are easy to make, and would be really fun to do with the kids. And it's kinda fun to watch them puff up in the oven, too.
Right after kneading, and ready to rise for 90 minutes.

After 90 minute rise, we have the dough that almost took over the world. Or at least my stove top.

Required low-angle shot of doughy balls.

"Almost pita breads! We've got to sit for 30 more minutes! And what happened to our balls?"

Puffy pillows of warm, yeasty, bready goodness.

Thanks Sarah--this was a lot of fun! And the whole family enjoyed the bread. Even the picky ones! (Kids, that is. We didn't have picky bread.) (But I'll bet picky bread doesn't like butter, either.)


  1. "And what happened to our balls?"

    Yep, I just had a "I'm still 14" moment.

    Elle, I've yet to try any type of bread making because yeast scares me and kneading freaks me out. What if I over do it? What if my water is the wrong temp to make the yeast do it's business? I have a Kitchen Aid..I really need to get over it and try these! Gorgeous pictures!

  2. Oooh, these are so beautiful! I think you may have just inspired me to make my own pita bread. I want, I want, I want to so smell that yeasty goodness when I break a pita open fresh from the oven.

  3. You should write more posts at 12:45am! This one was fun to read :) I have made this pita bread recipe! I didn't blog about it, but I absolutely loved making it! It is so exciting watching them puff up in the oven. *sigh* I love cooking with yeast :D

  4. Oooh, yum. I love that yeast flavor that comes out of breads like this. Time for me to try making some hummus and pita to go along with it!

  5. Elle, they look awesome! I have seen a few people have made these and I do plan to try it myself in the near future. That first photo is GREAT!

  6. Those are GORGEOUS! I need to tuck this recipe away.

  7. Oh yum yum yum yum yum! Wonderful...looks like I gotta make some tomorrow!! Yes, 1245am is a good posting type of time off to check the recipe!!

  8. HAHA!!! Oh man, the "PITA" acronym made me laugh out loud - I never realized that that phrase spelled out p-i-t-a :0D Looks delish!

  9. ha--it took me way longer than i care to admit to figure out what p.i.t.a. stood for... :)
    that said, watching pitas puff up in the oven is one of my favorite pasttimes. however, when they don't puff, which happens to me from time to time, the disappointment i feel is enormous. :)

  10. I haven't made homemade pita in the last few years, but I used to make it every year to eat with mayo and summer tomatoes. Sounds strange, but it is oh so lovely.

  11. Wow, those pitas look outstanding! I would definately burn my digits for one of those!

  12. Those look so puffy and wonderful!!

  13. Your post cracked me up, Elle! Your pitas came out beautifully, and no, I don't think it's a necessity to slather these with butter (although I definitely did one rainy morning on way to work). I'm looking forward to our next recipe! Oh, and due to your doubling of the recipe, you really did have a serious sized ball of dough! :)

  14. Wow Elle!!!! I love pita and they look amazing.

  15. I have always wanted to make pita! Looks fabulous and inspiring!

  16. I've had this one bookmarked but haven't gotten around to making it. thanks for taking the plunge! They are SO fluffy...I need to go make these.

  17. Cool! I'm trying that quickly! They are SOO puffed!

  18. we are obviously sharing some kind of a psychic moment -- guess what recipe i have coming up on monday? my recipe was a little different -- i didn't let them rise again after flattening them, maybe that's why yours are so much puffier than mine -- they look great!

  19. Elle they're the most perfect pitas i've seen! I want to sleep on those little pillows or just fill and eat them! Lovely!

  20. Haha that title was very clever... I love it :)

    I would totally have a burger with one of those pitas. You described it so well, with yeasty goodness abound, and a soft pillow. I wish I could sleep on a pita... mmmm

    Random? Nah, you're just unique :)

  21. Ohh those look so fresh and billowy (did I spell that right?).
    I could soooo dip those in fresh hummus. Mmmm

  22. You two are so cute! Both of your pitas turned out great!

  23. These turned out wonderfully! I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to try making pita. Thanks for a great recipe!

  24. I want to make pitas with you Elle! Those look so good and fun to make! Oh, and by the way, the title of this post made me giggle like crazy! You can ramble all you want darling, it's all good!

  25. Glad to know they're so easy to make! I really like using pita for sandwiches, especially ones with fillings that might roll out of other breads. I should try making my own next time!

  26. They look so delicious. I am sure they taste much better than store bought pitas. I am glad to hear they were easy to make, I'll have to give it a shot.

  27. Oh pita is so fabulous. I'm so jealous of anyone who makes their own pita bread. One of these days I keep telling myself... one of these days...

  28. those do look good. I've never made pita bread but you make it sound pretty easy

  29. Just made these and they turned out fabulous (ly?) Anyway, the boys and I ate one each, warm with warm, fresh from the garden, tomatoes.. yummy!! Just tried one that has cooled down,, I think it is even yummier! I am going to stir fry some chicken tenders and season them up with garden peppers, zuchinni, onions and spices and put that inside for dinner. I too doubled the recipe.. Good thing!

  30. those look great Elle! I love pita sandwiches, so I'm going to bookmark this recipe, especially since you say they're easy! ;)

  31. Beautiful! I am so impressed that you made pita from scratch - they look delicious! I may have to be brave and have a go.

  32. Elle, OMHeavens does this look good. I will have to try and make them, if you say they are easy then I believe you.
    It would be great to give them to the kids with their lunch. Thanks L!

  33. Absolutely beautiful pitas!! I'm glad you both enjoyed these so much :)

  34. Wow! I miss making homemade breads Elle! Yours look good! only 3 mins in the oven? I gotta try this soon!

  35. That title cracked me up :) These look soooooooo good - I love baking with yeast. And I also love the obligatory low-angle photo LOL.

  36. ahh! the last time i tried to make naan it turned out like pita bread. don't know what i'll make if i attempt pita breads. lol. these look so dreamy...must be so good with a warm curry.

  37. That was a great read. Your pittas look amazing. I haven't made these but I think I'm going to have to. So delicious looking. Great pics too

  38. Those pitas look fabulous, and your burgers made me very hungry. I am so going to bake bread soon.

  39. Thanks so much, everyone! Elaine, I'm so glad you guys loved them as much as we did! We've had them so many ways...toasted with butter, stuffed with chicken salad, and of course, burgers. They're also delicious plain!

    Thanks for all of your comments!

  40. Looks great! Did they keep or were they a eat out of the oven sort of thing?

  41. Ginny, they keep very well! I stored them in a large ziploc bag, and in fact, they lasted until yesterday--when we finished them off. Still fresh, soft and delicious!

  42. Wow...I've been wanting to make pita bread forever and a day...Yours look so perfectly perfect! Maybe you could just send me some. ;) lol

  43. Such beauties! I think I will just go look at the recipe and make them too!


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