Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chicken and Tomatillo Stew

I have had this recipe bookmarked since last October. I'm really quick to getting around to doing things, right? But Toontz at Okara Mountain does a Triple Dog Dare Challenge every month, where she dares you to try something new. June was fruit and July was vegetables. This one immediately came to mind because I had never cooked with tomatillos before--plus, I had made it early in the month and had the photos uploaded already--perfect!

Also, on a more serious note, this recipe is from Sher at What Did You Eat? who as a lot of you may know, passed away suddenly on July 20th. I didn't know her, but I did read her blog often--she posted such wonderful recipes. She will be missed in the blogging world.

So, about the recipe. Yeah, I know, it's summer...why is Elle making stew again? I dunno. Because the tomatillos were so cute and calling out to me at the store? And I'm so glad I made this! It's so hearty and satisfying. I served it with cornbread, like I would with chili--this reminds me of chili, only it's lighter, I suppose? No beans, but I'm sure they'd be good in here if you wanted to add some. I did think it was a little light on the spices, so I added some of the trusty taco seasoning that I always have on hand. This made it just right to me. Feel free to adjust as you wish. I followed the recipe pretty much as she has it, using boneless, skinless chicken thighs. It's a very versatile recipe, though--it's originally made with pork, as posted on Food & Wine. (I seriously hope they don't have a problem with recipe modifications. hahaha!)

You can find this recipe on Sher's blog. Please visit and check out her recipes, there are so many delicious ones to choose from.

The cornbread is one from my files called Molasses Corn Bread. I don't remember where it's from, but if any of you know, let me know so I can give credit, please. It's one of my favorites! It's really moist, and sweeter than regular cornbread. I can't help it, I'm a Northern girl and just can't get into that very dry, barely sweet cornbread. I know it holds a special place in the hearts of some of you, and that's great! Traditions are a wonderful thing. But my tradition is moist, sweet cornbread.

Here is the recipe, and it's so easy to make. It would make great muffins, too.

Molasses Corn Bread

1- 1/2 cups yellow cornmeal
1/2 cup whole wheat flour, or all purpose flour
1 Tbs baking powder
2 Tbs brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1- 3/4 cups buttermilk
1 egg, beaten
3 Tbs canola oil
5 Tbs molasses

Heat the oven to 425 degrees. Grease an 8-inch square pan.
Combine the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Pour the buttermilk into a 4-cup measuring cup or bowl.
Add all the wet stuff and stir to completely combine.
Pour the wet stuff into the dry stuff and stir until thoroughly blended.
Pour the batter into the pan.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Serve warm and slathered with butter. yum.

I hope you give this a try! But if you want to wait till it's cooler outside, that's ok, too. This would be perfect game food! And from the countdown in my sidebar, I see that at this moment, opening day for the NFL is 35 days, 11 hours, 24 minutes and 55 seconds away. So start planning now! Don't get caught without game food, folks! (Can you tell I'm a football fan? I CAN'T WAIT!!!)

photo from stock.xchng

Enjoy your week! And as always, thanks for reading!


  1. So lovely that you used one of Sher's recipes - she will be truly missed.

  2. I sent hubby out for maple syrup one morning as I was making pancakes and he came back with several EXTRA items. Since one of those is molasses I'll be trying this cornbread recipe! He really can come back with some of the most random items when he goes alone to the grocery.

    I've yet to cook with tomatillos, but this looks like a good start! I've been wanting to make roasted tomatillo salsa...yummmm!

  3. Looking forward to giving this recipe a try - I am also a big football fan and I hope to see more football friendly recipes this fall!

  4. Elle, the stew looks very delcious. So does the cornbread. I've made cornbread differnt ways, but never with molasses. Sounds temting. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I adore cooking with tomatillos, this is one I just have to try...geez it looks good.

  6. mmmm that stew looks wonderful!

  7. Elle,
    Your blog is beautiful, what great recipes! I look forward to visiting your blog often!

    Picky Palate

  8. Yeah, bookmarked for game day! Go Eagles!

    You know I had never read Sherry's blog; I read so many! I will definitely find something on there to make soon. Maybe before I make this cornbread.

  9. this sounds really good...even for summer! :)

  10. This looks really good and I have been wanting to try tomatillos every time I see them in the store. The cornbread recipe looks great too. Is it really moist? It seems like it would be.

  11. Effing A this looks good, Elle! And you know me...any weather is soup/stew weather! I'm having a bowl of noodle soup for breakfast as I type this. Woooooosh Squeak! lol

  12. lovely tribute to sher.
    amazing stew--love the spices.
    terrific cornbread--i'm southern through and through and i still like my cornbread sweet (just don't tell my grandpa--he'll disown me).
    i love football too! i have to ask, are you a pats fan? we may have some serious debates. :)

  13. I have really been enjoying tomatillos since I found them last year. This stew sounds really tasty!

  14. How coincidental! My stew was slowly cooking while I read your post on a stew too! Yours look fantastic. Sher will be remembered by many...

  15. Elle,

    That stew of Sher's is a favourite of mine. Thanks for making it and posting a bit about her.

    Now the cornbread is going to have to be tried as soon as I get home.

  16. That stew recipe sounds great! I'm a sweet and moist cornbread girl myself :) I'll have to save this one up for a nice cool day :)

  17. I love tomatillos, so I'm sure I'd love this stew! And I crave soup/stew year round. In fact, I'm eating soup for lunch today!

  18. You're making me hungry. That looks so good!

  19. Elle,

    I have never had a tomatillo before, what do they taste like? Thanks for posting for Sherry - it looks like I'm the only one who didn't know her when it counted.

  20. Oh. My. Gosh. Molasses Cornbread. I'm so there...

  21. I bought a bunch of tomatillos earlier this week... I'm not sure why. But they are cute, aren't they?

  22. this is one for me to keep on file for the fall that's for sure!

  23. Wow, Elle! I will make this as soon as I can...thank you for this great recipe! Tomatillos are the best!

  24. i like hot soup in the summer too...odd perhaps/but sometimes you just want a bowl of soup ;-P

    tomatillos~such an under rated delight! Your soup looks tempting...

  25. That stew looks gorgeous. I'm such a sucker for cornbread, adding molasses sounds delicious :)

  26. yum...this is delicious!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing the recipe :-)
    I wish you are my neighbor he he

    Azi, Kuala Lumpur

  27. Thanks so much, guys!

    Katie--yes, the cornbread is moist, and SO delicious.
    Grace--of course I'm a Pat's fan! hehe. You? Jets or Giants?
    Mike--they''re kind of like green tomatoes, I suppose. Not a strong flavor so they're good with other things.

  28. yum! sometimes i really want something warm and hearty, even in the middle of summer. this sounds great!

  29. The stew looks great Elle - it was nice of you to pay tribute to Sher. The corn bread looks delicious too.

  30. I won't have to wait for cooler temperatures, it's downright cold right now! That sounds so delicious, and with molasses cornbread, how great is that? :)

  31. ...can't believe I missed this earlier on! Looks so darn delicious. I'll have to save this for when it starts getting cold. YUMMY!


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