Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beef Stroganoff? In July? Seriously? And some awards, too!

If you click here, you'll see that cook's Illustrated (aka America's Test Kitchen, Cook's Country) have decided it's not ok for us bloggers to post their recipes. Even if they can't copyright a list of ingredients, and you write it all up in your own words. Especially if you make modifications to the recipe! God forbid you try to mess with one of their "perfect" recipes! They test each one 100 times and "don't allow modifications." WTFever.

From what I've seen, most cookbook authors are cool with bloggers making and blogging about their recipes. They embrace it, even! I have bought at least 3 cookbooks lately because you guys blog about them, and I think "Hey, I want more--I'm getting the book!" I know others that have done the same thing.

Cook's Illustrated is like Fight Club, but for recipes, I guess. And I also guess they like PR--who doesn't? But guess what? People are talking about them today, except they don't have anything good to say. That's what happens when you have a "team" that scours blogs and makes offending bloggers remove their recipes.

So I'm being proactive and removing this one. If any of you have bookmarked it, please email me and I'll send it to you. Because that's not intent to distribute publicly. It's one friend emailing another friend.

And I'm not doing any more of their recipes. Or on second thought--maybe I will, with modifications, and not name them as a source, hehe. Because they don't want any good things said about them. And you know, it's Fight...I mean Recipe Club and all. shhhh.....

YES! Am I crazy, you ask? Well, maybe, but that's another discussion for another time. (Though I might be going crazy in a minute, because my daughter just told me that the dryer isn't working! Lovely.) Would I willingly heat up the kitchen to make Beef Stroganoff on a hot afternoon? All that boiling water for the noodles, making the house all steamy and uncomfortable...

NO! Because this is all done in one (large) skillet. Yep--the egg noodles cook right along with everything else, in a covered skillet, so there's no big heat up in the kitchen. Nice, right?

This is just good comfort food, no question. And as well as being delicious and comforting, it's so simple to make. My husband asked me to make this one. And he looked at me with those sweet brown eyes and that cute how could I say no?

I've been given 2 more awards, as well!

LyB at And then I do the dishes has awarded me the "I Love You This Much" award. Have you guys checked out her blog yet? Go, I'll wait. Check it out, add it to your readers, and drool over those photos she teases us with. They're gorgeous! And she is a sweetheart, too.

I'm passing this along to these blogs:

Forgive me and my moronic brain. I can not find the post on my blog where I got this one before and passed it along to five others. So if I repeat someone, I'm sorry. But I guess it means I love you twice as much!

George at Culinary Travels of a Kitchen Goddess
Farida at Farida's Azerbaijani Cookbook
Rita at Mochachocolata Rita
Mrs. Ergul at Mrs. Ergul in the Kitchen
Ben at What's Cooking?

And Sharon at Culinary Adventures of a New Wife has passed along the "E for Excellence Award." Sharon's blog is also full of wonderful recipes and beautiful food shots. Hers is a blog you should bookmark and read regularly!

This award is getting passed along to:

Rachelle at "Mommy? I'm Hungry!"
Deb at B More Sweet
Cookin Panda at Flexitarian Menu
Laura at Hungry and Frozen
Deborah at Taste and Tell

All of these bloggers have the ability to make me laugh and also make me want what they're eating, all the time. Well, every blog I read does that, and you all deserve these awards!

Also, sorry I've been missing in action all week! Summertime, four kids out of school, and holiday four-day-weekends don't leave a lot of time for blogging. But things should get back to normal this coming week. I hope, hehe. Thanks for sticking with me!

Update! Breathe a sigh of relief with me...the dryer isn't broken! My husband checked it--it was unplugged. How does that even happen?


  1. Stroganoff is a favourite of mine & I can happily eat it any time of year - all in one pot!

    congratulations on the awards, well done & thank you for all the linked blogs which I shall look forward to browsing over the coming few days.

  2. Elle, what a great looking dish! everything you make is simply yummy!

    Congrats on your well deserved awards! And thank you for passing one on to me - you are so sweet! I love you back:)

  3. No worries - I love making hot, comforting dishes in the summertime :0)

    Congratulations on the awards!! Hooray!!

  4. We love stroganoff and use venison when making it!

    Congrats on the awards!

    I'm happy to hear your dryer isn't broken!! Odd how things happen that we have no explanation for!

  5. Oh my gosh--I was just watching America's Test Kitchen yesterday on PBS and saw them make this. Theirs looked awesome, and yours looks just as good.

  6. Hey beef stroganoff is great anytime and yours looks wonderful.

  7. I love how much simpler this dish is than the traditional version. Definitely a reason to have it (even in the summer).

    Congratulations on your many awards, and thank you for passing one along to me!

  8. This Stroganoff looks and sounds really good.

  9. Aw thanks for the award! I love making people laugh (and drool occasionally LOL) That strog looks great for any season :)

  10. Well this sounds like a dandy idea! Thanks!

  11. the stroganoof looks great elle! that's a keeper! congratulations on the awards.

  12. Congrats on the well deserved awards. Beef strogonoff used to be a huge favourite in my house and then it kind of wore out it's welcome. Psychgrad still makes it and loves it and now I'm feeling more motivated to make it again.

  13. I don't think you are crazy...this looks delicious no matter what time of year!

  14. hi elle! thanks for the award! i absolutely LOVEEEE beef stroganoff! any season, anytime, anywhere (this is what happens when i do too much copywriting at work, promoting our company's products) HAHAHA

  15. shortcut stroganoff sounds marvelous to me. :)
    meanwhile, my mom's dryer just busted and she's been hanging ropes all over her house and draping the clothes over them. i can only imagine how the house looks. :)

  16. Love stroganoff! Maybe I'll try adapting your recipe to my slow cooker... even less heat in the kitchen!

  17. If that yummy looking stroganoff is crazy, then I don't wanna be sane! (Like there's a chance

    Actually, I was thinking yesterday about throwing a turkey in my rotisserie and making a "Christmas in July" meal. (I'm getting so sick of grilled foods.) :P

  18. much do I love you, man???


  19. I make off season stuff in the summer too. If it really bothers people they can always turn up the AC ;)

    I <3 beef stroganoff.

  20. I saw this episode too! I must be crazy too because I was thinking of making it...
    Glad to hear it turned out well.

  21. Elle, I have an award for you too:)

  22. Elle,

    Great recipe - I love Beef Stroganoff and don't forget the diced dill pickles served at the table for garnish - I can't enough good things about that!

  23. Yum! I can't wait to give this a try. You know how much I love that skillet lasagna, so I will totally love this.
    I made a key lime pie the other day and kept thinking about you and the lime and raspberry stuff, I think I may make another one with some raspberries sprinkled in it.

    Delicious and Congrats of the awards!

  24. Fiona--thanks! It's the first time I make it, believe it or not. And it's not something I'd have made if not for my husband asking me too. but it's delicious!

    Farida--Thank you, and you're so welcome. :)

    VG--I'm glad I'm not the only one, hehe. We also had a chicken tomatillo stew last week. ;)

    HoneyB--I've never tried venison! And thank you!

    VF--I missed the repeat! Shoot. Because I missed the beginning, I'd have loved to see it. Thank you!

    Jeena--thank you!

    Panda--thanks and you're so welcome!

    Nicole--it is really good. Thanks!

    Laura--thank you! And your blog is always great to make me laugh and the food it awesome!

    Cathy--thank you!

    Bunny--thank you!

    Giz--yeah, we've had food wear out it's welcome eventually, too. But this is a new one for us!

    Sweet and Saucy--thanks so much!

    Rita--thank you!

    race--your poor mom! I had visions of doing just that. ugh!

    Ann--that would be great for even less heat in the kitchen!

    Shaye--omg! I had almost the same thought--to make a turkey dinner!

    B More--right backatcha!

    Erin--yes, AC always helps. Thank you!

    Annie--I'm seeing a trend with so many of us watching Cook's Illustrated...hehe. Love that show!

    Farida--thank you so much!

    mike--damn, i forgot the pickle!

    Jen--I haven't made that one in so long--have to revisit it. And the lime pie sounds wonderful!

  25. That beef stroganoff looks really good! It has been too long since I last had beef stroganoff.

  26. Elle, I love the idea of cooking the noodles in the pan! How great.

    Can't wait to check out these new blogs :)

  27. Elle, you are too too sweet! Thank you so much for my award! I will display it proudly!

    I LOVE beef stroganoff, I don't care what the weather, if Iam craving it, I'll make it!

  28. Mmmmm...beeeef stroganooooffffff. (said like Homer Simpson) And all in one pot? Love it! It looks sooo delicious! And your awards are so well deserved, my dear. You are the best! :)

  29. I love stroganoff and the idea of cooking it all in one skillet is great (especially in the hot season). My mouth is watering!

  30. One dish huh? Hmmmm. Ok, I'm there and all for it as the weather is too hot to cook in let alone peel a banana.
    A big congrats to you on the award!!

  31. I love easy meals, especially when they are comforting!

    Thanks so much for the award - it really does mean a lot!!

  32. Mmmm...stroganoff. As long as it's not too hot I could eat that every night. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's to busy to blog lately. :)

  33. Of course those awards are well deserved! :)

    Beef Stroganoff is one of the dishes that I've put on my list of things to master. I haven't found The Recipe quite yet, so I'm eager to try this one out. Yours looks great!

  34. That Beef Stroganoff looks so good, truly comfort food! Although today with the temperatures over 80F, all I'm craving is a cool breeze! You were so quick passing along the award, I'm so not organized, it took me ages! :)

  35. I love Beef Stroganoff - any time of the year. I will have to try it very soon!!!

  36. Thank god it was just unplugged! I hate it when things break down cuz that means spending money replacing it...

    Thanks for the award, love! I'm returning it with a tag :)

  37. In a skillet, what a great idea!

  38. congrats on all of the awards! your Beef Stroganoff looks wonderful. Who cares if its July?! I can still eat a plate of that right now! :)

  39. Beef stroganoff is awesome. It doesn't matter if it's July, it's still a meal for champions :)

    Cool site, I found you through the Forum. I'll def keeping checking it out.

  40. Looks fantastical. I must make this asap!

  41. That stroganoff looks really good, one of my favorite dishes! And that's great that you didn't have to heat up the house too much...or wash too many dishes! :)

  42. There's no season for beef stroganoff! haha. I can eat those kind of dishes all year round. Congratulations on your awards! It's well deserved i think. :-)

  43. Your stroganoff looks delicious :) Well deserve those awards :)

  44. Thank you so much for the award :)

    I love beef stroganoff, it's such a lovely dish, suited to any time of the year.

  45. Elle,
    Who cares how hot it is outside...sometimes, there's just some dishes you have to make, regardless of the weather. I love this recipe because you can cook everything in the same pot. America's Test Kitchen is so great for that! Thanks Elle.

  46. I've been eyeballing that same recipe for some time, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Looks magnificent, though.

    I think the cat unplugged the dryer. If you have a cat, that is.

  47. I made Chicken Strganoff as my redipe challenge. Thanks for the inspiration! Yours looks really good.

  48. I love that print widget thing - it's fanstic. Thanks for posting this recipe - its'exactly what I was looking for for this week!!

  49. Beef stroganoff is good food any time of year! i love it!

  50. I can't believe they made you take that down!!! So stupid. I made it last week, and linked to you for the recipe (so I'm really glad I printed it out) and my husband adored the recipe. That is the dumbest thing ever they don't want people posting their recipes.

  51. Hi there. I was wondering if I could get that one pot beef stroganoff recipe from you. It sounds delicious. Thankyou-nate


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Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!