Monday, June 16, 2008

It's not easy photographing brownies on a rainy day.

I had to roam all over the house, plate of brownies in hand, being followed by two hopeful corgis and one hopeful five year old. All three wishing that I'd drop one or two. I didn't, but promised the kid he could have one after they had their picture taken. The dogs were out of luck.

Just look at that crackly, shiny crust!

I finally found a spot in the living room in front of our big window. Nice daylight flooding in there, but geez, it was still tough to get them to look right. I mean, I think they look ok, but it was tough to show how moist and fudgy these really are. And are they ever! I really think this is the last brownie recipe I'll ever need. Seriously! They are easy to make, have cocoa and a nice big dose of melted chocolate, and just give you that "Holy @$%*, these are awesome!" feeling. I dare you to try one and not say that. Just one of these can wash all your troubles away. Ok, it may take two, but that's not hard to take, is it?

I had planned on making Peppermint Pattie Brownies, but remembered that I'd bookmarked another one to try. So glad I thought of them! I had the Peppermint Patties anyway, so I decided to make one pan with and one without.

These Double Chocolate Brownies can be found at Bake or Break, and they are a Martha Stewart recipe. They are perfect. Rich and chocolatey, but not too sweet, and extremely moist. I only did a couple things differently--I melted the chocolate (Ghirardelli semi sweet chips), butter and cocoa in a pan, and not over simmering water. Just do it on medium low and stir it often. You can get the other elements of the recipe ready to go while you keep an eye on it. I didn't notice that you're supposed to butter the pan and the parchment. I didn't do either, and had no trouble, thank goodness! I doubled the recipe and split it between two 8" square pans. I pressed nine Peppermint Patties (mini ones!) evenly into one pan, 3 rows of 3. Press them down about halfway, and using a spoon, gently cover them over with batter. They both baked for exactly 35 minutes and were perfect.

Cool in the pan for 15 minutes, lift the out and let them cool completely before cutting. If you can.

Go make some! I'll bet you have everything on hand, right now. :)

Was that enough brownie porn for one day? I hope so, because I'm all out!


  1. You sure do make it look easy!! Those brownies are gorgeous!!

  2. Well they look great but my kids get so mad too when I'm trying to photograph and they can't have it. So funny. They will write books on the hell of growing up with a food blogging parent. He-he.

  3. Veggie--thank you!

    Cathy--that made me laugh! The tell-all books will be flying, won't they?

  4. Elle, I'm there with you & I find hiding from the sun equally difficult! My kids roll their eyes now when I stop them eating my photo pieces, but i have trained my BF not to eat lunch before I photo for restaurant reviews...errr, she rolls her eyes too!! These brownies look delicious though and worth the effort.

  5. Fiona, thank you! My kids are getting better, but my 5 year old always wants to do Super Mario poses in the photos. hahaha!!

  6. Hahah, brownie porn! Elle, you make me giggle sometimes.

  7. Oh boy do these look good! I never know how food bloggers capture so many great dinner photos. No one I know is willing to wait while I snap photos! :)

    I want one of the Holy $*!( peppermint patty brownies now!

  8. Wow - I think they look amazing!! I haven't made brownies in way too long...

  9. Yum yum! These look great! I love brownies. This one is particularly appealing to me because you said they are not that sweet but moist - the way I love my brownies:) rain or shine:)

  10. Those brownies look so good. Isn't that funny about the food pics. My kids and hubby have to wait for their dinner all the time!!!

  11. Very delicious looking. I love the peppermint patty touch

    I hate having to roam around looking for that one area of sunlight. I often cook at night, and can't hold out to the next day before eating, which is even worse! Your photos capture the fudginess though. Definitely.

  12. I've been craving for something sweet all morning, and this looks like a great solution. Alas, there is no chocolate/cocoa in this house. :( I'll have to hunt for some later. Thanks for the recipe and for taunting me with these awesome photos.

  13. Gorgeous brownies! I have the Martha Stewart Cookie book and it's awesome, I haven't made these yet though...

  14. Those brownies look great! I like the sound of using the Peppermint Patties in them.

  15. Those look sooo good. I understand the trials of a food blogger family-- always waiting for the perfect photo. My poor daughter is tortured by the wait, and of course she now hates the camera. Someday she'll look at the blog and talk about all the food she couldn't touch. :)

  16. I now must make some brownies! these look amazing and I have some peppermint patties.
    Hayley needs a treat for her unbirthday on Thursday, I think I will make 2 batches and bring them up to the school.
    Great PICS!

  17. Your photography is much better than you think! I'm drooling. I would definately have to have at least 2. One of each.

    And by the way, I love Ghirardelli semi sweet chips. They are my favorite. The bittersweet are awesome too!

  18. I love brownie porn. I do believe that I have that very recipe sitting around here somewhere.

    I'm terribly happy that you got your site problem fixed because I haven't been able to visit you for quite a while!! I missed your wit and humor :)

  19. It's been so long since I had brownies. the good ones, that is! Thanks for the recipe!

  20. It seems to be raining on most of the bloggers I'm reading today. You did manage some great pictures though! :)

  21. in my kitchen, they might not get photographed at all...eaten eaten


  22. Oh my goodness. Now I'm wishing it was rainy here just so that I could properly enjoy some too. Maybe i can make them with the peppermint and they'll be cooling for summer!?

  23. first of all, you have corgis? i'm so jealous, i think that's one of the most adorable breads ever created.
    secondly, i laughed out loud at the thought of you carrying your brownies and camera around your house looking for good light, especially since i do the same thing. hilarious.
    finally, peppermint pattie brownies sound absolutely awesome and i believe they would satify my mint and chocolate obsession just fine. :)

  24. That second photo totally defies any bad lighting. You're in the clear. :)


  25. brownies are hard to photograph no matter the did great!

  26. Your brownies look really yummy... and I had to laugh at the thought of you roaming the house. I've taken photos in some extremely odd places for the same reason.

  27. Oh, what blogging will do to us! I can totally understand the feeling with the plate of brownies and the running around the house, I get so frustrated when there's no light! Your brownies look fabulous, lack of light or not, and you described them so well, I'm printing the recipe right now! :)

  28. Elle, I think you did an amazing job! And let me know next time you need help carrying around such delicious treats. :)

  29. Darn you, Elle. Darn you to heck! They look like they would ship well, though. I'd like a pan of each, please. ;) :) MUAC!

  30. What tasty looking brownies! I love peppermint with brownies. My family too has to wait for their meals and treats until photos are taken!!

  31. Oh they look wonderful, so gooey and mouthwatering

  32. They look amazing... what a great idea to add peppermint patties - my husband would love those!

  33. It's difficult to photograph dark colors but you did great! Your photos are sure making me crave chewy chocolate goodness!

  34. oh wow, you had me at the peppermint patty part! can you hear the 'ooohs and ahhs!'? ;) Your poor doggies, they must've been so disappointed! ;)

    p.s. yesterday i made my husband wait on his birthday cake so i could photograph it! i felt so bad :P! but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, especially where food and photographs are involved!

  35. Wow, these look so moist without looking too gooey. I love how there's that crust at the top, which complements the soft interior!

  36. I am so glad I found this blog, those brownies look like perfection!

  37. Oh man . . . this is torture. I'll take one with peppermint patties, please! No, make that two.

  38. I so wish I had one of the peppermint patty ones right now! They look so delicious!

  39. i don't care what light you photographed them in they look great!!!

  40. Oh, those look soooo good. Brownies are my downfall, so I can’t make them too often. I leave them on the counter, and go by slicing off “just a bit” all day long. I have got to try the peppermint pattie recipe, though!

  41. They look delicious, Elle! 90% of my food photography is done under crappy energy-saver lighting at night lol. Especially since my flat gets NO sun for the entire winter. Have no idea what peppermint patties are, am presuming NOT the peanuts character :) Still, the brownies sound amazing...

  42. Thank you so much, everyone! I see that most of us have the same trouble wandering around to find the right spot to take a photo on some days, hehe.

    Grace, yes, 2 corgis, Hammy and Phoebe...I posted about them back in Feb. I think, if you want to see them.

    Laure, York Peppermint Patties, mint patties covered in dark chocolate. NOT the Peanut's character, lol!

  43. yum! I really can't blame the kid or the dogs! I'd be following you too! :)

  44. elle! beautiful pictures!!! o i do love brownies. and how cute your dogs are. i do miss having my dogs follow me around. they know when something's good come out of the oven :)

  45. These brownies look so good. I had to smile because it is the same in my house, my hubby hates it when he is hungry and I am snapping pics of food. :-)

  46. Mmmm...nice brownies. And you're right. I do happen to have these ingredients. Dangerous.

  47. The brownies look very good. MMM, maybe put them with a glass milk because brownies and milk are so good.

    Sharona May

  48. um, oh my god. you are obviously fishing for compliments because those look INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!1

  49. Katy, no way! You wouldn't believe how many photos were horrible. These were the only decent ones, out of about 35!

  50. There is no such thing as too much brownie porn ;)

  51. too bad they're all gone. i'm learning food photography isn't easy at all, no matter the weather!

  52. Oh geez, I have so much to catch up on. These brownies look fabulous, though. Never been a big fan of peppermint, but these might be worth a try...or maybe I can throw some marshmallows in there instead :-)


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