Monday, May 5, 2008

Awards (yay!) and Tagged (A new and different tag)

I'm so thrilled to say that I've been awarded two more awards this week! I know I've said it before, but when I started blogging back in February, I didn't think anyone would care to read what I had to say, or look at the food I was making. But the food blogging community is full of amazing people that genuinely do care, and like to read and see what other people are cooking. Everyone I've encountered has been very supportive, kind and helpful. Seriously, not one sourpuss in the bunch!

Diva at The Sugar Bar has awarded me the “Arte y pico”
Award. It's awarded to blogs for their creativity, design, interesting material, and that also contribute to the blogger community, no matter what language. Thank you, Diva! She has a wonderful blog, and a very cool blogging event that she just started that has to do with beauty products that sound/smell good enough to eat, and translating those flavors/scents into food. Fun, right? So go check out her blog, you won't be sorry!

And now I pass them on to five blogs, and here are the rules:

1)Pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award with their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogger community, no matter what language.

2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.

3) Each award-winner, has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.

4) Post the rules.

My five go to:

1) Veggie Girl
2) Delicious By Nature
3) Vicarious Foodie
4) Parsnips Aplenty
5) Okara Mountain

And second, canarygirl has awarded me with the Blogging for a Purpose Award. Basically, this award is designed to commend blog writers that are thoughtfully sharing their insights with the rest of the world. If you haven't checked out canarygirl's blog, you definitely should! She makes the most delectable food, ever. I've never made a recipe of hers that I didn't love--they're all fabulous! AND, she's having a giveaway right now--you can win a copy of her gorgeous cookbook! So...what are you waiting for? Get your butts over there and check out her blog--you won't be disappointed with her recipes, I can promise you that. And enter the giveaway!

I'm passing this along to some of my favorite blogs:

1) Pixie at You Say Tomahto I Say Tomayto
2) Amy at Delicious By Nature
3) Giz and Psychgrad at Equal Opportunity Kitchen
4) Tiffany at Life After Gluten
5) Lori at Made Healthier

Thank you so much, Diva and canarygirl! I appreciate it more than you know!

And I've been tagged by George at Culinary Travels of a Kitchen Goddess. Farida at Farida's Azerbaijani Cookbook has started a new tag called "Look What I Made." Basically, make a short list of recipes you've tried from other blogs. It's a great way to see discover other blogs and see what other people are cooking. Farida says:

"This is a great opportunity to give kudos to the fellow foodies whose recipes we used and inspire them to post more of their yummies. A way to say thank you for what they do. I also think this tag will help us discover some interesting recipes and blogs out there. There are a lot of delicious recipes hidden somewhere in the archives, and this tag may actually give them another chance to shine."

So let me look back and see what I've made!

1) Decadent Chocolate Cake and
2) Chocolate Ganache from Whole Grain Gourmet
3) Whole Wheat Brownies from Made Healthier
4) Raw Vegan Brownies from 28 Cooks

I'm sensing a trend here--are you? Chooooocoooolaaaaate. hahaha!! What can I say, I have a love/love relationship with chocolate.

5) Seared Ribeye Steaks with Chimichurri Sauce by Zen at Chefs Gone Wild

So there are five I've made, and now for my tags:

1) Grace at A Southern Grace
2) Lyb at And then I do the dishes
3) Deborah at B More Sweet
4) Ginny at Just Get Floury
5) Erika at What Else Can I Cook?

Whew, that was a lot to cover, wasn't it? I didn't think I'd ever get it finished, with all the links and stuff. It's 9:45 pm, and I started this around 4 this afternoon. Interruptions, I tell you. My family actually thinks I should feed them! ;)

I'll be back tomorrow with a food post (at least that's my plan). But how about a little teaser?

Yep--all of that juice and zest goes into one recipe, and it's sooo tasty that I hope I have some left for more photos of the actual finished dish! ;)



  1. congrats on the awards and look at those colors! cant wait, cant wait!

  2. Look at all of the awards! Congratulations. Thank you for passing on the award to me and Giz. Very much appreciated! Looking forward to seeing the results of the zest!

  3. Thank you Elle for the recognition and for all of your encouragement! My blog is still just a baby too and it is so special to know that people are actually checking it out and enjoying it. Keep up the great work! You are definitely deserving all the recognition you're getting.

  4. Elle, thank you so much for the award! How exciting! I've been blogging since March, so this is truly an unexpected honor! :)

  5. Congrats sweetie on the award and you say canary is giving away a book- I'll be right on that ;) after I get a couple of cups of coffee.

    And thank you for thinking of moi- are you making me a mojito or some sort of cocktail by any chance?

  6. What great awards and you so deserve them.

    Thanks for taking part with the tag.

  7. not only am I THRILLED that you won the blogging award, but I'm positively flattered that you chose mine as well!! Thank you so much, Elle!! :0)

    Can't wait to see the recipe!!

  8. Congrats on the awards! Thank you for the tag...I think I can handle that! :)

  9. I am so honored to be among Elle's Chosen People! :-)
    (and totally undeserving)
    Thanks for being such an eminently approachable, accessible, and beautiful blog(ger), Elle!

  10. Thanks Elle, this is so nice of you! :)

  11. Wow, you just keep is so well deserved. Congrats! :)

  12. Congratulations on the wonderful awards!

    Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go

  13. Love the zest and can't wait to see the recipe. I was in my 20s before I realized how zest really made cookies (and other dishes) sparkle. So close to the pith, yet so far away.

  14. Rita--thank you!

    Psychgrad--Thank you and you're so welcome! I love your blog.

    Amy--You deserve it--you have a great blog!

    Tiffany--I'm happy to pass it along, and your blog is wonderful!

    Pixie--thanks so much! I wish it was for some exotic drink, but not this time. Good thinking, though!

    George--thank you, and thanks for the tag!

    Veggiegirl--you totally deserve it!

    Ginny--thank you, and isn't that a fun tag?

    B More Sweet--what kind words! You really ARE sweet, hehe! Thank you very much.

    Lori--you're so welcome!

    Hallie--thanks so much!

    Sheltie girl--thank you!

    Ben--if I'm a celeb, why do I have to keep doing the dishes?

    renaedujour--I agree! Citrus zest is like gold.

  15. Gosh, Elle, awards! Congratulations to you! Thank you for thinking of me. It is so flattering because it is all still so new to me, this blogging world.

  16. You're getting so many awards that I can't keep track anymore! Very well deserved, congratulations. And thanks for thinking of me!

  17. Hi Elle,

    I wanted to thank you for passing along the "tag". I am getting my stuff together to post on it. One of the recipes I tried was your oven fried chicken and it was a huge hit at my house.

    As for grilling pizza, the only advice I have it to put the dough on fast without hesitation, like ripping off a band-aid! If you try to be too careful that is when it folds and flops!

  18. congrats on both awards~waita-congrats on all three!

    The Arte y pico (makes me think of pico de gallo salsa-yum) is a pretty award isn't it?

    I just got that and must post about that....!

  19. Congratulations sweet girl! You more than deserve your awards! That zest looks delish, too. :)

  20. Toontz, Vicarious, Erika, Taste Memory and Cg--thank you all!

    Erika--I'm so happy that you liked the chicken!

  21. man! ~ you have EVERY award, I was just going to send the bwap over....catch you next time!


Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!