Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mango Buffalo Wings with Mango Lime Cream Dipping Sauce

Buffalo Wings--really good. Oven Baked Buffalo Wings--even better. Oven Baked MANGO Buffalo Wings with Mango Cream Dipping Sauce? I think I could eat these every single day.

This is my entry for the Royal Foodie Joust sponsored by The Leftover Queen. April's winner is Michelle at Thursday Night Smackdown. These are both great blogs that I hope you'll all check out. Michelle got to choose the three required ingredients for the current joust, and she chose mango, brown sugar, and cardamom. Great choices, right?

Update: I won the Joust! I'm very excited, and a big thank you all of you that voted, and commented here on my blog. Thank you!

I did a lot of thinking about what I wanted to do. There's lots of sweet choices, but also lots of savory ones. What I came up with is a little of both. The wings are spicy, with a hint of mango, and while oven baked, still nice and crispy. The dipping sauce is perfect alongside the wings. It's cool, creamy, fresh tasting and a little sweet.

Some of you may remember my post on Oven Baked Hooters Style Wings. I knew this was the cooking method I wanted to use for these wings. I thought I could add pureed mango to the Frank's Hot Sauce that the wings get coated in. It worked really well! And even better, it really cut down on the amount of butter in the sauce!

And we'll need something cool and creamy to offset the spicy wings, won't we? Well what if we mix pureed mango with sour cream, add some lime and a bit of brown sugar and cardamom? Yeah, that works! And it helps that it's lick-the-bowl delicious! I'm already thinking of other ways to use this sauce...

I used three mangoes (the last three in the store!) for these two recipes, which was about two cups when pureed.

Mango Buffalo Wings

20 chicken wings
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp cardamom
1/2 cup Frank's Hot Sauce (or another hot sauce, if you prefer)
1/2 cup pureed mango
1/4 cup melted butter or canola oil

Heat oven to 400°. In a large ziptop bag, combine flour and dry spices.
Add the wings to the bag, seal, and toss to coat.
Place the wings on a plate and chill in the fridge for about 30-35 minutes.
In a bowl, mix the pureed mango and hot sauce. Stir in melted butter or oil.

Carefully dip each wing in the sauce, turning to coat. Place on a rimmed baking sheet, covered with foil and lightly greased.
Bake for 40 minutes, carefully turning the wings halfway through cooking time. When the wings are done, remove them from the pan and put them on a cooling rack to prevent them from getting soggy.

Serve with Mango Lime Cream.

Mango Lime Cream Dipping Sauce

Makes approx 2 cups.

1 1/2 cups pureed mango
1/2 cup sour cream
zest of 1 lime
juice of 1/2 a lime
2 tsp brown sugar
3/8 tsp cardamom

Add all ingredients to food processor or blender and process until well blended. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

I have to add that my husband and I just loved these. He's not hard to please, but I can tell when he doesn't like something...he's quiet and politely eats. When he loves something he's eating, he's very vocal and keeps telling me how much he loves it, which he did with these wings. And that sauce is perfect with these. It's cool and creamy, and wonderful for cutting the heat of the wings. I'd suggest giving each person they're own little bowl, because there's going to be lots of double dipping going on, hehe. Not only did he clean his wing bones, but he was sure to get every last drop of the mango lime sauce that he had. And he was looking to see if I had any left to give him. I was feeling nice and tossed him an extra wing, hehe.


  1. oooh, that mango-lime cream sounds so refreshing!

  2. Oh my word this looks good! If only my husband would eat wings!! Mr. Picky Pants is raining on my mango wing parade. Could I do this with chicken tenders, ya think?

  3. Veggiegirl--it's very refreshing, and could be really versatile, too!

    April--yes, you could do tenders! When I bake tenders, I usually do them quickly at 400 for about 15 or so minutes, turning them about halfway through.

  4. These look so, so good - I LOVE buffalo wings!! Great idea to combine it with mango. :)

  5. I love super spicy buffalo wings. Mango-lime cream sounds delicious! :)

  6. mmmmm i love buffalo wings soooo much!!! i could eat almost unlimited amount of these bad boys yum!

  7. These look great! I was all set to try your Amazing Oven Fried Chicken this weekend when I realized I did not have any chicken. Now I have two on my list to try!

  8. Mmm, this sounds and looks fantastic!

  9. I make this same/similar recipe - it's delicious. I just don't cover the wings with Frank's until I'm just ready to serve. lime cream dipping sauce - sinful

  10. Seriously awesome recipe. Fruit goes so well with meat and needs to be done so more often. The whole thing is like dinner and dessert lumped together, I love it! I'm gonna try it with chicken tenders.

    - The Peanut Butter Boy

  11. Oooooooh! Great use of the ingredients, Elle! You're making me want to give mangoes another try. :)

  12. How cool is this. I love the idea of Mango wings and sauce and oven baked blah blah anything. The color of them is great as well.

  13. Oh my gosh, Elle. These sound INCREDIBLE. Unfortunately I already have my plans for dinner picked out tonight but you better believe that I will be making these soon.

  14. i'll just take some of that mango cream in a bowl with a spoon, thanks.

    on one hand, i was hoping to see some pastry with these ingredients. but everyone is getting so creative with their savory dishes, i just can't complain! i am totally making these.

  15. What a great recipe! Very impressive. I love the ways you used the mango. I eat lots of sour cream, and this sounds like a great way to kick it up.

  16. i certainly wouldn't require buffalo wings as an excuse to eat that dipping sauce--it sounds deeeelightful.

  17. Yum! These sound awesome! I think I might make the dipping sauce with plain soy yogurt and leave a few without the Frank's for my son.

  18. Baked mango buffalo wings with mango dipping sauce sounds great!! What a creative dish.

  19. Wow. sounds amazing! I love mango. i will definitely take this recipe for a test spin.

  20. Elle, what a great recipe! You really know what to do with chicken:) I am printing this one too to add to the amazing oven baked chicken you posted earlier. I promised myself to make it sometimes soon. Thank you so much for great recipes!

  21. Hiya Elle,

    I feel 'late' in posting a comment lol

    I couldn't think of anything up for the event so gave it a miss- enjoying everyone's mango creations- very original and good luck with the joust!

  22. Great entry for RFJ. I can just taste it now! All the best in the joust!

  23. These look amazing!! I love wings, and I just saw some great looking mangoes in the store the other day!

  24. Thank you SO much, everyone! :)

  25. Okay, super YUM! We avoid eating chicken, but I will be trying this with shrimp. Do you mind if I blog about it when I do? Thanks for the great entry and inspiration!

  26. Kimi, thanks! And no, I don't mind at all! Please also let me know when you do so I can see how it worked for you!

  27. Oh, those sound fabulous. I love combining mango and heat. I wonder how this would be with Srirachi.

  28. Sarah--from my experience with Sriracha--it would be melt-your-face-hot, hehehe! Which I am WAY to whimpy for, but with Frank's, they're pretty tame. So if you're looking for more heat-go for it! :)

  29. You are brilliant. MANGO? On Chicken Wings? Who'd a thunk it? It sounds wonderful.

    My hubby does the same. When he's quietly eating and not raving... I know that dinner is just "ok!"

  30. These look AMAZING Elle! I could eat this right now! What a superb entry!
    Best of luck! :) I am making these for our next movie night!

  31. Elle,

    LOL, that's how I feel about Franks! To me, Sriracha isn't so hot . . . more sweet.

  32. Mango-coated wings? How cool is that! The dip sounds pretty refreshing.

  33. Hey Elle!!!! i gave you a vote on the joust!!! GL!

  34. wow!! you just made me so hungry!! those wings look delicious; great gourmet spin, too!

  35. I am going to have to try those. They look fabulous!!!

  36. Oh - these look oh so good - you may have just won my vote!

  37. Thanks everyone, so much, for your great comments! You guys are the best!

  38. Oooh girl! Voting has not yet closed, but I think you are clearly the winner!
    Yay, and advanced congrats ; )

  39. Elle, congrats on a well-deserved win in The Joust!

  40. Elle, Congratulation! I did make the shrimp version and it was soooo good! Just posted it on my blog. Thanks for a great entry!

  41. Brittany and Peter, thank you so much!

    Kimi--thank you! And now I have a huge craving for shrimp. I'm going to try it very soon!

  42. Ohhhhhh I love mango and this recipe... looks sooo yummy!

  43. Mango and hot wings were destined to be together, that looks amazing!

  44. Chris and Brilynn, thank you!

  45. They look fantasic Elle:-) I have put mangos on my shopping list:-)
    X M

  46. I came across your recipe earlier today while searching for a good wing place in NH and it instantly caught my attention. My husband and I HAD to try it out right away. We just finished off a mountain of your delicious Mango Buffalo Wings. YUM!

  47. Ellie--thank you so much! I'm thrilled that you and your husband liked them!

  48. I made these New Years Eve and they were wonderful. I used chicken tenders and had to back off on the hot sauce a bit (DH doesn't do hot!). Thanks for a wonderful recipe, I'll be making this again!

  49. Thank you so much, Karen! I'm so happy that you enjoyed them!


Hi guys! I want you to know that I do read each and every comment, and even if I don't respond here, I do try to reply personally through email.

Oh!! If you're leaving a comment for a giveaway, don't forget to leave an email address where I can reach you!