Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's chilly! Let's have chili! And some cornbread wouldn't hurt, either.

Yeah, it's still cold. We've had high winds and even more snow. It didn't stick, but it was still cold! And is there anything better when the temp drops than steamy chili with a piece of oven fresh cornbread? Ok, maybe there are a few things better (or more fun) than food when it's cold, but food is definitely high up on the list. ;)

I love chili. I love it with beef, ground turkey, or pork. I like it with beans, because I'm a Yankee (the kind that lives up north--NOT to be confused with a Yankees fan, which I am not, hehe) , but I also like it without beans, because my good friends in Texas have influenced my cooking over the years. And their threats of bodily harm finally hit home. Kidding! hehehe! It's a hot topic, though, the beans vs. no beans debate.

Whether you like your chili with beans or not, it's a stick-to-your-ribs satisfying meal. Add warm cornbread and you're all set!

I have a few tried and true chili recipes in my files, but the other night, I had some pork chops that I wanted to do something different with. I took a tour of my pantry and fridge and came up with this recipe. It's not spicy, so if you want it hot, make adjustments. And speaking of adjustments, there are millions of chili recipes out there, and everyone's got their favorite. So if you want to use this recipe, feel free to change it to your liking. It's not carved in stone. We'll get to the cornbread in a minute.

Chili with Pork and Chickpeas

olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
4 or 5 cloves of garlic, minced
1 - 1 1/2 lbs pork, cubed into bite-sized pieces
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cocoa
1 tbsp chili powder
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
1 1/2 cups beef broth
2-3 tbsp tomato paste
1 (15 oz) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 (14 oz) can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 jalapeno, seeded and chopped (or not seeded, if you prefer)
small handful chopped cilantro

Heat the oil in a large saute pan over medium high heat.
Add onion and garlic, and saute for about 3 minutes, then add the pork.
Saute for a few minutes and get the pork nicely browned.
Stir in the next 8 ingredients (cumin through red pepper) and stir constantly for about 1 minute.
Add the beef broth and scrape up all the good bits on the bottom of the pan.
Add the tomato paste, chickpeas, tomatoes and jalapeno, bring to a boil.
Cover, reduce heat and simmer about 20 minutes.
Stir in cilantro.
Serve up with a healthy dollop of sour cream or my preference, Greek yogurt, and a sprinkle of shredded cheese.

And don't forget your cornbread! I found this cornbread at Madeline's Adaptations. Hers had everything I like in mine--it's a bit sweet, it has cheese, and it has some corn.
It's a quick throw together bread to have alongside your chili, or with anything else might want it with. It's delicious! I'm always on the lookout for cornbread recipes, and this is one of the best ones I've found.

See the recipe here.


  1. Yum! Chili is always a great comfort food, and that cornbread looks awesome too!

  2. Chili, paprika and cheakpeas? Yum! I'm so into chickpeas lately....healthy cravings :)

  3. That chili looks good. The use of the chick peas is a nice variation.

  4. i like chili too. maybe without pork, but other meat is welcome! another printout of yummies to make:) thank you!

  5. How'd you get your chilli to look so damn good? I made chilli the other day for an event and of course for us to eat; yet to be blogged but the event is for psychgrad & giz. tried,tested and true

    love how you added chopped pieces of pork to chilli...i'll have my chilli with kidney beans and corn too plz

  6. Seriously, for as many people that make chilli, I think there are that many recipes floating around. I've personally never had chili made with pork. It would be interesting to try it - I sometimes find beef just too heavy.

  7. Kevin--thank you!

    Farida--you could even leave meat out if it and add more veggies if you wanted to.

    Pixie--you're so sweet. I'm doing that event, too. I chose spaghetti and meatballs for it. Can't wait to see your chili--I'm sure it's fantastic!

    Giz--I hardly ever use beef anymore. I have found ground turkey to be better for us, and way less expensive. The pork lends itself nicely to the other flavors in chili.

  8. It is quite cool here in upstate NY.
    This chilli would be just the ticket!

  9. OMG it is hotter than heck today and I am totally craving chili now. That cornbread looks awesome, too. Would you believe I've never added actual *corn* to a cornbread? lmfao I'm mental like that. Awesome post as always, Elle!!! XOXO

  10. Maya--thanks! I am beginning to think we won't have a spring, and that we'll go straight to summer.

    cg--it's really good! I usually add a little creamed corn--because I think that's the only possible use in the world for creamed corn, hehe. And it makes the bread really moist.

  11. Looks like a great chili, how well do the chickpeas go in it? I never would have thought to put chickpeas in it but it looks tasty. That cornbread recipe looks awesome, I'll be making it soon. Nice place you got here Elle!

    - The Peanut Butter Boy

  12. Nick--the chickpeas are great in it. They give a nice texture. Some people don't like the mush-factor of regular beans, and these don't have it. It was the first time I've used them in chili, but I'll use them again.

    And thank you!

  13. I have never had chickpeas in chili - I'm definitely going to be trying this!

  14. What an interesting combination. I love chickpeas, so will have to try throwing them in next time chili crosses that "what-to-make-for-dinner" line.

  15. Is it bad that I like cornbread more than chili?
    I've never really liked chili that much. Don't hate me!
    It's ok, but it doesn't do it for me. I'm weird.
    Looks great though!

  16. Mmmm, Chili and Cornbread. One gret comfort food. Looks delicious!

    And I think pork is the better meat to use with chili ;]

  17. Chili is one of those things where I'm always looking for the next great recipe. I don't think I've ever used chickpeas in chili but it looks good.

  18. A fellow chickpea lover! Fabulous. And I actually envy you your cold weather--I love being inside on a cold day and curling up with a warm bowl of chili.

  19. Deborah--I don't know why I was surprised how good they were in chili, they're good in so many things!

    Chou--yes, please give them a try in some chili!

    Emiline--it's not weird at all. I don't hate you for it, hehe! That cornbread is delicious, though.

    Tarah--it's total comfort food!

    Recipegirl--I'm always on the lookout, too. I can't help it, hehe.

    Vicarious--come on over--we have plenty of cold weather to go around, and on the menu today is, coincidentally, spaghetti and meatballs. No chickpeas today, though.

    Thanks everyone!

  20. Elle thank you for leaving a comment on my Blog re Chocolate Orange cake:)I came to have a look at yours and very nice it is too. I like the look of the chilli very much but the cornbread took my attention and your high praise of it. I now have the recipe. It is a similar bread to our Irish Soda Bread. I have maize meal which I think is the same as corn meal. Now all I have to do is figure out your American cups. I have long wanted to make corn bread and am so pleased I have found a tried and tested recipe. I have put your blog on my list

  21. Rhyleysgranny--thank you so much! The cornbread is just delicious, and is elevated to new heights with a drizzle of honey. I'm sure your maize meal must be the equivalent to our cornmeal. Please let me know how it goes!

  22. Hi Elle. I made the cornbread. It was delicious. It all disappeared very quickly. I made chilli to go with it. Thank you. I so love to try home cooking from other places

  23. Hi Elle,

    I'm so happy you liked the cornbread! It's surprising how quick and easy it is to make. I couldn't imagine a better accompaniment than Chili and yours looks delicious! I love adding chickpeas to my Chili too.

  24. RhyleysGranny--I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

    Madeleine--we loved it, thanks for sharing it!


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