Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Double Chocolate Banana Muffins and the Food For Plastic KIDZ Challenge

Ben over at What's Cooking is hosting a Food for Plastic (Kidz) Challenge. Noooo, not plastic kids! Silly...hehe. Tupperware!

What's it all about, you ask? April is Children's Month at Tupperware, and to celebrate, they're donating $1 from the sale of certain items to the Boy's and Girl's Club. What a great cause! Tupperware has a lot of kid's items on sale for 30-50% off, as well. To see them, go take a look at Ben's Tupperware store. Check out those awesome lunch boxes--get a head start on back to school shopping (really, it'll be here before you know it! I'll duck now so you can throw your shoes at me.), and cross one of those off your list!

What is a Food for Plastic Challenge? Well, let me tell you! Ben sells Tupperware, so he hosts these themed challenges. You submit a recipe to the challenge, and they get voted on. The winner usually wins some Tupperware. Pretty cool, right? This one is food for kids. Something you enjoyed as a child, or something your kids love today--you get the idea. Oh, and Ben's blog is packed full of amazing recipes and tons of info, so get your butt over there check it out. Please. :)

My entry is Double Chocolate Banana Muffins. My kids absolutely love these, and really, unless you hate chocolate and/or banana, you'll love them, too. Moist, chocolatey, banana-ey--mmmm! And a tip: you can pop a cooled muffin in the microwave for 30 seconds and get the chocolate chips all melty again. Grab your glass of milk and you're all set for a chocolate break.

Muffins are usually easy to make and these are no exception. You'll have them in the oven in no time. I usually have to set some bananas aside (that means HIDE them from my four monkeys...I mean...kids) to ripen up if I want to make these. I got this recipe years ago in some e newsletter.

Double Chocolate Banana Muffins

1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup baking cocoa
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 1/3 cups mashed ripe banana
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips


1. In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients.
2. In a small bowl, combine bananas, oil and egg.
3. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. The batter is quite thick, but keep folding it gently, making sure to get the batter on the bottom of the bowl, and it'll all come together.
4. Fold in chocolate chips.
5. Fill greased or paper lined muffin cups three fourths full.
6. Bake at 350 deg F for 20-25 minutes or until muffins test done.

My husband was watching me scoop the batter into the pans, and he suggested I sprinkle some walnuts on top of some of them. Nice addition, and those seemed to be "overlooked" by the kids. So finally, we got to enjoy some, too, and didn't have to fight for a measly crumb, hehe. Oh! An ice cream scoop is a great way to get your muffins all the same size, and makes scooping the batter in the pans really easy.


  1. Oh wow, these look like a real treat. I think they will be my next muffin adventure. It doesn't get much better than chocolate and banana.

  2. Chocolate banana muffins with chocolate chips sound good. Yep, chocolate and banana is a good combo.

  3. These look so good..and here I am with only ONE banana left in the kitchen!

  4. Elle, Those look so yummy....Unfortunately, not one banana was left from the bunch I just bought. I couldn’t refuse Ryan from the Leftover Queens forum.
    I have tagged you for a meme.

  5. Double Chocolate Banana Muffins flows in deep dark, sweet waves, a river to ignite my mind and alert my senses
    Chocolate doesn't make the world go around ... but it certainly makes the ride worthwhile! I do also have chocolate site :D check this out

  6. Elle, I am sure my kids would love these too:) I love the combination of banana and chocolate. My daughter loves making muffins, and I think I'll try this one with her. She can't read yet, so the reading part is on me:)) Thanks for the great recipe!

  7. i love choco-choco-banana combo too...well i am a kid at heart *grin*

  8. Oh I could eat one off the screen :)

  9. Elle! OMG the torture of these muffins! I have no bananas in the house, either. That's going to have to be rectified. Ben's event looks fun! Going to check it out...

  10. are there people who hate chocolate? i shudder to think!

    "banana-ey"? you seem to have invented a new word, and i think it'll be used a lot around here. :)

  11. Mmm, looks delicious. I love the combo of chocolate and bananas!

  12. Noble Pig--I have your 2 recent muffin recipes on my list to try. They look SO good!

    Kevin--it is a good combo, isn't it?

    April--that happens to me all the time! I seriously have to hide some bananas from the kids when I plan to make these.

    toontz--thanks for the tag! You're so sweet!

    Alex--I see we feel the same about chocolate. ;)

    Farida--it'll be so much to make them with your daughter. Kids love squishing the bananas.

    Rita--I'm a big kid at heart, too.

    Rhyleysgranny--thank you!

    CG--it's tough for me to keep bananas, too. The kids love them, hehe.

    Grace--I think there are a few people that don't like chocolate! sometimes, I wish I did, hehe.

    Lori--thank you!

  13. Man - I can so see why kids would love this - I don't ever want to grow up - just keep giving me double chocolate chip banana muffins.

  14. Always loved Tupperware but didn't know where to purchase it for many years...but big "DUH" factor on me, should have thought to look online, so thanks for the heads-up! And those cupcakes...NUUMMMMMMYYYY!

  15. Everyone's baking with bananas! I love it!
    These look GREAT.

  16. I love the idea of popping them back in the oven to make the chocolate melty again. Yum!!

  17. Wa-hey! Banana + chocolate = love! Those little muffins are adorable :)

  18. Hiya Elle,

    After the chocolate banana bread I made I know I would absolutely adore this! yummy yummy YUM!


  19. The muffins are fab!

    My question is, do they sell the really big Tupperware that you can keep kids in??? ;)

  20. Giz, JJ, Emiline, Deborah, Ellie, Pixie and Shaye--thank you!

  21. I also fully support any chocolate + banana endeavors. Yum!

  22. Chocolate and Banana muffins. These do look so good.

  23. mmm looks good, have some ripe bananas that need a purpose and both boys love choc! nuts are a great addition to a muffin, add a little protein and omega 3 in for a nutrition boost.

  24. Yum Elle! I have some bananas on my kitchen counter just calling my name!! Thanks :)


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